Acts 22:16 Paul's salvation

Actions/works are the fruit, by product and demonstrate evidence of authentic faith, but not the very essence of faith and also not the basis or means by which we obtain salvation. You error by infusing or conjoining faith and works together then simply calling it faith. Prior to my conversion several years ago while still attending the Roman Catholic church, I made that same error.
Is the soul the fruit of life? Or does the soul provide life to the body? What does Gen 2:7-8 say? God breathed the breath of life into man and man became a living soul/being. The soul, the breath of life gives life to the body. In the same way, action/works give life to faith. This is EXACTLY what James says in James 2:26, "For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead."
Really..... Paul repeatedly said....

Gal 1:13 For ye have heard of my conversation in time past in the Jews' religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the church of God, and wasted it:
You prove my point, Paul persecuted the Church without any remorse whatsoever. He did not regret martyring Stephen until after he met Christ on the Road.
Jesus referenced "kicking against the pricks".....

Act 9:4 And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?
Act 9:5 And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

Do you know what that means? Go for it.
What does it mean for a plow horse or ox to "kick against the goads"? It means to be stubborn, to resist the guides and encouragement that the driver is giving to get the animal to go in the direction he wants it to go.
Paul knew the OC Law, and he knew the prophecies that predicted Messiah. He had seen what Jesus did, yet he refused to open his heart to the truth of who and what Jesus is. God had been trying to get his attention by pushing him in the right direction, but he had refused to listen and was fighting against God's attempts to gently push him the right direction. So God stepped down and figuratively slapped him across the face to get his attention, and put him on the right course.
So you don't believe words found in Acts 7? If you don't then don't pretend you actually believe in the "sacred" canon.
Absolutely I believe the words found in Acts 7. Nothing I said contradicts Acts 7.
No. James makes such a "display" mandatory. I don't have to accept "James's" argument. It is rather ridiculous at "face value". Abraham did many mighty works long before offering up "His only son".

So tell me.... What "mighty work" have you performed? Have you had your "Isaac" moment? You pale in comparison to Abraham. You're no Abraham yourself.
I never claimed to be an "Abraham". Yes, he is much mightier in his faith than I am. God has not yet seen me as worthy enough to suffer for the faith as Abraham did. But I fight the good fight every day, striving against the false doctrines with which Satan has infested the Church, and seeking to be a Light in this dark world.
He believed for the birth of Isaac even when Sarah was barren and unable to have children because she had passed the age of child barring. Abraham was a 100 years old and Sarah was 90 years old when they had Isaac.
Yes, he trusted that God would send him a son, and before that he left Ur and traveled for the rest of his life, living in tents and having no place to call his home. And after his son was born he sacrificed that one son to God trusting that God would restore him and keep His promise. His faith was great, and of long endurance.
I believe that. But He does NOT say that those who believe and are NOT baptized will be lost, which is what YOU say.
He doesn't have to say that. He said in John 3:5 that only those reborn through water and the Spirit will enter the Kingdom of God. That covers the negative side of Mark's statement. He who believes and is NOT baptized is not reborn through water and the Spirit, so he cannot enter the Kingdom of God. And the Kingdom of God is made up only of those who are saved.
That's a false interpretation.
Says you, but that is what the words say, and agrees with the rest of what Scripture says about what is required for salvation.
A false interpretation.
Says you, but again that is exactly what the words say.
These verses DO NOT say that.
Yes, they do. It is in baptism that the circumcision without hands occurs, and because of that spiritual circumcision we are united to Christ's death and resurrection.
John 3:5 has nothing to do with baptism.
Says you, but you are not correct here either. Jesus says that rebirth (not original birth as an infant) must be through water AND the Spirit.
You reject the blood of Christ, which is the only thing that cleanses us from our sins, not water baptism.
No, I do not reject the blood of Christ. You are correct that it is the only thing that can cleanse us from sin, but as Scripture says, it is not the water that does the cleansing. It is the Holy Spirit that does the cleansing by the power of the Blood of Christ while we are in the water.
NO, not true, we must be sons of God BEFORE we get baptized. Salvation DOES NOT occur at baptism, it always must occur BEFORE baptism. There is no place in scripture where salvation occurred after baptism, or during baptism.
That is your biased interpretation, because you think that Scripture says that there is nothing man has to do to receive the gift of salvation from God. But that belief is proven false by Rom 10:9-10 which says explicitly that there is a physical action that leads to/results in receiving salvation. That concept goes against your preconception, but it is God's Word and so must be the truth.

