Since I didn't say it, it's irrelevant. Can we stick with what's relevant please?I didn’t say you said it. No strawman.
If you still don’t understand why I am bringing this as a counterargument, I invite you to think and then, if in doubt, ask.
If I was truly a Unitarian then John 1:1 "the Word was God" would then make me a Modalist. Tell us how you, as a Unitarian, can believe John 1:1 and not be a Modalist?My crazy idea comes from the fact that The text says “at the right of God” and not “at the right of the Father”.
God cannot sit on the right hand of Himself.
So, Jesus is one Person, and God is another Person.
Once again, your mind betrayed your words. Your mind read “The Father” when the text said “God”.
This happens because, as the rest of us, you can only visualize The Father as God.
You are not a Trinitarian, synergy. You can’t be. Your God is and has always been One Person: The Father.
You're mixing up obeisance/reverence with worship. What's happening at the Father's Throne is definitely worship, not obeisance.
- You don’t know what “worshiping Jesus” means.
- Your definition of an idol is incorrect. Jesus cannot be an idol, neither for Trinitarians nor for Unitarians. An idol takes us away from God. Jesus takes us to God.
Your attempt to downgrade the worship that is given to the Father's Throne down to obeisance will not work.You have the right to repeat your arguments, as I to refute them, as many times as needed.
- Your definition of idolatry is primitive and irrelevant to the choices we make in our daily life.
- Finally, Your three-step argument is incorrect: Praising Jesus and bowing to Jesus is not idolatry, because it is done not for the sake of Jesus, but for the glory of the Father, who is the Only and True God.
This is typical of how heresies always attempt to downgrade the Deity of the Father and the Son.