Easily dispelling unitarianism

GINOLJC, to all.
your first ERROR of the day. God the Holy Spirit, the ordinal First, is the Father. and he, the Holy Spirit, is The Son, the Ordinal Last. the First is the Last. supportive scripture. Isaiah 48:12 "Hearken unto me, O Jacob and Israel, my called; I am he; I am the first, I also am the last." the First and the Last is the SAME one PERSON...... you're REPROVED.

second ERROR of the Day. the "Lord" in verse 1 of Psalms 110 is correct, and here's why? LISTEN AND LEARN. the same "Lord" in verse 1 is the same "Lord" in verse 5. Psalms 110:5 "The Lord at thy right hand shall strike through kings in the day of his wrath."

the same "Lord" ..... at the "LORD" right is the same "Lord" in verse 1, let's see it.
Lord: H136 אֲדֹנָי 'Adonay (ad-o-noy') n-m.
1. (meaning) Lord (used as a proper name of God only).
2. (person) Adonai, The Lord God of Israel (which is actually “Yahweh God of Israel” - see Exodus 5:1 and 120 other occurrences).
[am emphatic form of H113]

KJV: (my) Lord.
Root(s): H113
emphatic form of H113,
YES, of the "Lord" in verse 1. ..... (smile). the same one PERSON. not only is it the emphatic form of H113, but it's ROOT.... B.A.M. BAM, BAM.

Now do you know NOW why the KJV translate it as "Lord?" NOW, ... (smile).... :unsure:. 101G know why. if you want to know, just ask.

THIRD ERROR of the Day. this is the LORD/Lord JESUS/YESHUA Speaking in both places..... (smile)


to all,
especially my Jewish monotheist, and all unitarian. question, "What is another word for Almighty?". Lord, Father, Creator, God, Maker, King, Eternal, Everlasting, Author, Godhead, immortal, Supreme Being, King of Kings, master, Christ Saviour, redeemer.

this term "Author" is often overlooked. Hebrews 12:2 "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God."

Hebrews 5:9 "And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;"

the term "AUTHOR" is another word for GOD ALMIGHTY. one can find these synonyms at https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/another-word-for/Author.html

and killed the Author of life; whom God raised up from the dead; of whom we are witnesses. (Acts 3:15 MLV)
many don't understand how God/the Author of LIFE was KILLED/DIED on the cross. only if they KNEW and UNDERSTOOD the ECHAD, perfectly, and fully then they would know.

You invited me to ask you why. I did.
He has no real answer. And he will not answer you directly to your simple although potentially devastating question.

A person who says things like this..."What is another word for Almighty?". Lord, Father, Creator, God, Maker, King, Eternal, Everlasting, Author, Godhead, immortal, Supreme Being, King of Kings, master, Christ Saviour, redeemer.' can cook up anything to fit his diversified holiness theory of Jesus.

just saying, he cannot or will not distinguish between the author and finisher of our faith from the author of life itself. He thinks they are of the same person. He dismisses context completely.
He has no real answer. And he will not answer you directly to your simple although potentially devastating question.

A person who says things like this..."What is another word for Almighty?". Lord, Father, Creator, God, Maker, King, Eternal, Everlasting, Author, Godhead, immortal, Supreme Being, King of Kings, master, Christ Saviour, redeemer.' can cook up anything to fit his diversified holiness theory of Jesus.

just saying, he cannot or will not distinguish between the author and finisher of our faith from the author of life itself. He thinks they are of the same person. He dismisses context completely.

I have a fatal weakness, and I’ve had it from my youth: I want to know what people believe and why they believe it. I’ll beat a dead horse to find out.

Filed under: Know thyself
He has no real answer. And he will not answer you directly to your simple although potentially devastating question.

A person who says things like this..."What is another word for Almighty?". Lord, Father, Creator, God, Maker, King, Eternal, Everlasting, Author, Godhead, immortal, Supreme Being, King of Kings, master, Christ Saviour, redeemer.' can cook up anything to fit his diversified holiness theory of Jesus.

just saying, he cannot or will not distinguish between the author and finisher of our faith from the author of life itself. He thinks they are of the same person. He dismisses context completely.
LOL, LOL, LOL, jealous? did you know that the term "Author" had these meaning? don't LIE........ (Smile).....no you did not.
Now, @Matthias, did you know that "Author" had these meaning? yes, or no.