Let me ask you, which is more important to you: your personal belief about what Scripture says? or what Scripture actually says?
Is the soul the fruit of life? Or does the soul provide life to the body? What does Gen 2:7-8 say? God breathed the breath of life into man and man became a living soul/being. The soul, the breath of life gives life to the body. In the same way, action/works give life to faith. This is EXACTLY what James says in James 2:26, "For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead."
In regard to James 2:26, the comparison of the human spirit and faith converge around their modes of operation. The spirit (Greek pneuma) may also be translated "breath." As a breathless body exhibits no indication of life, so fruitless faith exhibits no indication of life. The source of the life in faith is not works; rather, life in faith is the source of works. (Ephesians 2:5-10) You have the tail wagging the dog, the cart before the horse.
In regard to James 2:26, the comparison of the human spirit and faith converge around their modes of operation. The spirit (Greek pneuma) may also be translated "breath." As a breathless body exhibits no indication of life, so fruitless faith exhibits no indication of life. The source of the life in faith is not works; rather, life in faith is the source of works. (Ephesians 2:5-10) You have the tail wagging the dog, the cart before the horse.
Again, look at Gen 2. What does the Scripture say?
"Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being."
What is the cause and what is the effect? God breaths the "breath of life" into Man (cause), and man becomes a living being (result). The breath of life is what made man alive, it is the soul, it is what makes man the image of God. It is not the body that gives life to the spirit, but the spirit that gives life to the body. It is not that the body that demonstrates life through breath, but breath that gives life to the body.
Again, look at Gen 2. What does the Scripture say?
"Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being."
What is the cause and what is the effect? God breaths the "breath of life" into Man (cause), and man becomes a living being (result). The breath of life is what made man alive, it is the soul, it is what makes man the image of God. It is not the body that gives life to the spirit, but the spirit that gives life to the body. It is not that the body that demonstrates life through breath, but breath that gives life to the body.
man is born a living being thats why man still has value and is redeemable because all men are still made in Gods image- that is why all people have value/worth to God. that is why the gospel is universal and God has made provision for everyone- man must believe to be saved- that is the condition.

you are conflating mans natural birth with the spiritual birth- they are not the same.

no faith required for your physical birth.
man is born a living being thats why man still has value and is redeemable because all men are still made in Gods image- that is why all people have value/worth to God. that is why the gospel is universal and God has made provision for everyone- man must believe to be saved- that is the condition.
Man is indeed able to create new souls through procreation, but the first soul was breathed directly into the dirt form that God had made to be the body of man. As you say, it is the soul that makes man valuable, makes man a living being. And it is exactly that same connection that James makes between faith and works. Faith is the body and works the soul.
Without the soul (which gives life to the body) the body is dead.
Without works (which give life to faith) faith is dead.
It is not, and Mailman would have us believe, that works only demonstrate the life that is already in faith, but that the works actually give life to faith, they complete it/make it perfect (as James 2:22 says). As a body is incomplete without the soul, so faith is incomplete without action.
Absolutely I believe the words found in Acts 7. Nothing I said contradicts Acts 7.

Mesopotamia.................. contrast Ur with Charran. Stephen details how the call of Abraham began before what is referenced in Gen 12.

The call of Abraham was through the faithful line of Terah. The remnant from among the descendants of Noah. Faith to faith.

I never claimed to be an "Abraham". Yes, he is much mightier in his faith than I am.

Then according to James, you're not justified. Out of all the faithful events in the life of Abraham, James made a very poor choice to speak of justification.

If "James" were here today, I tell him the same thing. "James".....just what are you trying to say with this choice you're making in teaching justification?

I believe you can agree that all of us don't have to be like Abraham. We just need to believe God. Even if we do nothing more than praise His name throughout all our days..... That is more than enough.

Everyone seems to want to try to do "great things" for God...... They love to have their names spoken of in the "chief seats". God enjoys us in our prayer closets..............
You prove my point, Paul persecuted the Church without any remorse whatsoever. He did not regret martyring Stephen until after he met Christ on the Road.

