Did Jesus Shed His Humanity at the Ascension?

Jesus is forever the God-man. He forever joined our humanity to his divinity and for all eternity will be fully God and fully man.

And when he had said these things, as they were looking on, the was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight. 10 And while they were gazing into heaven as he went, behold, two men stood by them in white robes, 11 and said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way (as the God-man) as you saw him go into heaven.” Acts 1:9-11

Jesus comes back riding a white horse and he's clothed in robes dipped in blood. Sounds like fully God and fully man to me.
First, if there is a white horse, it is metaphor. And will have to be dicussed metaphorically.
God is the same yesterday, today and forver. God was not a man forever> He was God forever
Acts 1:9-11.- (you added God man) He will come from above
First, if there is a white horse, it is metaphor. And will have to be dicussed metaphorically.
God is the same yesterday, today and forver. God was not a man forever> He was God forever
Acts 1:9-11.- (you added God man) He will come from above
He became a man forever. Bible 101, Christianity 101. The Incarnation was permanent, not temporal just like His bodily Resurrection was permanent, not temporal. These doctrines go hand in hand together. To deny one of them is to deny all of them. To deny the gospel is to deny the Resurrection. To deny the Resurrection is to deny Christ humanity as the son of man, prophet, priest, king and mediator all present and ongoing roles of Christ because He remains human, a man. It denies the the entire Person and work of Christ if He is no longer a man along with the gospel.

It also denies all the Christian Creeds throughout Church History. It is 100% Essential,core, foundational doctrine. The Creeds say to deny it is anethema and so does Paul in Galatians 1.

hope this helps !!!
you always argue against me as if i am claiming that Jeus stopped being God when He became a Man.
And alot of people are confused about this. Or they're in a false sense of humitly ;albiet sincere thinking they're honouring God as Almighty and not back down from it. I think Almighty in Heaven is thinking about that, "Oh calm down, relax and chill out, and stop saying everything about me or how I function has to be exactly what you say."

I can't tell you how many times I've shared the scripture with folks, Lk 5:52 which says that Jesus grew in wisdom.... and they deny it and gravitate to a position, "No he didn't, no he didn't, no he didn't! " To them it's denying God's divinity. Well God said he did and Jesus being God as well basically said the same thing. Jn 14:10

And alot of people are confused about this. Or they're in a false sense of humitly ;albiet sincere thinking they're honouring God as Almighty and not back down from it. I think Almighty in Heaven is thinking about that, "Oh calm down, relax and chill out, and stop saying everything about me or how I function has to be exactly what you say."

I can't tell you how many times I've shared the scripture with folks, Lk 5:52 which says that Jesus grew in wisdom.... and they deny it and gravitate to a position, "No he didn't, no he didn't, no he didn't! " To them it's denying God's divinity. Well God said he did and Jesus being God as well basically said the same thing. Jn 14:10
He and I have been going at this for well over a decade on the old forum. :)

He and I have been going at this for well over a decade on the old forum. :)
My next post I put down might add another perspective as to just why Jesus, still is a man and never gave up his humanity. I trust and hope our good friend Seth might reconsider his position.
My next post I put down might add another perspective as to just why Jesus, still is a man and never gave up his humanity. I trust and hope our good friend Seth might reconsider his position.
I'm looking forward to your insightful post as I'm confident it will be a good one. :)
I think the answer to the question is, no Jesus did not shed his humanity at the Ascension.
Agreed - with the observation that HIS BODY observed AFTER the Ressurection could do tricks that before the ressurection couldn't. The holes were still there but apparently weren't leaking, and weren't visible on the road to Emmaus (since they'd have been noticed, and the pre-Ressurection body couldn't "just appear in a locked room. SO Jesus apparently was in a "glorified Body", and we'll be LIKE HIM at the end of the age, or whenever we die physically. And our Advocate (Jesus) is still completely AWARE of our human frailty, and still is in his Glorified human body (whatever that means).
Excellent point.

I very seldom join theses types of discussion because they never get to where they need to go...... I'm glad this is has gotten there.

Christ has always had a material bodily form. It is Eternal. To be clear, it is not a form that was "crafted". However, it is a substantive form. There are many things we do not know completely about this. However we must recognize this fact to deal with this subject adequately.

There is such a thing as an Eternal material form. Some of are of greater glory than others. Of which Christ leads the way....
This is very unbiblical, sorry.
Not really as it was the Pre Incarnate Christ in the OT who appeared to men as " the angel of the Lord " who on several occasions was identified and worshiped as YHWH.

Some call the a Theophany and others like me a Christophany. An appearance of YHWH on the OT. He appeared as a man and Jacob literally wrestled with him all night long. So He had a body or manifested Himself with a body. I'm not saying that was permanent. But none the less its what scripture declares about Him on several occasions in the OT. That specific angel after the Incarnation is never mentioned again in scripture.

hope this helps !!!
So you think Christ had a material body from all eternity—when material is a created thing?
I'm not saying I believe that but even if I did you cannot put God into a box by saying it was not a possibility. You are making an assumption about something God cannot be, do or is. The Son could have some sort of body pre creation the scripture is silent on that. What that consists of the bible also does not say with the Theophanies/Christophonies.
My argument is the opposite, He stopped being a man when He resurrected.
Seth please consider this. Jesus did not stop being a man or being a part of humanity even for this reason. (and there's other reasons too) but for this reason. When he comes back what is he called?

And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. Matt 24:30

What do we see two times there? What's the emphasis? The Son of Man. Notice it doesn't say the Son of God as one who gave up his humanity? He is God but he didn't give up his humanity. And we're now talking about when he comes back so long after the resurrection. THE ....SON....OF....MAN.

So Seth the Greek word used for Son of Man is anthropos and what does Strong's say about it?

anthrópos: a man, human, mankind
Original Word: ἄνθρωπος, ου, ὁ
Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
Transliteration: anthrópos
Phonetic Spelling: (anth'-ro-pos)
Definition: a man, human, mankind
Usage: a man, one of the human race.

Now I think this is very signicfant and something not to sweep under the rug for a variety of reasons. The Son of Man is called that for he's a descendent of Adam by virtue of the fact he was born through a physical line albeit not himself tainted by a sin nature as the rest of humanity....BUT...Still humanity!

Now...about the far off future and I'm not sure I understand it all for we see through a glass darkly. But it seems at least to me there will be the physical system of the Earth and universe, even if it's a new heavens and new earth. 2 Pt 3:13 Christ WILL rule that Kingdom forever and ever. So how will he do that without the physical component of his physicality? The KING the Son of Man, the offspring of Adam.....the seed of humanity crushed Satan's head Gen 3:115 But this seed of humanity will rule.

I could say more things but by you're saying Christ gave up his humanity, meaning giving up all things physical about his terrestrial body that would take him out of the position of being the Son of MAN. He would be the Son of God still in your way of thinking but not the Son of Man. When Jesus comes back, and he hasn't done that yet....He will be still called.....THE SON OF MAN.

Much appreciated if you'd give that some thought Seth.

Agreed - with the observation that HIS BODY observed AFTER the Ressurection could do tricks that before the ressurection couldn't. The holes were still there but apparently weren't leaking, and weren't visible on the road to Emmaus (since they'd have been noticed, and the pre-Ressurection body couldn't "just appear in a locked room. SO Jesus apparently was in a "glorified Body", and we'll be LIKE HIM at the end of the age, or whenever we die physically. And our Advocate (Jesus) is still completely AWARE of our human frailty, and still is in his Glorified human body (whatever that means).
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