I have a fatal weakness, and I’ve had it from my youth: I want to know what people believe and why they believe it. I’ll beat a dead horse to find out.

Filed under: Know thyself
that's Good, to KNOW is not to stay IGNORANT, which is 101G motto. now you asked "WHY" and 101G answered "WHAT". was it you didn't understand Isaiah 48:12 or Psalms 110: and 5?

that's Good, to KNOW is not to stay IGNORANT, which is 101G motto. now you asked "WHY" and 101G answered "WHAT". was it you didn't understand Isaiah 48:12 or Psalms 110: and 5?


What I don’t understand is your understanding of them.
What I don’t understand is your understanding of them.
ok, 101G believe in the ECHAD of God, meaning that God, who is the Spirit is HOLY. and in the ECHAD of the Godhead he is a diversity of HIMSELF in "TIME", "PLACE", "ORDER", and "RANK. just as Genesis 1:1 states. as Father, he is the Ordinal First of the ECHAD, meaning JESUS, is the CREATOR, and MAKER of ALL THINGS just as Isaiah 44:24, and John 1:3 clearly states. one PERSON..... the same one person

and this same ONE PERSON is ALSO . just as Isaiah 44:24 states, is the ordinal LAST, who is REDEEMER and SAVIOUR, just as all of the NT states.

so, one God, one person, in the ECHAD of First/Father, Son/Last.... "Diversified" .... Equally.

ok, 101G believe in the ECHAD of God, meaning that God, who is the Spirit is HOLY. and in the ECHAD of the Godhead he is a diversity of HIMSELF in "TIME", "PLACE", "ORDER", and "RANK. just as Genesis 1:1 states. as Father, he is the Ordinal First of the ECHAD, meaning JESUS, is the CREATOR, and MAKER of ALL THINGS just as Isaiah 44:24, and John 1:3 clearly states. one PERSON..... the same one person

and this same ONE PERSON is ALSO . just as Isaiah 44:24 states, is the ordinal LAST, who is REDEEMER and SAVIOUR, just as all of the NT states.

so, one God, one person, in the ECHAD of First/Father, Son/Last.... "Diversified" .... Equally.


So, if I’m understanding you correctly - and I may not be - you believe that the one person is Jesus, who is the Father first and the Son last.
So, if I’m understanding you correctly - and I may not be - you believe that the one person is Jesus, who is the Father first and the Son last.
Let 101G make it very clear. JESUS/YESHUA is the Ordinal First, (Father), and is "ALSO" the Ordinal Last, (Son). who is the ONLY and TRUE and LIVING God, IN THE ECHAD of God, who you call the Holy Spirit or the Holy Ghost.

one person, (diversified, or shared equally) which is the FULLNESS of God, in "TIME", "PLACE", "ORDER" and "RANK".

Let 101G make it very clear. JESUS/YESHUA is the Ordinal First, (Father), and is "ALSO" the Ordinal Last, (Son). who is the ONLY and TRUE and LIVING God, IN THE ECHAD of God, who you call the Holy Spirit or the Holy Ghost.

one person, (diversified, or shared equally) which is the FULLNESS of God, in "TIME", "PLACE", "ORDER" and "RANK".


Jesus is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Is that correct?
ok, 101G believe in the ECHAD of God, meaning that God, who is the Spirit is HOLY. and in the ECHAD of the Godhead he is a diversity of HIMSELF in "TIME", "PLACE", "ORDER", and "RANK. just as Genesis 1:1 states. as Father, he is the Ordinal First of the ECHAD, meaning JESUS, is the CREATOR, and MAKER of ALL THINGS just as Isaiah 44:24, and John 1:3 clearly states. one PERSON..... the same one person

and this same ONE PERSON is ALSO . just as Isaiah 44:24 states, is the ordinal LAST, who is REDEEMER and SAVIOUR, just as all of the NT states.

so, one God, one person, in the ECHAD of First/Father, Son/Last.... "Diversified" .... Equally.


What I’ve learned so far is that whoever this one person is, he isn’t Jesus.

Who is this one person?
Thanks. I still don’t understand what you believe. Can you make it any clearer than you have?
yes, God is the EQUAL "SHARE" of himself in flesh, better known as the "ECHAD" of God, in "TIME", "PLACE", "ORDER" or "RANK".

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