"Works Salvation"

Turn on . who said anything about turning on anyone .
As far as this that you speak about , in case you have not yet realized
i dont really focus on this stuff . ME Mission
and by grace i chose to accept it , REMIND this generation of christendom that ye shall preach no other gospel
and no other jesus . cause well , THAT DO DAMN souls to hades and fiery depths of much perditoin .
Tis why i often warn against
a trogan horse that was given in the name of peace by the HARLOT
to christendom . And though that ol wooden pony has painted on its outside
GOD is love . THEY GOTS NO IDEA what lies in wait to lead them all to hades ON THE INSIDE .
INterfaith is of death twice told , its love is false , its inclusivity is dead , its peace leadeth only to sudden destruction .
But as men were lulled to sleep they big ol PONY was wheeled within
and now the most part of this christendom lie in wait ONLY TO REBUKE teh words of GOD and of those who bring them .
REALLY aint looking too good at all in these last hours and it will get worse .
I agree

The age of the earth is not the gospel

as long as an OEC and a YEC believes in the same gospel. they are both saved children of God
SOUND out the trumpets and hit the trenches , we in the last hours of a major war that has been raging
throughout many centuries and that ol mystery of inqiuty , that which is of anti christ
has not been sleeping , IT HAS Waxed very full and leadth all now to the great plan of interfaith unto that which is of anti christ .
Just a real friendly , but dire necessary reminder .
You will not convince a lost soul to come to christ by pushing young earth on them

bring them to Jesus. the age of the earth will work itself out.
You will not convince a lost soul to come to christ by pushing young earth on them

bring them to Jesus. the age of the earth will work itself out.
OH you spot ON RIGHT about that friend . I dont push that . I PUSH ONE GOSPEL ,
ONE JESUS and you can bet it aint another jesus or other gospel This lamb even ALLOWS on my watch .
I KNOW how seductive the lie truly is and it has come in the name of love and cliameth to be of GOD .
IT has formed an image of GOD , which is NOT GOD
that has made void the one true gospel of BELIEVE
and it has done all to convince all that even the bible can be in error .
THE serpent has never stopped deceiving and boy can his co workers have some of the biggest and longest smiles
and say love ten thousand times a day . BUT they know NEITHER GOD OR HIS LOVE .
A TSUNAMI of a delusoin has come and its taking captive churches big time .
You will not convince a lost soul to come to christ by pushing young earth on them

bring them to Jesus. the age of the earth will work itself out.
The hour draws late and time of the great delusion has come to gather all not in the lambs book of life
to merge under what all will believe is love and of God . but it is of anti christ , NOT GOD . beware its song
for it can sound so loving and so caring , BUT IT PREACHES DEATH unto all and has DENIED the DIRE NEED TO BELEIVE ON JESUS
the CHRIST . it cometh of and has come of that which is of anti christ .It has come with an image
of God and of love that all humanity can agree upon to be as GOD as LOVE . But it has brought another image
of what it calleth GOD and claims is love . IT has made the path VERY broad as well as sin accepting . beware it
, take no heed unto its love song of what it cries is inclusive , FOR IT LIES and preaches REBELLION TO GOD unto the masses .
You will not convince a lost soul to come to christ by pushing young earth on them

bring them to Jesus. the age of the earth will work itself out.
and this wee sheep is calling on volunteers to help me . THE HOUR IS LATE . VERY LATE
and the DELUSION IS STRONG , very STRONG and calleth itself love and loving and claims to be of GOD . IT OF THE DEVIL HIMSELF .
You will not convince a lost soul to come to christ by pushing young earth on them

bring them to Jesus. the age of the earth will work itself out.
TO the trenches one and to the trenches all . Whether or not some are aware , we got us a false gospel and another version of jesus
and of god at work on this very lovely site . Thus the call to trenches has been made . Line the walls
and sound the trumpets for deadly delusion has come home to roost amongst even us . Beware it
for it cries love and will claim God is love and yet by means of a stangers tongue preaches twisted truths to promote its lie .
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