I'm not proving your point at all. It was the events of Stephens death at the hands of Saul/Paul that is referenced in the "kicking the pricks". Paul heard everything that Stephen preached and it broke him.

I tell what YOU do, you hear things from God all the time and it "cuts" you. Over and over again. YOU don't listen the first time. You never do. None of us do. That is why God is longsuffering and patient with all of us.

What does it mean for a plow horse or ox to "kick against the goads"? It means to be stubborn, to resist the guides and encouragement that the driver is giving to get the animal to go in the direction he wants it to go.
Paul knew the OC Law, and he knew the prophecies that predicted Messiah. He had seen what Jesus did, yet he refused to open his heart to the truth of who and what Jesus is. God had been trying to get his attention by pushing him in the right direction, but he had refused to listen and was fighting against God's attempts to gently push him the right direction. So God stepped down and figuratively slapped him across the face to get his attention, and put him on the right course.

Ox MOVE when "probed" in the "tender areas". It hurts them. Nothing gentle about being "probed" when you're trying to resist.

I believed the Truth of God for a very long time before I received it. I willingly rejected what I knew to be true because of many different things. You're confirming what I said.

Paul believed before He ever confessed Christ. So did I. So did you. Such is required from all of the offspring of Jesus Christ. Your doctrine should reflect this.
Mesopotamia.................. contrast Ur with Charran. Stephen details how the call of Abraham began before what is referenced in Gen 12.

The call of Abraham was through the faithful line of Terah. The remnant from among the descendants of Noah. Faith to faith.
"Now Terah took his son Abram, and Lot the son of Haran, his grandson, and his daughter-in-law Sarai, his son Abram’s wife, and they departed together from Ur of the Chaldeans to go to the land of Canaan; and they went as far as Haran and settled there. 32 The days of Terah were 205 years; and Terah died in Haran." - Gen 11:31-32
And then after this, God told Abram to leave the land of Haran, and the place of his family (Gen 12:1). So I am taking Abraham's faith back too far. His faith began when he left Haran, not when he left Ur with his father. Thank you for the correction.
Then according to James, you're not justified. Out of all the faithful events in the life of Abraham, James made a very poor choice to speak of justification.

If "James" were here today, I tell him the same thing. "James".....just what are you trying to say with this choice you're making in teaching justification?

I believe you can agree that all of us don't have to be like Abraham. We just need to believe God. Even if we do nothing more than praise His name throughout all our days..... That is more than enough.
Oh really? Tell that to the people Jesus talked about in Matt 7:22-23. They believed in God. They did mighty works in His name. They "praise[d] His name throughout all [their] days". But they were condemned as being workers of iniquity and sent to Hell for eternity.
Everyone seems to want to try to do "great things" for God...... They love to have their names spoken of in the "chief seats". God enjoys us in our prayer closets..............
First off, James didn't make the choice of what to include here. God was inspiring him in what to write down. God is the author of the "Book of James"; James was just the "ghost writer".

Second, a person does not have to be a great person of the faith like the Apostles, the Prophets, and the other heros of the faith listed in Heb 11. To be justified by the blood of Jesus we simply need to surrender our will to His in repentance (Acts 3:19), confession of Jesus as Lord (Rom 10:9-10), and baptism (Acts 2:38, Mark 16:16, and many others).
I'm not proving your point at all. It was the events of Stephens death at the hands of Saul/Paul that is referenced in the "kicking the pricks". Paul heard everything that Stephen preached and it broke him.
No, that did not break him. It made him so mad that he held the coats of the men who stoned Stephen, thereby condoning and taking responsibility for Stephen's execution. It did not break him. It galvanized him to exterminate all the other Christians he could find.
Ox MOVE when "probed" in the "tender areas". It hurts them. Nothing gentle about being "probed" when you're trying to resist.
Indeed it does hurt, and it hurts even more when you resist and kick against them. Saul was continually being "probed" (as you want to call it), but he wasn't listening, and was fighting against the One who was probing him (God).
I believed the Truth of God for a very long time before I received it. I willingly rejected what I knew to be true because of many different things. You're confirming what I said.

