He that believes and is not water baptised is saved

At least explain what your belief is on water baptism.
Is it physical or spiritual?

Water baptism is physical. It does not save. It can be after your spiritual baptism.
This interpretation that water is birthing fluid is silly.

It comes as close to explaining what those other verses that I posted say.
I'm not trying to insult you Sir.

Dont worry. You did not. Only those who have told me I am not saved do that... and that is close to a dozen from the C oC church.
If I offended you, it was not my intention.
Water baptism is physical. It does not save. It can be after your spiritual baptism.
I really appreciate you answering my questions. I'm thankful I didn't offend you. I really do love you.
Alot of questions can help folks think about what they've been taught.

But unfortunately I can't get alot of people to answer my questions.
No doubt they think they are "gotcha" questions.

My questions aren't intended to win arguments.
All of my questions are to help others learn where their doctrines dont hold up to being examined with book, chapter and verse.

Water baptism is physical. It does not save. It can be after your spiritual baptism.
Matthew 21:25,
- The baptism of John whence was it from heaven or of men?

Does your answer agree with what Jesus believes about where John's baptism comes from?

- And they reasoned with themselves saying if we shall say from heaven Jesus will say unto us Why then did ye not believe John
- but if we shall say Of men, we fear the people for all hold John as a prophet

You understand that the baptism of John is a spiritual baptism?

John was given the Holy Spirit in his mothers womb.
His ministry which mainly was baptizing for the Jews only, was from God.

Therefore Jesus knows these that reject John's baptism are rejecting Gods will.
John's baptism is his spiritual work that he is doing for Jesus.

It cannot be physical because water baptism is not from men.
God the Holy Spirit is guiding John to baptize the Jews in water.
Therefore this baptism is from the Holy Spirit.
God authorized it.

No physical work of man can take away sins.
But John's baptism can forgive sins.
Therefore God Himself must be working in water baptism to save the jews.

The water is only the element.
The power is God Himself forgiving sins.

So the work that saves is Gods work.
Baptism in water is passive.
You allow someone else to do it to you.
You are not doing it to yourself.
Therefore it is a work that God works as you allow God to cleanse you.

Colossians 2:12,
- buried with Jesus in baptism wherein also ye are risen with Him through faith of the working of God who hath raised Him from the dead
I really appreciate you answering my questions. I'm thankful I didn't offend you. I really do love you.
Alot of questions can help folks think about what they've been taught.

But unfortunately I can't get alot of people to answer my questions.
No doubt they think they are "gotcha" questions.

My questions aren't intended to win arguments.
All of my questions are to help others learn where their doctrines dont hold up to being examined with book, chapter and verse.

Matthew 21:25,
- The baptism of John whence was it from heaven or of men?

Does your answer agree with what Jesus believes about where John's baptism comes from?

- And they reasoned with themselves saying if we shall say from heaven Jesus will say unto us Why then did ye not believe John
- but if we shall say Of men, we fear the people for all hold John as a prophet

You understand that the baptism of John is a spiritual baptism?

I do not believe that the people who received Jonh's baptism would have thought of it being spiritual, even thinking of him as a prophet.

Remember... The baptisms John performed had the specific purpose of readying their hearts for the coming of the Lord. They had heard
the Messiah would be coming, and believed it to be so, and to the people this was the first step .

It was the first step for many of them who recognized they could not continue in their ways and be accepted by the Messiah.

11 "I baptize you with water for repentance, but he who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire., said Paul.

And they who went for Paul's baptism were doing so to be ready for the Messiah's baptism.

I see John’s baptism as a baptism of repentance. He told the people to believe in the one coming after him, that is, in Jesus.” John’s baptism had to do with repentance...it was a symbolic representation of changing one’s mind and going a new direction. “Confessing their sins, they were baptized by him in the Jordan River”

Being baptized by John demonstrated a recognition of one’s sin, a desire for spiritual cleansing, and a commitment to follow God’s law in anticipation of the Messiah’s arrival.

