Looking for Jesus according to John

Romans chapter 6:23

23 But, the wages of sin is mawtha {death}, and The Gift of Alaha {God} is Khaye {Life} that is eternal, in Maran Eshu Meshikha {Our Lord Yeshua, The Anointed One}.

Romans chapter 6


Alaha = God = 7

Alaha Aba = {God, our Father} =

Alahi {MY God} =


Alaha / Alaha Aba / Alahi =


Meshikha {The Anointed one} = 3

Eshu Meshikha {Yeshua, The Anointed one} = 2

Eshu Meshikha Maran = {Yeshua, The anointed One, our Lord} =

Maran Eshu Meshikha = {Our Lord Yeshua, The anointed One} = 2


Eshu Meshikha / Eshu Meshikha Maran / Maran Eshu Meshikha =


- They have eyes but they can’t see!

- They have ears but they can’t hear!
Romans chapters 1-6


Alaha = God = 69

Alaha Aba = {God, our Father} = 1

Alahi {MY God} = 1


Alaha / Alaha Aba / Alahi = 71


Meshikha {The Anointed one} = 5

Eshu Meshikha {Yeshua, The Anointed one} = 10

Eshu Meshikha Maran = {Yeshua, The anointed One, our Lord} = 1

Maran Eshu Meshikha = {Our Lord Yeshua, The anointed One} = 8


Eshu Meshikha / Eshu Meshikha Maran / Maran Eshu Meshikha = 24



- Alaha + Meshikha = WHAT A TEAM!

- They have eyes but they can’t see!

- They have ears but they can’t hear!
Someone says:

I don’t feel edified. What is the purpose of all these statements?

- Well, nothing if you don't see anything!

- It deals with the language of Jesus!

- It is serious stuff!

- We can see that alaha comes first then meshikha!

- We have God and his anointed one working together!

- Paul is clear about that!

- For me, it is incredibly powerful!

- Unbelievable!

- Of course, the letter is not finished!

Romans chapter 7:4

4 And now, my Brothers, you also have died to The Law, in The Body of Meshikha {The Anointed One}, so that you might be for another; The One who arose from the beth miythe {the house/abode of the dead, who gives fruits unto Alaha {God}.

Romans chapter 7


Alaha = God = 1

Alaha Aba = {God, our Father} =

Alahi {MY God} =


Alaha / Alaha Aba / Alahi = 1


Meshikha {The Anointed one} = 1

Eshu Meshikha {Yeshua, The Anointed one} =

Eshu Meshikha Maran = {Yeshua, The anointed One, our Lord} =

Maran Eshu Meshikha = {Our Lord Yeshua, The anointed One} =


Meshikha / Eshu Meshikha / Eshu Meshikha Maran / Maran Eshu Meshikha = 1


- They have eyes but they can’t see!

- They have ears but they can’t hear!

1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians and Romans are major letters and were written between 54 and 56

- In Romans chapter 1 (verses 1-32), the terms connected to Alaha appear 23 times and those connected to Meshikha appear 5 times!

- There is a big difference and Alaha is far ahead of Meshikha!

- Here Paul enhances God’s part who is our Father!

- he also enhances His Power and Righteousness and Wrath and Hidden Things and Glory and Truth and Judgment!
In Romans chapter 2 (verses 1-29), the terms connected to Alaha appear11 times and those connected to Meshikha appear once!

- It looks like 1 Corinthians chapter 2!

- Thus Alaha is ahead of Meshikha!

- Here Paul enhances God’s part in connection with The Judgment of God, His Leniency, His long-suffering Spirit and The name of God!

- In Romans chapter 3 (verses 1-31), the terms connected to Alaha appear 15 times and those connected to Meshikha appear 3 times!

- Thus Alaha is ahead of Meshikha!

- Here Paul enhances God’s part with The Words of God, The faith of God, The Righteousness of God, The Truth of God, The Fear of God, The Glory of God and His long-suffering Spirit!

