Active member
I agree with the principle, but not with your definition of "the gospel."At this point we can agree that God has preached the gospel to all men at all times. Do we agree on this in principle?
Yep.If God has preached the gospel to all men at all times, then God must have kept that message consistent in essence, since God cannot contradict Himself. As you have said, God is extra-rational but not irrational.
Either forget that dross about "essence," or acknowledge the essence of the gospel is Jesus crucifies and resurrected as the only means of coming to God. As you say, anything other than Jesus crucified and resurrected is not the essence of the "message," but you cannot play fast and loose with words and not expose your posts to correction. The word "gospel" and the word "message" are not identical, especially not in the context of the gospel of Jesus. You commit fallacies of false equivalence, ambiguity, and construction when you change words in the middle of a case.Therefore, if we in principle admit to the idea that both Moses and Jesus were right... that both spoke what God ordered them to speak, then the Message of both, the eternal gospel, should be one in essence. Anything that we find different, is not the essence of such Message.
It is not rational.
It is, therefore, also not godly.
I am NOT trying to sound judgmental, but I do want you to look at the contents of your own posts because I assume you do not want to be making ungodly, irrational arguments, and I assume that if and when you recognize them, you'll immediate feel the "pinch" of those errors and seek to correct your own errors. You cannot presume to act as a religiously or spiritually enlightened and informed individual and post fallacy. None of us can.
You ask anyone here who's traded posts with me before and they will ALL tell you this is one of the most inconvenient and frustrating aspects of trading posts with me. I can be exacting in a forensic analysis and none of us like it if and when our own faults are revealed. The spiritual man corrects his mistakes. The fleshly man defends the errors.
Therefore, anytime you appeal to "the gospel," and that gospel is anything other than Jesus crucified and resurrected, then you are NOT talking about the same gospel. On every single occasion where that occurs either the fallacy of false equivalence or the fallacy of ambiguity has been committed.
Galatians 1:6-9
I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel; which is really not another; only there are some who are disturbing you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed! As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed!
Paul wrote those words because many people tried to lay claim to the term "gospel" but were teaching teachings contrary to Jesus being the only way to God. Paul had harsh words for that condition. He said those people were to be accursed. Now we do not curse people in internet discussion boards. We try to reason through the scriptures with them, politely and respectfully

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