So, sorry. I still see John's baptism as physical

If you want to argue about Mark 16:16... He who believes and is baptized yada yada... Dont. It is a worn out shoe and no one definitively knows where anything after Mark 16:8 came from.

John was given the Holy Spirit in his mothers womb.
His ministry which mainly was baptizing for the Jews only, was from God.

Therefore Jesus knows these that reject John's baptism are rejecting Gods will.
John's baptism is his spiritual work that he is doing for Jesus.

It cannot be physical because water baptism is not from men.
God the Holy Spirit is guiding John to baptize the Jews in water.
Therefore this baptism is from the Holy Spirit.
God authorized it.

No physical work of man can take away sins.
But John's baptism can forgive sins.
Therefore God Himself must be working in water baptism to save the jews.

The water is only the element.
The power is God Himself forgiving sins.

So the work that saves is Gods work.
Baptism in water is passive.
You allow someone else to do it to you.
You are not doing it to yourself.
Therefore it is a work that God works as you allow God to cleanse you.

Colossians 2:12,
- buried with Jesus in baptism wherein also ye are risen with Him through faith of the working of God who hath raised Him from the dead
Sorry. I disagree... and we will have to because I am not a predestined person, I am a free will soul.
I believe once you are born again it is strictly Spirit to spirit and baptisms would follow the being born again, IF one is so moved.

What do I mean? Spiritual rebirth, or "born again," is a fundamental concept in Christian theology that signifies a profound transformation and renewal of an individual's spirit. This transformation is believed to be initiated by the Holy Spirit and marks the beginning of a new life in Christ.

The term "born again" is derived from the Greek word "anōthen," which can mean "again" or "from above," indicating both a renewal and a divine origin.

It has nothing to do with water. Water is a great tool to show others where your beliefs are, but water will only get you wet.

My church believes that baptism and Holy Communion are sacraments. So does the RCC except they add others.

But it was not until many many years later when I understood the importance of being born again Spiritual and have had so many wonderful times since when the Holy Spirit has filled me to over flowing and given me a sense of peace and calm and even answered many of the posts
that I would have stumbled over that I knew the importance of that spiritual connection.

The process of spiritual rebirth begins with repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. (Water is not needed) It involves acknowledging one's sinfulness, turning away from sin, and trusting in Christ's atoning sacrifice for salvation. The Holy Spirit plays a crucial role in this process, convicting individuals of sin, (And let me tell you that when He convicts you, you know it) leading them to repentance, and regenerating their hearts.

The experience of being born again can vary among individuals. For some, it may be a dramatic and instantaneous event, while for others, it may be a gradual realization and transformation. Regardless of the manner, the evidence of spiritual rebirth is seen in a changed life, characterized by a love for God, obedience to His commandments, and a desire to grow in holiness. For me, it started gradual then all at once "boom".

For me this meant profound implications for Christian living. It marks the beginning of a lifelong journey of sanctification, where I was progressively conformed to the image of Christ. You know... as Paul said... (Ephesians 4:24) "believers to "put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness" (I am still working on it)

Now, in case you are wondering... Yes, I was baptized. Someday Ill talk about that first 12 or 13 years of my life.... not now.
I do not believe that the people who received Jonh's baptism would have thought of it being spiritual, even thinking of him as a prophet
You are not agreeing with Jesus or the jews, of what they believed of John's ministry and his spiritual work that was from the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 21:25,
- the baptism of John whence was it from heaven(spiritual) or of men(physical)
- and they reasoned with themselves, saying,
if we say from heaven(spiritual) Jesus will say to us, Why did ye not then believe John

But if we say from men(your position)we fear the people for all hold John as a prophet

So you do not agree with Jesus.
And the Jewish people do not agree with you.

Jesus taught John's baptism was from heaven.
You have to have a theology that teaches water baptism is from man to not see what the Bible teaches on water baptism.

According to Jesus it is from heaven.
John was guided by the Holy Spirit to baptize in water.
Jesus says it's from heaven.
The Jews believe it's from heaven.

