And to @ Red Baker there was this one thing I had asked about your statement below,
Yes, believers flee for refuge to lay hold of God's promises of grace, after God shows his power in us, by regenerating us according to his mighty power and mercy
So it seems you have regeneration outside of the promises of grace for you have them lay hold of grace AFTER regeneration. So what therefore is regeneration in your view?
It is expressed by being
"born again", which regeneration
properly signifies;
see John 3:3,7 and
this supposes a prior birth, a first birth, to which regeneration
is the second; and which
can receive some light by observing the contrast between the two births, they being the reverse of each other: the first birth is of sinful parents, and in
their image; the second birth is of God, and in the image of Jesus Christ; the first birth is of corruptible, the second birth of incorruptible seed;
the first birth is in sin, the second birth is in holiness and righteousness; by the first birth men are polluted and unclean, by the second birth they become holy; the first birth is of the flesh and is carnal, and at enmity against God; the second birth is of the Spirit and is spiritual, and makes men spiritual men, sons of God; by the first birth men are foolish and unwise, being born like a wild ***'s colt; by the second birth they become knowing and wise: by the first birth they are slaves to sin and the lusts of the flesh, are home born slave to the devil himselfs; by the second birth they become Christ's free men: from their first birth they are transgressors, and go on in a course of sin, till stopped by grace; in the second birth they cease to serve sin, to go on in a course of sinning, but live a life of holiness, yea he that is born of God cannot sin in their new man; by the first birth men are children of wrath, and under tokens of divine displeasure; at the second birth they appear to be the objects of the love of God; regeneration being the fruit and effect of it, and gives evidence of it; a time of life is a time of open love.
Much more could be said, but, the sum of regeneration is......... that one is born again by the
same power that brought again our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead, by bringing God's elect from being
dead in trespasses and sin to life in Jesus Christ to serve the true and living God. It is a brith by the Spirit of God
alone, (
john 1:13) apart from
all means whatsoever~God
alone is the
only active person doing this new birth, man is totally passive since he is dead in trespasses and sin.
Would love to go to John 3:1-8 and consider the new birth there.