Paul believed before He ever confessed Christ. So did I. So did you. Such is required from all of the offspring of Jesus Christ. Your doctrine should reflect this.
Not all reject Him the first time they hear His Gospel. Some of the people identified in Acts heard the Gospel and accepted it immediately. But as you say, many reject it at first. Some even reject it to their graves.
Oh really? Tell that to the people Jesus talked about in Matt 7:22-23. They believed in God. They did mighty works in His name. They "praise[d] His name throughout all [their] days". But they were condemned as being workers of iniquity and sent to Hell for eternity.

You seem to be agreeing with me. "James" referenced Abraham's efforts in offering up his only son. Of all the examples to be chosen, that isn't a very wise choice to use an illustration.

First off, James didn't make the choice of what to include here. God was inspiring him in what to write down. God is the author of the "Book of James"; James was just the "ghost writer".

That is your false narrative. There is nothing inspired about your "narrative" concerning James. Most people us "Inspiration" as a....... "shut up and listen to me" argument. I weigh the internal evidence of what the supposed "authors" wrote. You've stopped do this in your argument just now and you're doing just that to me. Your argument is bogus.

This "James" made a very poor argument relative to faith. That is all. James was rejected by the real early church and wasn't included in any canonical list until hundreds of years later. The same is true of other works attributed to "inspiration". I don't want "James" to disappear from the list. I like the fact it is still being talked about. Just don't believe everything you read solely based upon some man's claim relative to "inspiration". I can see that you're not really familiar with this topic. You should get familiar with the Biblical canon and why the choices were made that were made.

Second, a person does not have to be a great person of the faith like the Apostles, the Prophets, and the other heros of the faith listed in Heb 11. To be justified by the blood of Jesus we simply need to surrender our will to His in repentance (Acts 3:19), confession of Jesus as Lord (Rom 10:9-10), and baptism (Acts 2:38, Mark 16:16, and many others).

Glad you agree with me. James's comparison to being justified by the works of faith comparable to Abraham is ridiculous.
No, that did not break him. It made him so mad that he held the coats of the men who stoned Stephen, thereby condoning and taking responsibility for Stephen's execution. It did not break him. It galvanized him to exterminate all the other Christians he could find.

If what you say is true, then a vision of Christ on some "road"...... wouldn't have changed his mind. He would have attributed it to a distraction. Think...............

Luk 16:30 And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.
Luk 16:31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.

Paul was receptive before Christ ever appeared to him. He was just doing his job. Fulfilling his role. Going alone... You know something about that.... right??????????????

Indeed it does hurt, and it hurts even more when you resist and kick against them. Saul was continually being "probed" (as you want to call it), but he wasn't listening, and was fighting against the One who was probing him (God).

Like you.... right? Sure, there was resistance. Just like you still resist God. I do too. Your requirements are contrary to fact.

Not all reject Him the first time they hear His Gospel. Some of the people identified in Acts heard the Gospel and accepted it immediately. But as you say, many reject it at first. Some even reject it to their graves.

What people in Acts? Israel heard the gospel their entire lives. It was blended with the falsehoods of their teacher's hypocrisies.

Gal 3:8 And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed.
Gal 3:9 So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham.

The same still happens today. We are all without excuses. We hear and know the Truth and refuse to acknowledge it for many varying reasons. Same with Paul.
man is born a living being thats why man still has value and is redeemable because all men are still made in Gods image- that is why all people have value/worth to God. that is why the gospel is universal and God has made provision for everyone- man must believe to be saved- that is the condition.

you are conflating mans natural birth with the spiritual birth- they are not the same.

no faith required for your physical birth.
Doug just does not get it. :(
You seem to be agreeing with me. "James" referenced Abraham's efforts in offering up his only son. Of all the examples to be chosen, that isn't a very wise choice to use an illustration.
I do not believe that God made an unwise choice in His reference to Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac. Of all the examples God could have chosen, I believe that to be the perfect example to get across what He meant.
That is your false narrative. There is nothing inspired about your "narrative" concerning James. Most people us "Inspiration" as a....... "shut up and listen to me" argument. I weigh the internal evidence of what the supposed "authors" wrote. You've stopped do this in your argument just now and you're doing just that to me. Your argument is bogus.
So what you are saying is that you trust your human reason more than the Word of God. If that is the case, then there is no hope for you.

