Well-known member
Sounds like the problem is your assumptions.You have adopted an assumed chronology, This leads to great problems
I'd say that you have assumptions.Why then this difference of opinion?
I'm satisfied with descriptions previously developed.
how do you know that your interpretation is the actual correct one, and not the assumed correct one?The explanation is that those who, in recent years, have turned their attention to this prophecy, have gone about the interpretation of it in the wrong way.
convenient, isn't it.They have pursued a method which cannot do other than lead to an erroneous conclusion.
This should be understood by the reader(and we will seek to make it quite clear) before proceeding further.
i kind of thought so.The right way of getting at the chronology of the prophecy is so simple and obvious that a child can readily comprehend it.
Not among them.All we need to do is to ascertain from the Word of God the two events specified by the angel, (1)the going forth of the “commandment” and (2) the manifestation of “Messiah the Prince.” Having definitely fixed these two events (which the Scriptures enable us to do with certainty) we know from the prophecy itself that from the one to the other is just 483 years. By this method we have no need of a system of chronology. But our expositors have proceeded in a very different way. First they have made choice of one or another ofthe various systems of chronology which have been compiled by various chronologists — as Ussher’s, Lloyd’s,Clinton’s or Marshall’s.
sounds like you're assuming i am in need of such complexities.Then, having assigned the correctness of the selected chronology, they have sought first for a decree of some Persian king, and second for some event in the lifetime of Christ, which would be as near as possible to 483 years apart, according to the selected chronology.It will be clear upon the briefest consideration that, according to this method, the interpretation of the prophecy is controlled by whatever chronology the expositor may have selected; for he needs must reject every interpretation which does not agree with his assumed chronology.Now, not only is this method of procedure fundamentally wrong in that it tries to make events of Bible history fit in with a man-made chronological scheme, but the fact is that every chronological System covering the period we have to do with (i.e., from the beginning of the Persian monarchy down to Christ) is largely a matter of guesswork. All those systems, without any exception, are based upon the “canon” of Ptolemy, that is to say,a list of supposed Persian kings, with the supposed length of the reign of each, which list was compiled by Ptolemy, a heathen astronomer and writer of the second century AD But Ptolemy does not even pretend to have had any facts as to the length of the Persian period (that is to say, from Darius and Cyrus down to Alexander the Great). Ptolemy estimates or guesses this period to have been 205 years long. And this is what has caused all the trouble and uncertainty; for every one who has attempted to construct a Bible chronology has based himself on Ptolemy’s estimate. In a word then, there is no chronology in existence of the period from Cyrus to Christ except in the Bible Phillip Mauro Seventy weeks and the great tribulation
Ironically, the passage states,Instead allow scripture to define the 69 weeks unto an anointed one - Jesus anointing by the Holy Spirit
that encompassed the 69 week. The beginning of his public ministry and the declaration of being the anointed one.
3.5 years later in the 70th week he was cutoff
Dan 9:26-27 WEB 26 After the sixty-two weeks the Anointed One will be cut off, and will have nothing. The people of the prince who come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. Its end will be with a flood, and war will be even to the end. Desolations are determined. 27 He will make a firm covenant with many for one week. In the middle of the week he will cause the sacrifice and the offering to cease. On the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate; and even to the decreed full end, wrath will be poured out on the desolate.”
Who is the he that makes the covenant with the many?
The anointed/Messiah was previously cut off, AFTER the 69 weeks.
Which is exactly what I previously stated.
He entered the city on the exact date Daniel stated, and 4 days later, he was cut off.
The prince of the people who is to come hasn't arrived yet.
He hasn't made the covenant with the many yet.
The temple is not yet in existence, so he can't have committed the abomination of desolation yet.
Thanks Tom, but I'm good here.