  • John and his brother James were characterized by zeal, passion and ambition!
  • In his early days with Jesus, at times John acted rashly, recklessly, impetuously, and aggressively!
  • In spite of these youthful expressions of misdirected passion, John aged well!
  • He began to understand the need for humility in those who desired to be great!
  • John’s is the only gospel that records Jesus washing the disciples’ feet!
  • John was passionately devoted to the proclamation of truth!
  • No one in Scripture, except Jesus, had more to say about the concept of truth!
  • At the same time, John is also called the “apostle of love”!
  • In his own gospel, he refers to himself as “the one whom Jesus loved”!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

John 2: Jesus goes to Jerusalem for the Passover. In the temple merchants are selling animals to make sacrifices and there are also money brokers. With a whip Jesus drives them out of the temple.

- Corruption everywhere!

- Everything was normal!

- Turning God’s word upside down!

- And Jesus has to do that!

- And the religious leaders haven’t done anything!

- What about today?

- What do you think he will do when he comes back because he will find the same situation?

- No more time to lose, only action!

- Cleaning the earth for the new promised land to open its doors for those who will have won their pass!

- It won’t be the time to wake up!

- It will be the time to check for those who have their pass!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

John 3: Nicodemus, a Pharisee, a ruler of the Jews, comes to Jesus at night and he tells him they know he comes from God because of the signs he performs!

- Do religious leaders know what they want to know and don’t what they don’t want to?

- They know who Jesus is right at the beginning!

- Nicodemus doesn’t want the other Pharisees to know he is coming to see Jesus!

- He is afraid of the other Pharisees!


- Next time Jesus comes he will come as a warrior to purify the earth and put an end to this human society!

- Who is really waiting for Jesus to come this way?

- When he came first they were waiting for a human king!

- Next time he will come as a king and who is preparing for his coming?

- Almost no one!

- But it has been written for a long time!

- It will be a surprise but it shouldn’t!
Jesus vs the religious leaders
John 3

- Jesus explains that to see Yah.weh’s Kingdom it is necessary to be born again!

- Nicodemus doesn’t understand!

- And Jesus keeps on explaining it is necessary to be born from water and spirit!

- But Nicodemus still doesn’t understand!

- So Jesus asks him how he can be a teacher of Israel not knowing these things!

- Thus he won’t understand if he tells him about heavenly things if he can’t understand earthly things!

- Knowledge vs Ignorance

- Inability to understand because of man’s tradition: is it different today?

- Man’s tradition is a virus preventing man from understanding the Bible!

- It is necessary to open one’s mind and heart!

- It is necessary to renew one’s personality!

- It is necessary to dig hard again and again!

- It is necessary to show Yah.weh we want a special relationship with him!

- We must never have enough with Yah.weh’s word!

- We must share what we learn again and again!

- We must encourage others to do the same!

- And the best way is to give our own example!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

John 5:

Jesus cures a paralytic who has been ill for 38 years on the Sabbath.

So the Jews begin to say to the cured man: “It is the Sabbath, and it is not lawful for you to carry the mat.”

- In fact they are only interested by man’s tradition when it is good for their own interests but when it is not they don’t care especially when nobody is there.

- It is also clear they have no heart, they are completely closed to man’s pain and suffering and are only looking for their own interests. They think that religion is a business and also a way to control people and maintain them in ignorance.

- They have no respect for this man who has been a paralytic for all his life, they are disgusting and spiritually dead!

- Do we show respect to Yah.weh by seriously studying the Bible?

- Or do we prefer to let the matter to others?

- In both cases the responsibility will be ours!

- We can’t hide behind others!

- We won’t be able to say I didn’t know!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

John 7

- Jesus teaches in the temple!

- The Jews are surprised because he has not studied at the schools!

- If you don’t belong to the same mafia, they can’t accept you because you are different. Jesus is different, it has always been so in this world that’s why we are where we are and it also explains the impossibility to adapt and to stay close to man’s tradition! That’s why we get empty speeches! Of course, Jesus teaches but we have many examples of his dialogues with different types of people and he always has an answer and he always tries to make people think!

