In Calvinism... where is the love?

Is this what you want to talk about?

“All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away” (Isaiah 64:6).

I think we could make a good thread here on the Forum out of it .
You brought it up, I didn't.
You did jump into it by asking the question.

Then you threw in your little snide remark

And now you want to back out of it and act like you had nothing to do with it. Like a dog running home with his tail between his legs.
Inferring Calvinists are filthy rags is not a snide remark? See post #55. Now it's time to play the victim card?

I am not backing out of anything. You started it and I am happy to finish it.
Inferring Calvinists are filthy rags is not a snide remark? See post #55. Now it's time to play the victim card?

I am not backing out of anything. You started it and I am happy to finish it.
Let's get It On.

But let's get one thing straight, I'll fill you on in on a little background. I've been totally minding my own business on my little Daily Devotional thread when up pops up an antagonistic unloving calvinist. Who totally disregarded the spot on this forum to discuss Calvinism and proceeded for 5 days to harass me for no reason and in the wrong section of the Forum. The administration deleted most of this posts And asked him to stop all to no avail. Therefore I decided to bring it back at him and his Calvinists cohorts.

And trust me you won't finish anything. But let's see what you got. If you claim to be a calvinist we know it's not love. Because there's no love in Calvinism.
Let's get It On.

But let's get one thing straight, I'll fill you on in on a little background. I've been totally minding my own business on my little Daily Devotional thread when up pops up an antagonistic unloving calvinist. Who totally disregarded the spot on this forum to discuss Calvinism and proceeded for 5 days to harass me for no reason and in the wrong section of the Forum. The administration deleted most of this posts And asked him to stop all to no avail. Therefore I decided to bring it back at him and his Calvinists cohorts.

And trust me you won't finish anything. But let's see what you got. If you claim to be a calvinist we know it's not love. Because there's no love in Calvinism.
Unloving? Sorry but calling people filthy rags is hardly loving.

There is no love in Calvinism? Who says? This should be good.
Exactly. And watch them scream when you do. It's okay for them though.
no screaming by me just providing the history of the doctrines and their origins. I as a calvinist use to correct calvinists often who misrepresented arminians by quoting Arminius and what he actually said and taught. I did the same with Arminians with calvin and arminius.
You Can Control Your Anger Before It Controls You

He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, he who rules his [own] spirit than he who takes a city. PROVERBS 16:32 Many Christians are confused about anger. They think that as godly individuals they should never get angry. Anger can be an involuntary response whether we want to feel it or not. A person with damaged emotions from past trauma or abuse may, and probably will, respond in a self-protective mode and display anger more easily than someone who was never mistreated.

Thankfully, through God’s help those damaged emotions can be healed, and we can learn to have more balanced and reasonable responses to people, things, and situations. God’s Word says, “When angry, do not sin” (Eph. 4:26). I recall one morning as I was preparing to go to preach, Dave and I got into an argument. I was studying and he said something to me that made me blaze up quickly with anger. We said some unkind words to each other, and then he left for work. I continued to think angry thoughts and have angry feelings.

Then my anger turned into guilt, and I started thinking, How can I possibly go to church and tell others how to conduct their lives according to Scripture if I cannot control my anger? The feelings of guilt not only continued but they intensified. As the pressure mounted, I started to feel almost frantic when suddenly I heard God whisper in my heart, “Feeling anger is not a sin; it is what you do with it that becomes sin.”

That was one of the first lessons God gave me in understanding that emotions cannot be expected to merely go away because we have become Christians, but rather we are to learn how to manage them. Controlling the passion of anger, especially if you have an aggressive and outspoken nature, can be one of the more challenging things you will face in life, but controlling it is certainly possible with God’s help. Trust in Him Will you make a decision not to let anger control you and your actions? Trust God with your emotions and He will teach you how to manage them.
What we have here is a failure to communicate. I'm going to leave it up to the members that are posting in this Thread to either clean it up and treat each other respectfully or your post will be deleted.

Starting right now!
There is nothing wrong with a passionate debate lets just leave any personal insults behind. They are unnecessary.
Unfortunately, Calvinists sometimes seem to have a blind spot for the love of God. Consider this question from The Shorter Catechism, which is an abbreviated version of The Westminster Confession of Faith, a classic Calvinist statement of faith. The Catechism asks this most fundamental theological question: “What is God?”

Here is the answer that is given: “God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable, in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth.”

Do you notice anything missing from this definition? Where is the love? The definition mentions God’s power, his wisdom, and his justice, along with other attributes, but amazingly enough it leaves out perhaps the most beautiful definition of God in the entire Bible: “God is love”. 1 John 4:8,16

Calvinist theologian Arthur W. Pink: “When we say that God is sovereign in the exercise of His love, we mean that He loves whom he chooses. God does not love everybody . . . .”

How does that work? The bad news is not really well. Is it not the very heart of the gospel that God loves everyone? Is that not the good news that we joyfully share with all persons? “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life”. John 3:16

In the Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin there is not one time in this book does Calvin ever quote “God is love.” Hard to believe that in is massive book that is 1,521 pages long and that discusses thousands of biblical texts and discusses God’s nature extensively, Calvin never one time cited 1 John 4:8 or 1 John 4:16. Not even once! This is a stunning omission.

I'm still looking for the love in Calvinism.
That's what I was trying to say. There are really a lot of good topics on this forum they're just kind of tucked away.
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