I have faith that the Bible, every word of it in each and every book/letter in it, is God's inspired Word. As such, it is the ultimate authority in how to live life and be acceptable to God. The Holy Spirit works in our life to help us understand and properly interpret what it says, but the Holy Spirit is not going to lead us to contradict what the Scripture says. I am not saying, "Shut up and listen to me". I am saying, "Shut up and listen to God"!
This "James" made a very poor argument relative to faith. That is all. James was rejected by the real early church and wasn't included in any canonical list until hundreds of years later. The same is true of other works attributed to "inspiration". I don't want "James" to disappear from the list. I like the fact it is still being talked about. Just don't believe everything you read solely based upon some man's claim relative to "inspiration". I can see that you're not really familiar with this topic. You should get familiar with the Biblical canon and why the choices were made that were made.

Glad you agree with me. James's comparison to being justified by the works of faith comparable to Abraham is ridiculous.
No, I do not agree with you at all in this.
Doug just does not get it. :(
I get it, Dan. I really do. You have reinterpreted Scripture to fit your preconception, and ignore clear, explicit, easy to understand Scripture. That has lead you, and many others on this forum and in pulpits around the world, to teach a false doctrine that is resulting in exactly what Jesus said it would in Matt 7:23. He will say to those you teach, "I never knew you; leave Me, you who practice lawlessness." I pray that you and they come to your senses before the end comes.
I get it, Dan. I really do. You have reinterpreted Scripture to fit your preconception, and ignore clear, explicit, easy to understand Scripture. That has lead you, and many others on this forum and in pulpits around the world, to teach a false doctrine that is resulting in exactly what Jesus said it would in Matt 7:23. He will say to those you teach, "I never knew you; leave Me, you who practice lawlessness." I pray that you and they come to your senses before the end comes.
You don't get it because you teach salvation by faith + works (contrary to Scripture - Romans 4:2-6; Ephesians 2:8,9; Titus 3:5; 2 Timothy 1:9) and it's you who tries to force Scripture to "conform" to your biased church doctrine. I properly harmonize Scripture with Scripture before reaching my conclusion on doctrine. Example below:

Man is saved through faith and not by works (Romans 4:5-6; Ephesians 2:8,9; Titus 3:5; 2 Timothy 1:9); yet genuine faith is (evidenced) by works. (James 2:14-26). Christ saves us through faith based on the merits of His finished work of redemption "alone" and not based on the merits of our works. (Romans 3:24-28) It is through faith "in Christ alone" (and not based on the merits of our works) that we are justified on account of Christ (Romans 4:5-6; 5:1; 5:9); yet the faith that justifies does not remain alone (unfruitful, barren) if it is genuine. (James 2:14-26) *Perfect Harmony* (y)

Jesus never knew these many people in Matthew 7:22-23 which means they were never saved. Hence, practice lawlessness because they were not children of God. (1 John 3:9,10) In Matthew 7:21, we read - Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. *John 6:40 - For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.
Paul was saved, delivered, forgiven, given an inheritance with those who were saved by faith (not baptism), and indwelt by the Holy Spirit - all on the road to Damascus, before Ananias even came to him.
IN MY BOOK, Paul was Born again before he hit the ground since he acknowledges Jesus as LORD right there. And then there was the "Back side of the Desert" experience where he received his commission, and the knowledge for his ministry apparently FROM Jesus in his post ascention form.
No salvation or forgiveness of sins or indwelling of the Holy Spirit occurred when Ananias baptized him. They had already happened three days before.
That's my understanding also. "Baptism" is an ordinance, but (as it was in my case) changed / added nothing. I was saved, and infilled with the Holy Spirit in my bedroom that evening, and the baptism 4 days later changed nothing.
In the Old Testament, people were saved by
  • Grace alone
  • Through faith alone
  • In Christ alone (looking ahead to the coming of Christ)
  • Trusting in the merciful one true God
  • Efficacy of sacrifices offered in faith
  • Hope of a future Messiah
Yup, that covers it When Jesus died, He had a meeting in the place of the dead (Abraham's Bosom) ANNOUNCING to the Old Testament faithful that what they looked forward to HAD HAPPENED, and it was time to go to their heavenly places (He led captivity captive - Eph 4:8).
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