Changing of Doctrines in Church History

Regarding changing doctrines:

“’How can you say, “We are wise, for we have the law of the LORD,” when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely? (Jeremiah 8:8)

This illustrates that the law was falsely handled by the scribes and is not 100% what was originally there.

Galatians 3:19 illustrates that "Why then the Law? It was added on account of transgressions" laws exist because there were transgressions. This is what makes the saying in Revelation 22:18-19 all the more telling, it means people were already adding to and removing from the letters of the now new testament back when they were being written.

I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll.
And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll. (Revelation 22:18-19)
No, it does not have to be placed in context! That is the power of logic - it does not have to be placed in context to work. The only caveat is that word play is not involved, sarcasm, etc.

For instance, when it is said Mike Tyson is "the baddest man on the planet" it does not literally mean he is a bad man or a bad boxer. This is word play.

The simple statement having nothing to do with context is "I am" is a common expression everyone uses. I am done writing this post. I am older than my wife. Before my wife was born I am. None of these are anything more than common expressions. Feel free to consult your favorite lexicon to understand more or the Little Brown Handbook of English.
before the Apostle Paul wrote His epistles I existed before he did.
before the Apostle Paul wrote His epistles I existed before he did.
Levi was “still in the loins” of Abraham, his great-grandfather, when he handed over the tithe to Melchizedek. (Hebrews 7:10)

While I was yet in the loins of Adam, the bible wasn't written yet.
Levi was “still in the loins” of Abraham, his great-grandfather, when he handed over the tithe to Melchizedek. (Hebrews 7:10)

While I was yet in the loins of Adam, the bible wasn't written yet.
the difference is I'm claiming to be in existence before Paul. In other words my existence is just as real in time as Paul's existence was in time. I preceded his existence. That is what Jesus was claiming to the Pharisees which enraged them so much because they knew what He was claiming and said it was blasphemy and tried to kill Him but He escaped.
the difference is I'm claiming to be in existence before Paul. In other words my existence is just as real in time as Paul's existence was in time. I preceded his existence. That is what Jesus was claiming to the Pharisees which enraged them so much because they knew what He was claiming and said it was blasphemy and tried to kill Him but He escaped.
I took it to mean that Jesus was saying he always existed.
No, it does not have to be placed in context! That is the power of logic - it does not have to be placed in context to work. The only caveat is that word play is not involved, sarcasm, etc.

For instance, when it is said Mike Tyson is "the baddest man on the planet" it does not literally mean he is a bad man or a bad boxer. This is word play.

The simple statement having nothing to do with context is "I am" is a common expression everyone uses. I am done writing this post. I am older than my wife. Before my wife was born I am. None of these are anything more than common expressions. Feel free to consult your favorite lexicon to understand more or the Little Brown Handbook of English.
okay so then can the natural mind can speculate as to what He means with no context and without listening Him?
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okay so then can the natural mind can speculate as to what He means with no context and without listening Him?
Anyone can speculate. We are not talking about speculation though but logic.
P1. God revealed himself to us.
P2. Communicating to his Creation in a way it can understand is a power that God has.
C. We can understand what God has revealed to us.

Morality requires context. Logic does not.
Anyone can speculate. We are not talking about speculation though but logic.
P1. God revealed himself to us.
P2. Communicating to his Creation in a way it can understand is a power that God has.
C. We can understand what God has revealed to us.

Morality requires context. Logic does not.

When God talks to us His words express his nature.... and have His signature.

and not some dead impersonal logic ..

logic is not God and is not the subject of the first commandment.
Logic dictates nothing more obviously violates the 1C than the trinity god.

I reject the claim that God is not logical.

so much was mixed up so No One would understand certain things,
because the evil realm makes sure to corrupt everything it touches..
and this lack of understanding what He says is true of most all of modern christianity,
so you are using evil realm logic to prove an evil realm point,
even though your desire may be to defend God... and thus you are
working against yourself.

Christ and His Spirit are the Hands of God...
are IN God, and ARE Attributes of God.

Skip the rcc trinity concept, as I have not mentioned it here and its based on plato..
Please read the italic part here and understand what I am saying

Christ represents ALL the sons and daughters, who will be RESTORED to paradise...
paradise being in the other reality, not on this earth and never was....
We are made in the image of Christ and God's spirit
male and female

pharisees of old created a false narrative .... hiding the concept of attributes

All the sons of God have Christ as our head.

Christ came to this earth the same way we did,
through Daniel's oven (the evil realm torture of us)
and incarnated - taking a huge Step Down to this gruesome fallen physicality
on this earth God did NOT create.
And even He says He is not from here!

I never said God is not logical. Logic follows God. God does not follow logic, that's all.
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after the fall the evil realm kidnapped us...
to blackmail God...
and man it really did succeed...
including stockholm syndrome...
so much was mixed up so No One would understand certain things
But not all things are misunderstood. Jesus affirmed the Sh’ma is the most important commandment. It begins by stating there is one God - not a 3-in-1 God.

This is changing church history - and changing church theology.
But not all things are misunderstood. Jesus affirmed the Sh’ma is the most important commandment. It begins by stating there is one God - not a 3-in-1 God.

This is changing church history - and changing church theology.

i'm just saying the reformation failed
and the rcc theology is rcc
and giving you what i understand

read again the part in italics
in my first reply to you
But not all things are misunderstood. Jesus affirmed the Sh’ma is the most important commandment. It begins by stating there is one God - not a 3-in-1 God.

This is changing church history - and changing church theology.
it doesn't change either,
just states errors
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