Yes, Jesus is a person AND a Person, a capital "P" Person. Jesus is also God. Do we agree on that?
The issue has nothing to do with the argument I am making, because I am using examples about God Himself.
I'm saying God is not Love, literally. My argument lies on personhood and not on deity.
Incorrect. In John 14:6 the two are not mutually exclusive conditions and thinking they are mutually exclusive conditions is the mistake in need of correction.
Of course
they are mutually exclusive conditions, and your view needs correction.

Jesus cannot be The Truth, The Light, The Life, The Door of the Sheep or the Bread descended from Heaven
both literally and metaphorically. He can be all that
only metaphorically, because a Person (divine or not) cannot be an abstract concept or an inanimate object.
No, love is not an abstract concept, and the Bible elsewhere describes and defines love in some decidedly concreate and not abstract ways.
Love is an abstract concept.
description of an abstract concept includes, certainly,
concrete examples.
If you want to describe what "heat" is, you will refer to concrete objects and actions, like molecules in movement, or to concrete examples, like boiling water. But "heat" is not the molecules and not the boiling water. Heat is an abstract concept.
Do we
really need to go explaining what is an abstract concept and what is not, JoshebB?
No, we do not know that and if that is what you think you know then we have the makings of another op where the ontology og God relative to the biblical definition of love can be discussed.
My assumption is that you are a theist, and that you believe in a Personal God.
If my assumption is true, then you believe that God is not literally Love, but a Person who loves.
None of that is correct. For example, a lamb is an animal, but Jesus being the lamb of God is an abstraction.
Whatever debate we may have on whether "X" is an animal, a concept abstract, a beam of photons, etc.
the point is the same: Jesus IDENTITY, PERSONHOOD, is not that of an animal, or abstraction, or beam of photons.
Therefore, whenever Jesus says
"I am X" and X is an animal, abstract concept or beam of photons, He cannot be speaking literally.
Then you have contradicted and thereby refuted the argument asserting abstraction and the literal are two different and irreconcilable conditions.
No, my brother: I'm saying that a Person cannot be a non-Person. Those are
irreconcilable conditions.
Either if
"way" refers to a physical road, or refers to an abstract concept (such as "method" or" process") in both cases Jesus cannot be speaking literally and metaphorically at the same time. He is speaking only metaphorically.
This discussion boils down to the simple fact you do not believe Jesus was being literal
On the contrary, I believe Jesus is a literal Person. That's exactly why I don't believe He is literally the Morning Star, the Truth, or The Way, or The Word. That's why I believe that He, as a Person, thinks, speaks and acts as the Morning Star, The Truth, The Way, or The Word.
The purchase of space for diversity is attempted by claiming abstraction, but the abstraction does not dictate diversity. Jesus cannot claim to be the only way if multiple ways exist.
Step 1 is accepting these sayings as metaphorical.
Step 2 is accepting that , if Jesus claims of exclusivity
are not based on his identity as an individual, but
on the efficacy of his Message, humans have always had access to The Truth, The Life or The Word or The Light. They have always have had The Way in the absence of a Jesus who can be heard or observed, both in times of King David or in times of President Trump. Both in the Tibet and in Jerusalem.
Step 3 is to accept that God has sent Messengers (and other channels) to convey Truth, Life, Light... to become the Way for people at their time.
He cannot claim his Person is the only way if other persons are also ways to God.
That's correct. That's why I am insisting that the Way to God was not His Person, but what his Person thought, spoke and did.
Noah, Moses, Elijah were The Way to God. Not ways to Beelzebub or destruction.
He cannot claim his teachings or his philosophy, or his manner of living are the only way if others' teaching, others' philosophies, or others' manner of living are also way to God.
If those ways do the job, they prove to be the Same and Only, Eternal Way.
If those ways fail to do the job, they are not the Same and Only Way. They are "another gospel" and should be rejected.
Hatred, arrogance, physical pleasures, wealth, popularity, political power, etc have consistently failed to do the job. They are not The Way, regardless of who is preaching those things.