You see it that way. Two things are happening. Regeneration AND Renewal. Together (by God's grace) they place us (the Church) in a unique position whereby God grants us eternal life, His unique life which is to be found in Christ.
Stop trying to justify your position and start thinking through what the scriptures are saying. Jesus expected Nicodemus to know what being born again was based on OT scriptures ONLY.
Maybe can be said like this?
Jesus expected Nicodemus (being considered a great Jewish teacher) to be knowing from his study of the OT Scriptures what was needed
to be able to instantly grasp what he spoke of...
Jesus was expecting from Nicodemus instant comprehension.
Instead, Nicodemus gave him instant apprehension.
We are not born regenerate. We are born unregenerate.
Being born only body and soul. No spirit life.
So, Jesus created an analogy using "birth" to explain regeneration to Nicodemus.
In other words? Jesus was saying that Nicodemus needed to acquire a new form of life to begin to understand what he had been stumbling over.
The resistance to correction....
When we were still babes in Christ? We could simply trust what we were told about certain things.
Especially if we liked and trusted the person telling us what we accepted.
But, as we mature?
If we are to grow where needed?
Its imperative that we must relearn some things.
Things that we were not told correctly by those whom we may have loved and respected.
Its a problem sometimes when some will equate the rejection of the beloved person who told us what needs correction with the rejection of the error they sincerely told us. For some that causes a conflict who esteems
'human loyalty' as a highest virtue.
For example: Hitler's followers had tremendous human loyalty for him. People will also have such loyalty for benevolent people who influenced us in the past.
Such "human loyalty" is not seen as a virtue to God. Many Catholics have held onto the same kind of human loyalty for the pope. Even over what the Bible says vs what the pope wanted them to believe.
“If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—
yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple. And whoever does not carry their cross
and follow me cannot be my disciple." Luke 14:26-27
Some will hate someone bringing in a correction, as if that person were telling them they must now hate their close friends.
Friends whom had been in agreement with one other, having formed a strong bond which was based upon a mutual personal bias
about a matter.
Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division.
From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other,
three against two and two against three. Luke 12:51-52
And, with those words in mind?
We are "family" of God..
grace and peace ......................