6 What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is spirit.
Nicodemus did not understand Jesus.
Nicodemus asked,
John 3:3,
- Jesus answered and said to Nicodemus, Truly, I say to you unless someone is born again(Jesus is only teaching about spiritual birth not physical birth,
born again)
- Jesus answered and said to Nicodemus Truly, I say to you unless someone is
born again(spiritual birth) he cannot see the kingdom of God
Nicodemus does not understand, he takes Jesus as physical birth.
John 3:3-4,
- Nicodemus said to Jesus, how can a man be born(physical birth) when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mothers womb and be born.
Nicodemus misunderstood Jesus is NOT TEACHING ABOUT PHYSICAL BIRTH.
John 3:3-5;6,
- Jesus answered truly, I say to you, unless someone is born of water(spiritual birth, as Jesus is not teaching about physical birth) and the Spirit(spiritually born again) he cannot enter the kingdom of God
Jesus then comments on Nicodemus' idea that Jesus was speaking of physical birth.
Jesus tells Nicodemus that physical is physical and spiritual is spiritual.
Helping Nicodemus see the difference between physical birth and spiritual birth, born again
Nowhere was Jesus teaching about physical birth as Jesus said, - unless someone is
born again
John 3:5-6;7
- that which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of Spirit is spirit
- do not marvel that I said you must be
born again
Jesus re-emphasizing to Nicodemus that He is teaching about spiritual birth not physical birth.
Not once did Jesus tell Nicodemus he must be physically born.
He told Nicodemus he must be born again(spiritual)
Jesus is teaching on being born of the Spirit. Not physical birth as Nicodemus' error.
John 3:3-8,
- the wind blows wherever it pleases you hear its sound but you cannot tell where it goes,
So it is with everyone
born of the Spirit
Jesus is teaching on spiritual birth not on physical birth!!!
To interpret these verses as Jesus teaching on physical birth is making the same mistake Nicodemus made.
Nicodemus thought Jesus was teaching on physical birth and so do those today who think water is Jesus teaching on physical birth.
They do not understand mainly because they have been taught error by blind guides in their faith only churches.
John 3:3-9,
- Nicodemus responded and said to Jesus how can these things be
John 3:10,
- Jesus answered, You are Israel's teacher,
and you do not understand these things
- I assure you, we tell you what we know and have seen and yet you wont believe our witness
You believe Jesus' teaching was earthly(natural birth) when He was speaking of that which is heavenly,(water baptism).
Matthew 21:25,
- The baptism(water) of John whence was it from,
heaven or of men