Jesus is NOT God

Sadly, the Scriptures completely contradict you:

He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and the name He was known by is The Word of God. (Voice)
Not one little bit does this Scripture contradict me in any way what so ever. I've explained this several times.

TITLE, proper noun = <The Word of God>

common noun = word, as in the literal word of God, God's word, the word of Scripture, etc.

Not every use of the word "word" in Scripture refers to the title in Revelation. John 1:1 is one of those times.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and what God was the Word was. NOTE: Not one time in this verse is the title <The Word of God>. It's just not there.

Again, words are WHAT's not WHO's. Everyone knows this. Trinitarians pretend words are WHO's, the title in Revelation notwitstanding.

Hope this helps.
Again, words are WHAT's not WHO's. Everyone knows this. Trinitarians pretend words are WHO's, the title in Revelation notwitstanding.

You're blabbing on trying to explain away a clear verse didn't change it.

It still says he is called the Word.
You're blabbing on trying to explain away a clear verse didn't change it.​

It still says he is called the Word.
Absolutely not! Jesus is NOT called the word. You cannot take parts of a title and apply common words to that title. This is especially true from one book to another.

No babbling. Proper nouns (& titles). Common nouns. Not the same.

Let me say it again:
Title: Jesus is wearing a robe with the title <Word of God> -- Person, not a thing.
Common noun. God's word, the word of YHWH --> A thing, not a person but an attribute of a person.

Your idolatry is so desperate that you have to reach for this because there is no trinity verse in Scripture, no verse that says what you want. Jesus is not God because there is only one true God and his eternal name is YHWH, this is the name he is to be remembered for all time.
So then who did they see in Exodus 24:10-11?

The supreme being inhabits the cosmos by means of a spirit element. He created
the cosmos by means of a vocal element. He interacts with people by means of a
material element.

But I strongly suspect that the supreme being has never been here in person; not
even once. It appears to me that the supreme being is sequestered in a sort of
forbidden city located somewhere outside the cosmos, in another dimension, where
nobody except His son can get to Him. (1Tim 6:16)

The Watchtower Society is infatuated with the Old Testament name Jehovah; but I
am very certain they don't really know who it is, or what it is, they're dealing with.
1. No one has seen God.

2. Jesus has seen God.

3. Therefore, logically, Jesus must BE God.

Even by his own logic, lol.
You have the wrong concept of 'seen.' Not seen as in visibly seeing with physical eyes. This seeing means experiencing in spirit and mind. So your logic fell apart before it even began with a pen, in your mind.
You have the wrong concept of 'seen.' Not seen as in visibly seeing with physical eyes. This seeing means experiencing in spirit and mind. So your logic fell apart before it even began with a pen, in your mind.

I'm using his, not mine.

So thanks for disproving his logic for me.
I've never heard in my entire life someone who thought the passage was naming the robe and not Jesus.

It's talking about Jesus not his robe.
Oy vey. That's what you got out of my post? That's not what I said at all. Again, I'll use an analogy.

In the movie Rocky, the heavyweight champion was named Apollo Creed. He had a nickname or title of <Master of Disaster>. The reason I put his title in <> is to emphasize you cannot take a part of his title and pretend that is also his title. That is a false substitution.

For example, suppose elsewhere someone says 'my master is the head honcho of the universe.' One cannot deduce that "master" in that sentence refers the the person with the title <Master of Disaster>. Furthermore, one cannot double down on this false extrapolation to conclude the head honcho of the universe is named Apollo Creed.

I know you know this. And I know you do not want to understand:
  1. Definition
  2. Logic
  3. Language Usage
  4. Explicit Scripture
That goes against your doctrine.
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