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Jesus said to be born again requires water baptism and the Spirit to enter the kingdom.I assume you don't think it was silly when it was keeping you alive in your mother's womb. Your life depended on it.
Peter didn't think it was silly when he said, "for you have been born again, not of seed which is perishable but imperishable ..." and "like newborn babes, long for the pure milk of the word." 1 Peter 1:23; and 2:2
1Peter 1:23 ; 2:2. Does not parallel John 3:5.
Babies desire milk.
Christians should desire the word like a new born desires milk.
The seed is not perishable.
The seed is the everlasting gospel.
Gods word cannot be destroyed is Peter's teaching.
We are born again by the word(gospel).
The word is revealed by the Work of the Spirit.To be born again by water and Spirit does involve the work of the Spirit through the word.
Still there is no teaching by Jesus in John chapter 3 about being physically born.
That definition was invented by John Calvin.
Here are some parallel verses to John 3:5,
- unless one is born again of water(baptism) and the Spirit(work of the Spirit) he cannot enter the kingdom of God
- that He might sanctify and cleanse her(church) with the washing of water(baptism) with the word(Spirit's revelation) Ephesians 5:26.
Overwhelming Greek Scholars accept John 3:5 as water baptism.