Why The Trinity Is Wrong: Logic

Is Jesus called "the Word of God"?!
Semantics does not change metaphysics. Figurative speech does not over rule literal reality. Just because Jesus is called this does not mean that John 1:1 is invoking another being but the literal reasoning of God.
Semantics does not change metaphysics. Figurative speech does not over rule literal reality. Just because Jesus is called this does not mean that John 1:1 is invoking another being but the literal reasoning of God.

So... that's a "yes"?

How do you know John 1 isn't being "figurative" in the same way?
So... that's a "yes"?

How do you know John 1 isn't being "figurative" in the same way?
Because the entire Bible is the work product of monotheist Jews with the possible exception of Luke. The word of god is a god like other authorities - like the law - but that is not the same as another being.

To suppose John 1:1 is talking figuratively is to deny the most anti-trinitarian book in the whole Bible, as John explicitly tells us at 20:31 that everything he wrote was to prove something other than the idea that Jesus is God; namely, that Jesus is God’s Anointed. So, it is funny to see trinitarians try to twist 1:1 – and indeed, his entire Gospel - to have a purpose other than what John explicitly stated is the purpose of his Gospel!

John is a greater authority for his purpose in writing the Gospel over trinitarians exegesis interpretation.
As long as you expertly neuter John 1.

You are good to go!
LOL. Just properly interpreting John 1 in the context of the entire Gospel and all of Scripture.

The whole reason trinitarians are desperate to take John 1:1 to be figurative is because the man is god thesis is so lacking throughout the 66 book collection.

Let me ask you this, do you suppose Deut 18:15-18 should be interpreted that a separate Being or personage of Jesus was to one day be put in the mouth of one among the people that God chose?
LOL. No one is denying the original language. Point is the reasoning of God is not another Being.
It is if it was "with" God. Because it also most certainly "was" God.

The Holy Spirit is also God, and it is a separate "person" from Jesus and the Father (1 John 5:7 - " For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.") And we also have Jesus promising the "Comforter" who would come (John 16:7). The Comforter was not Jesus, nor is He the Father, yet He is certainly God because He is the Spirit of God.
It was necessary to edit this post. It's not something we'd like to do but the reason we had to do it in this case is the poster wasn't here to engage in conversation but to Cause division. We have his IP address and we know exactly who it is and it's been going on for a few weeks now.
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It is if it was "with" God. Because it also most certainly "was" God.
It is the other way around. The words are charged in Christiandom, lord and god. They are basically synonyms. Neither is personal name but a title.

Putting aside how god is sometimes used as a species, these titles mean dominion. It is not merely the person who has dominion but their words. So, in this sense, the authority was both with the person (the supreme person) and with their expressed intent, voice, reasoning, words, logos, etc.

We do still today consider the words of an authority as having dominion, such as a Supreme Court ruling. Ever notice also how people say someone lorded "it" over them? What is lorded is not a person in that context, right?
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