No, they are not equivalent. One must go to other verses to support people being born in sin (or answer the empirical question "When did YOU teach YOUR infant to sin?")
You believe babies burn in hell?
One must go to other verses to support people being born in sin (
Being born in sin means all are seperated from God at birth, Isaiah 59:2
If babies die before believing the gospel they must go to hell, John 5:24
For that is the only way to be saved, Romans 1:16; 2Thessalonians 1:8, God makes no exception.
Gods grace is only given to those who believe, Revelation 21:8
Unless sinful babies are saved without the gospel which would make your religion contradict itself, 1Corinthians 14:33
However, the fact that EVERYONE WITHOUT EXCEPTION does choose to sin, renders the debate about babies being born sinless or not a moot question ... even a baby born sinless will choose sin over God
Did the angels in heaven choose to rebel against God?
Yes they did. That's called free will.
Did all the angel's in heaven choose to sin against God?
No, because of free will.
Do people choose to sin, Romans 3:23
Yes they do. That's their free moral agency.
Do people also choose to do good and live for God, Deuteronomy 30:15-16
Yes they do because of their free will.
If man did not sin against God they would have to,
1)have full knowledge at birth of what perfect righteousness is, knowing Gods law perfectly.
Some sin is out of ignorance.
2)God would have to eliminate all temptation from their entire life on earth.
Satan cannot tempt the saints who are in hades awaiting judgment like he can all here on earth.
3) Remove satan from tempting man to sin by deceiving him just as the devil did to Eve.
4) Creating a world where the consequences of others sin had no influence at all on every individual.
Crack babies are more likely to use drugs if they survive and are raised by drug addicted parents.
5) Have no free will. Mankind would be robotic or just a computer as God would give the command and man could do nothing other than what God pre-programmed him to do.
even a baby born sinless will choose sin over God (just as Adam and Eve did).
Babies can choose sin?
How can someone who has no understanding of right nor wrong choose to commit wrong?
Deuteronomy 1:39,
- and as for your little ones who you said would become a prey and your children
who today have no knowledge of good or evil
However, the fact that EVERYONE WITHOUT EXCEPTION does choose to sin, renders the debate about babies being born sinless or not a moot question .
Does it?
How depraved was John the Baptist?
Did John sin?
Did he do more good than evil?
Yes, John worked righteousness but committed little evil.
Look at Elijah,
He did more good than evil.
Look at Moses,
Many Bible characters that did far more good than evil.
Yet you paint this picture that all babies will someday choose to sin against God.
Well, there are examples of men who while not perfect , over the course of their entire lives choose to serve God rather than sin.
Look at young Joseph for example.
Your religion makes all of mankind God haters up until the point when God miraculously regenerates them by giving them a new heart.Babies are totally wicked depraved God hating devils.
This depiction of mans nature is not found in the Bible as proof of many righteous men that from their youth till their death chose righteousness over wickedness.
Only occasionally stumbled but did not dwell in sinful rebellion against God.
I've chosen to sin at weak moments in my life.
Does that make me a God hating evil hearted depraved reprobate by nature?
No it does not.
As bad as the sins of David, Gods word says,
1Samuel 13:1-4,
- but now your king shall not continue the Lord has sought out a man
after His own heart and the Lord has commanded him to be prince over His people, because you have not kept what the Lord commanded you
David was just a youth at this time.
Already LOVED God.
Therefore he cannot be non-elect in your religion.
His heart seeks after God.
But later in life he sins greatly against God.
Was David saved until he sinned against God.
He was a righteous man according to Scripture.
Does David's sin make him a God hating totally depraved reprobate?
Sin at any age does not equate to a innate sinful nature.
Plenty of examples of men who's nature did far more good than evil throughout their entire lives.
God created man upright not depraved,
Ecclesiastes 7:29,
- truly this only have I found, that God created man upright, but they have sought out many schemes