- Living teachings vs empty speeches!

- Fullness vs emptiness!

- The world is empty!

- The majority is empty!

- It has always been so!

- Yah.weh’s word vs man’s tradition!

- We have to make a choice!

- We have to look for Yah.weh’s word, not for man’s tradition!

- Are we active or passive?

- We can’t stay behind!

- We have to go ahead!

- We can’t look back!

- There is only one way!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

John 7:

- Jesus explains to them that his teaching is from God the one who sent him!

- And Jesus is seeking the glory of the one who sent him!

- Yes, Jesus seeks God’s glory while the religious leaders seek their own glory!

- To understand that, we just have to think about Jesus’ life with nothing for him and about how the religious leaders live!

- Yes, all the time Jesus clearly showed that he was serving the interests of his Father, not his own!

- And he will always do it!

- He is not someone who changes according to the wind!

- He is straight in his boots!

- For him, there is no other possible way!

- What about us?
Jesus vs the religious leaders

John 7:

- People usually judge according to their outward appearance!

- We get everywhere the same bad show with puppets!

- Fakes everywhere!

- It is so ridiculous!

- It is definitely related to this primitive and superficial world!

- They should judge with righteous judgment!

- Here we get the real conclusion of Jesus vs the religious leaders!

- Unfortunately in this world, it’s not going to change, that’s the root of badness, the impossibility to judge with righteous judgment, really boring, and it’s everywhere the same story!

- When Jesus will come back, what a shock!

- It will be completely different!

- It will probably hard for the survivors understand what’s on!

- When you have been living in a world completely contaminated!

- Think about the hebrews going out of Egypt!

- They wanted to go back!

- They preferred slavery to freedom!

- They preferred human dictators to Yah.weh!

- They quarreled all the time against Yah.weh and Moses!

- And finally they didn’t get into the promised land!

- Only Joshuah and Caleb!

- Only two men out of the multitude!

- It has always been so, why should it be different?

- And the worst today, we are completely contaminated!

- Life or death exactly like in the case of Adam and Eve!

- No exit!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

John 7:

- The chief priests and the Pharisees ask the officers why they haven’t brought Jesus with them!

- They answer by saying no one has ever spoken like him!

- When you know someone and you know about his life and he says what he lives, his words are powerful otherwise it is only empty words! Then you can compare it to what you live and it makes sense otherwise it is nonsense!

- No one has ever spoken like him!

- And here he only speaks!

- Now think about usual speeches!

- Only words!

- When Jesus speaks, it is not only words!

- It is a living experience!

- it is all the time he spent with his Father learning constantly from him!

- It is all the time he spent among Yah.weh’s organization in Heaven with all the angels!

- Remember when he was 12 in the temple and everybody was astounded!

- And remember: when he speaks to you, he knows what you think!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

John 7:

- The Pharisees ask the officers if they have not been misled, adding that not one of the rulers or of the Pharisees has put faith in him!

- Always the same mafia like everywhere!

- Typically human!

- We are the ones who know better!

- But Jesus tells them they don’t know anything!

- And they add that the crowd do not know the law and are accursed people!

- Nicodemus tells them they can’t judge a man without hearing from him and learning what he is doing!

- Sometimes you get people who are a bit more intelligent!

- But they don’t care!

- They answer by saying no prophet is to be raised up out of Galilee!

- Religious leaders use intimidation to force people: if Pharisees don’t put faith in Jesus, it is because it is against their own interests and power but they know who he is!

- They think that normal people who are not like them are ignorant and accursed people, so they are conceited!

- They are supposed to be the teachers so if the people they are supposed to teach don’t know the Law, it means they are teachers who are good to nothing!

- Nicodemus went to see Jesus at night that’s why he speaks that way in favor of Jesus!

- They don’t know that Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, what a shame, they don’t even check the facts, they are not serious but ridiculous!

- Think: Jesus is an incredible teacher and everybody speaks about him!

- It goes everywhere!

- Far better than modern media!

- And religious leaders don’t hear about it!

