Looking for Jesus according to Luke

Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 4: Good reports about Jesus spread throughout all the surrounding country. And he begins to teach in the synagogues and is held in honor by all.

- There it appears that everything starts well for Jesus.

- But it’s only the beginning!
- Jesus is going to be clear about his message!

- He is not here to tell people what they want to hear but God’s word!

- That’s why the religious leaders are going to oppose him right at the beginning!

- And this fight will go on till his death!

- He will never accept the corruption of God’s word, no never!

- Thus they recognized who he was!

- But he became a threat to their power right at the beginning!

- Yes, power leads to corruption!

- And corruption is fuelled by power!

- It is the same today, there is no difference!

- And the message of corruption has not changed!

- It keeps spreading everywhere!

- The problem is not corruption, the problem is how to get away from corruption!

- When Jesus comes back, he will check how people have done their best to get away from corruption!

- Corruption will be the mark to be put away from the new promised land!

- It will be like a virus which prevents people from getting into the new promised land!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 4: Jesus then goes to Nazareth and he enters the synagogue on the Sabbath day and he reads about the prophet Isaiah and he speaks about the Messiah and he tells the audience that the words of the prophet are fulfilling that day!

- Jesus tells the religious leaders that he is the Christ from the Bible and the one they are waiting for and his miracles prove who he really is!

- So once again they have all the information!

- They can’t say we don’t know or we didn’t know!

- They reject him because it is against their own interests so they oppose him all the time and they have no excuse!

- When Jesus comes back next time it won’t be peaceful but as a warrior!

- There won’t be any way to escape!

- Everyone will receive according to his own actions!

- It will be violent for everybody!

- That’s why it is necessary to get ready!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 4

- At first Jesus is well accepted!

- But they don’t understand how he can speak as he speaks because he is the son of a carpenter!

- As usual people judge according to appearances!

- You can’t behave that way when you come from Yah.weh!

- People must see that you act differently!

- People must see that you think differently!

- Thus you show that you understand Yah.weh’s word!

- And they want him to do what he did in Capernaum!

- But Jesus explains that no prophet is accepted in his home territory!

- So they start to be angry at him!

- And they throw him out of the city and try to kill him!

- But he goes away from them!

- Knowledge vs Ignorance

- Jesus tells exactly who the religious leaders are and they don’t like the truth!

- They don’t accept where he comes from and the fact he knows what he knows without having studied!

- They refuse to accept the truth because of man’s tradition!

- If you let yourself be influenced by man’s tradition, you will never understand Yah.weh’s word!

- First you need to free yourself from man’s tradition!

- It is the first step!

- You must get away from the past and start from scratch!

- You must renew yourself!

- You must put on the new personality!

- Then you must keep studying and checking and searching every day!

- It is the second step!

- And keep thinking of what you learn just like when you eat and drink and breathe and drive and sleep and walk!

- It is the third step!

- And keep following these three steps!

- They want to kill him all at once because they refuse the truth but he doesn’t let them do it!

- You must never stop learning!

- It is the fourth step or a combination of the first three steps!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 4:

In Capernaum, a city of Galilee, he is teaching them on the Sabbath!

- And they are surprised because of his teaching as he speaks with authority.

- Jesus has authority because people can see that what he says and thinks and does is one and that he really cares about people and he is the same all the time with all kinds of people, he makes no difference. He doesn’t live in big houses, he has nothing for himself! Now when you look at religious leaders, it is completely the opposite, there is no possible comparison, it is TRUTH VS LIE!

-Truth vs Lie!

- Everywhere lies are spreading!

- It is connected with corruption!

- The only way to fight corruption is to study the Bible seriously and with precision!

- We can’t let others say lies without checking what they say!

- If we don’t check, we are responsible!

- Let’s remember the Bereans!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 5:

- Jesus decides to go aboard a boat and begins teaching the crowds from the boat!

- For Jesus, any situation is fine to teach people, any time, anyone, he has no limit, he is always ready to do his Father’s will, he lives God, he eats God, he drinks God, he sleeps God! Now think about religious leaders: do you see the big difference, I should say the CANYON between him and them or the EVEREST?

- Do we live Yah.weh?

- Do we eat Yah.weh?

- Do we drink Yah.weh?

- Do we sleep Yah.weh?

- Do we breathe Yah.weh?

- Whatever we do?

- Wherever we go?

- Whenever?

- There is nothing more important than him?

- Remember: This world has nothing to offer!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 5:

- Jesus is teaching!

- Pharisees and teachers of the Law are listening to him!

- They have come from Galilee, Judea and Jerusalem!

- And God’s power is with him to do healing!

- So they can see all the miracles of Jesus thus they have no excuse when they oppose him!

- In fact, they know everything about Jesus!

- Then he forgives the sins of a paralyzed man!

- And then he cures him to show them that he has authority on earth to forgive sins!

- And people are seized with amazement and glorify God and are filled with awe!

- But not the religious leaders!

- Jesus can read their thoughts but they don't even care about it! They know everything but they don’t care at all because it is against their own interests!

- Those who care are amazed but it is not the case of the religious leaders!

- When you accept someone, you must show you accept him with acts!

- You must demonstrate it!

- You must be hot not cold!

- We must follow Jesus’ example when he follows his Father by actions and words!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 5:

- The Pharisees and the scribes don’t understand why Jesus eats with tax collectors and sinners!

- How is it possible to ask such stupid questions?

- The answer is in Jesus’ life, you open your eyes and you shut your mouth!

- That’s why Yah.weh looked for faithful leaders through experience and hard life!

- First of all, we are all sinners, So!

- Think about what people are doing on Christian sites!

- Jesus came on earth to help all kinds of people, so!


- Yah.weh kept sending his prophets to Israel!

- And the Hebrews kept rejecting them!

- And there is no difference with mankind!

- Jerusalem was destroyed twice!

- Soon mankind will get the same punishment!

- There is nothing new!

- And it is not going to change!

- Man will never understand!

- But individuals can understand!

- It is a question of life and death!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 5:

- Jesus is asked why his disciples don’t fast!

- He answers that the friends of the bridegroom can’t fast while the bridegroom is with them!

- But when he will be taken away from them then they will fast!

- They know nothing and they always ask Jesus but they don’t understand!

- Jesus patiently answers them!

- People follow Jesus because he teaches them and they can learn something from him!

- But the question is stupid!

- It comes from people who only think about themselves and their interests!

- Think about Yah.weh’s prophets!

- They were always busy serving Yah.weh!

- They had no time to lose!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 6: At this some of the Pharisees say: “Why are you doing what is not lawful on the sabbath?”

- Insensitive!

- Superficial!

- Only looking for appearances!

- Unable to put oneself in question!

- Senile in their brain!

- Unable to evolve!

- Limited!

- No perspective!

- Mentally dead!

- Yah.weh is the God of the ones who are alive!

- We must show we are alive, meaning we are active!

- We just have to open our eyes and ears to understand the importance of the situation!

- There is no time to lose!
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