The men challenged by Jesus said if they did not answer from heaven, Jesus would accuse them of not believing in John or his ministry.
The Jews would have rejected their denial of John's water baptism being from heaven as dening John is a prophet of God.

You are disagreeing with Jesus and the Jews and you dont realize it.
And the reason is simple.
Your theology wont allow you to agree with what the Bible says.

So, sorry. I still see John's baptism as physical
Jesus does not.
Nor do the jews.

Remember... The baptisms John performed had the specific purpose of readying their hearts for the coming of the Lord. They had heard
the Messiah would be coming, and believed it to be so, and to the people this was the first step .

It was the first step for many of them who recognized they could not continue in their ways and be accepted by the Messiah
This is all your theology will allow for the purpose of John's baptism.

John's baptism prepared the Jews to be allowed into the kingdom of God.
You could not enter in the kingdom if you were still in your sins.

You purposely left out what John's baptism does for the jews.

Mark 1:4,
- John did baptize in the wilderness and preach the baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins

The Greek word for here is eis,
It means into, to, towards, for, in order to obtain, it expresses the purpose, result, or the end goal of an action

Water baptism by John was for the purpose to obtain forgiveness of sins.
That is what the word of God says.
Changing the meaning is denying the word.

Do you realize that no one can be saved if they refuse to do the will of God?
When Gods will is for you to be baptized, you cannot go against Gods will and be forgiven of your rebellious heart.
Luke 7:30,
- but the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the will of God against themselves being not baptized by John

It was impossible for any jew to enter into Gods kingdom without obeying the will of God.
You are teaching that John's baptism was not essential to obey.
Therefore sins can be forgiven by not obeying Gods will.

The kingdom at this time was at hand,
Mark 1:15,
- and saying,
the time is fullfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand, repent ye and believe the gospel

Impossible for those Jews who rejected the will of God by not being baptized by John to have repented.
Only way true repentance occured is if the were baptized by John.

Therefore no repentance no access into the kingdom.
Your theology has Jews saved before they repented.
You have the Jews who rejected the counsel of God by not being baptized as not being condemned.

No repentance= refusal to be baptized by John.
No repentance = no forgiveness of sins.
No baptism = no repentance nor forgiveness of sins.

You cannot under John's ministry have repented if you refused to be baptized.

The two God joined together.

Mark 10:9,
- What therefore God hath joined together lot no man seperate

This is a universal law.
It does not only apply to marriage.
Anything God joins together man cannot alter by taking some of what God says and excluding the rest of what He says.

With God it is all or nothing.

The term "born again" is derived from the Greek word "anōthen," which can mean "again" or "from above," indicating both a renewal and a divine origin.

It has nothing to do with water. Water is a great tool to show others where your beliefs are, but water will only get you wet.
You are separating born again from baptism.
Gods word doesn't teach this. You are teaching this.

We are in agreement. The water is not the cleansing agent.
God is the agent for how we are cleansed from our sins.

The water is only the element that God not man has decreed we use.

If Gods will was a burial in dirt. Then dirt would not cleanse us.
But since God decreed dirt then dirt cannot be seperated from being born again.

Look at the story of Naaman.
Told to immerse himself in the river Jordan seven times.
Did the water remove his leporsy?
No, God is the agent that removed it.
But would Naaman have been made clean if he refused Gods will?

Cant seperste the river Jordan and immersion from Naaman's cleansing just as you cannot seperate John's baptism from being born again.

Was there some scientific reason for dipping seven times?
Did the water cleanse If it wasn't seven times.
Obviously it was God doing the cleansing not the water.

But it should be obvious that Naaman could not be cleansed if he did not do the will of God.

2 Kings 5:14,
- So Naaman went down to the Jordan river and dipped himself seven times as the man of God had instructed him and his skin became as healthy as the skin of a young child and he was healed.

You must do what God says to be cleansed.
No power in water.
Grace is only given to those who obey Gods commandments.

The process of spiritual rebirth begins with repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. (Water is not needed)
You are teaching that those who refused John's baptism could repent without immersion in water.
That's from a theology. Not from the Bible friend.
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