- Who is going to believe that?

- Well, today everybody believes everything and nothing!

- But worse: everybody speaks about his miracles and what miracles!

- Of course, it spreads faster and faster!

- That’s why they want to kill him!

- Wake up! We are not speaking about today where everybody is in front of his tv!

- At Jesus’ time, everybody was speaking with everybody!

- When someone speaks about something, all at once, it spreads everywhere in an instant as individuals tell the story to individuals!

- Today people stay in front of their tv!

- Modern people can’t even imagine!

- Don’t dream: the modern world, it is not today’s world!

- Can they still imagine anything?

- It is so hard for them to open a book!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

John 8:

- Jesus tells them he is the light of the world!

- On the one hand, light, on the other hand, darkness: apparently, the choice is easy, but people often prefer darkness!

- He also tells them they judge according to the flesh whereas he does not judge any man at all. And if he does, his judgment is truthful, because he is not alone, but God is with him!

- Good judgment vs bad judgment and partiality!

- A bad human specialty!

- Today there is absolutely no light!

- Man is only good for darkness!

- If you watch tv or listen to the radio or read the newspaper, there are plenty of words, I mean empty words!

- People speak to fill emptiness with more emptiness!

- In fact, people speak to say nothing!

- Completely the opposite of Jesus!

- That’s why he used parables!

- It reminds of his Father’s way using visions and dreams with such precision that there was no difference!

- Today it is quite simple: there is no precision, nothing!

- Youngsters can’t even express themselves!

- Everywhere you get tele reality or hyper superficiality!

- Today we can add hyper everywhere meaning hyper emptiness!

- Let’s say hyper progress but it is only hyper emptiness!

- Nothing has any value except money that is again hyper emptiness!

- In the same time man is busy destroying everything which has real value nature and life!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

John 8:

Jesus tells the Pharisees they are Abraham’s offspring but they are seeking to kill him, because his word makes no progress among them!

- Jesus teaches about Yah.weh whereas the religious leaders teach man’s tradition!

- We must be careful about what we learn: the way leading to Yah.weh or man’s tradition which goes nowhere!

- Jesus tells us not to be blind followers!

- Some may prefer John, some may prefer another Gospel! In fact, there are four Gospels and each one enhances certain points! I would give the image of the hand: it has five fingers, some may be more useful than others, when someone loses one, he realizes it is better to have five fingers and losing one is a great miss!

- The majority often forgets one essential point: Yah.weh gave us the whole Bible that is 66 books!

- There is no other book with such diversity, with so many prophets who show us the way to Yah.weh!

- Those who reduce the Bible to a small portion will never understand the Bible!

- Each book is a key leading to Yah.weh!

- We can learn from the good and the bad examples!

- We must keep going away from the bad examples and keep following the good ones!

- This continuity is essential not only to get closer to Yah.weh but to develop a strong relationship to him!

- No continuity no Yah.weh nothing: just emptiness!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

John 8:

Jesus tells them Yah.weh is not their Father because they don’t love him!

- But he comes from Yah.weh!

- And he has come because Yah.weh sent him!

- So why don’t they understand him?

- Because they can’t listen to his word!

- Because they come from their father the devil!

- And they want to do his will!

- He started as a murderer and against the truth!

- He is a liar and the father of the lie!

- On the contrary, Jesus says the truth and they don’t believe him!

- Truth vs lie!

- Yah.weh vs the devil!

- The religious leaders don’t really care about Yah.weh and about the truth!

- We can’t look for our own interests and Yah.weh’s interests: we need to make a choice!

- They can’t understand Jesus because he speaks the truth!

- Which example do we want to follow?

- The choice we make is essential and we must be careful doing it!

- We can’t accuse others because of our own responsibilities!

- Making a choice!

- And keeping this choice!

- Actively!

- And we need knowledge!

- And personal study!

- Everything must be clear and precise in our mind!

- Remember in the bible there is no difference between dreams and visions!

- The human beings who describe them do it with extreme precision!

- We are dealing with extreme knowledge!
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