Do Trinitarians really know their foundational core doctrines and their impact on their beliefs and others?

Do you not realize if Jesus was some kind of a God-man then doing what he did on the planet was no great accomplishment. The devil could not have really temped him. And he would have had no problems going to the cross. Then redeeming us was nothing if it could have been done by God. He could have done it before Adam had his second child.
The devil tempted/ tested God in the OT and made a deal with God over Job.
Do you not realize if Jesus was some kind of a God-man then doing what he did on the planet was no great accomplishment. The devil could not have really temped him. And he would have had no problems going to the cross. Then redeeming us was nothing if it could have been done by God. He could have done it before Adam had his second child.
did 101G say he was a God-man? now answer the Question. "According to the Scriptures the Lord Jesus is God... the Lord In flesh yes or No?"

examine the definitions above in post #99 before you answer.

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God doesn't have to conform to your ridiculous standards.
he conforms to his standards. and now 101G ask you to confirm to the standers of God in post #99. is not the Lord the LORD in flesh, the same one person yes or no?

did 101G say he was a God-man? now answer the Question. "According to the Scriptures the Lord Jesus is God... the Lord In flesh yes or No?"

examine the definitions above in post #99 before you answer.

Some say Jesus is God. Others say he's part of God. Some say he's half man and half God. Others says he's 100 percent man and 100 percent God. The Bible teaches there is one God, the Father, and one Messiah and Lord, Jesus Christ, who is the divinely conceived Son of God. Jesus Christ is the fully human “Son of God” and not “God the Son.” For clarity’s sake, it's helpful to understand what the Trinity is. Theorthodox doctrine of the Trinity is that the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, and the three of them are co-equal, co-eternal, and share the same essence and together those three individual “Persons” are one triune God. The doctrine of the Trinity that Jesus is both 100% God and 100% man and that both the divine nature and his human nature live together in his flesh body may be widely believed, but is never stated in the Bible.
That's your standard. Doesn't mean it's right.
It's not my standard or my opinion. It's common sense. Pick any subject of importance be it righteousness, love, sin, faith, grace, or redemption. And I can show you whole sections of biblical teachings on that subject. But on the trinity... crickets.
God is not that stupid to come out with something as big as you say it is and not teach it.
So now you indirectly call God stupid.
God does not provide us a book or chapter on liturgies.
No chapter or book tells how pastors/overseers are required to learn and share
There is even less about the duties of deacons.
We are not told any details of laying on of hands.
No rules are given for building church structures or holding Sunday school classes
There is no instruction about what music is acceptable and who can lead it.
There is not a book or chapter on baptism -- as to who does it, how they do it, what they say.
So now you indirectly call God stupid.
God does not provide us a book or chapter on liturgies.
No chapter or book tells how pastors/overseers are required to learn and share
There is even less about the duties of deacons.
We are not told any details of laying on of hands.
No rules are given for building church structures or holding Sunday school classes
There is no instruction about what music is acceptable and who can lead it.
There is not a book or chapter on baptism -- as to who does it, how they do it, what they say.
I said something big. But since you mention some small stuff I can comment.

1.) There's not a lot on how to be a pastor because those folks would be walking by the spirit and don't need instructions.

2.) There are no deacons in the body of Christ like what you have been taught.

3.) Laying on hands. See number 1.

4.) There are no church structures in the body of Christ.

5.) Music or how to ride a horse has nothing to do with something big like the trinity.

6.) And here's some data on water...

Water baptism is a carryover from part of the Levitical Law. There are many examples of people in the Old Testament who would wash themselves with water as a final step to being clean. Water baptism was an outward sign of washing, and then you would be clean to God. Baptism in water, and the need to be circumcised passed away with the coming of Pentecost, as did the other Levitical Laws. To be led by the spirit is to not be under the yoke of bondage with the extreme of legalism, seeking the works of the flesh from the old covenant concerning the past Law administration that was written to Israel.

It's clear from the gospels that water baptism had to do with the kingdom, which was ministered by John who was known as the Baptizer, and not a minister for the Church of God. John who was a prophet functioning under the old covenant was appointed by God to prepare and confirm the promises made to Israel. His message was to tell those who lived under the old covenant that the king had come and “the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” He used water as a sign to baptize those who believed the promised Messiah would be coming in just a matter of months and to illustrate that he would be the Christ, who would baptize them not with material water, but with holy spirit, which is “power from on high.” From the habit of tradition, and only for a short period of time, a small handful of people were baptized with water into the New Testament, but never again afterwards.

In the epistles written just a little bit past the beginning of the New Testament is where we read the only time water baptism is mentioned is to note there is no more need for it, and that we are now to be baptized with holy spirit. And this is why in Acts 2:38, Peter commands “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ.” In Acts 8:16, Peter and John “baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.” In Acts 10:48, Peter “commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord.” In Romans 6:3, it declares “that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ.” There is not one exception to this practice where we see water baptism, which belonged to the time period when Christ walked the earth, being used once the Church of God had become established.
I said something big. But since you mention some small stuff I can comment.

... In Acts 10:48, Peter “commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord.” In Romans 6:3, it declares “that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ.” There is not one exception to this practice where we see water baptism, which belonged to the time period when Christ walked the earth, being used once the Church of God had become established.
Your explanations of each of those items means nothing, except perhaps to suggest you may have many questionable doctrines. There are no expository books in the New Testament. So your demand that there be one about the trinitarian understanding is fallacious.
Your explanations of each of those items means nothing, except perhaps to suggest you may have many questionable doctrines. There are no expository books in the New Testament. So your demand that there be one about the trinitarian understanding is fallacious.
I don't know why you folks change my words often. I never demanded there be a teaching on the trinity. I'm just stating that there are none anywhere in the Bible. All you have is pieces scattered all over the place.
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