Works and Salvation

you can place anyone on ignore thats your right. you sure like to post theology and ideas but resist having them challenged.

I have mine challenged every day here just like everyone else does, thats the nature of christian forums in general to test what you believe and have it challenged by others. We either affirm what someone posts or disagree with it and challenge the beliefs.

There would be no online forums if everyone agreed on everything.

BTW-I have not called you any names, insulted you personally. I have challenged some of your doctrines but most of them I agree with brother.
I have no problems with that-it's the spirit in which it is done I am against.
I am posting the opposing views from scholars etc. on PSA, Romans 7 waiting for a mature, Christlike response and you do came across as arrogant, you seem to only want to see it YOUR way, using copy and paste as well and are very prolific at it.
If you are getting challenged-it's your way which reminds me of that song-"I did it all my way"

Glad to know it is is my right to put you on ignore since I am not edified-don't take this personally but I really don't have any desire to have a "rock an' roll" with you.

I have enough of that in my own backyard in real time. Police are everywhere getting rid of "illegals" and fists are flying.
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Not all here on this platform are born again Christians and indwelt by the Holy Spirit.

Simple as that.
There are genuine Christians and there are "nominal" or pseudo-Christians. There are genuine believers and there are make believers and it's not hard to find them mixed together on various Christian forum sites.
There are genuine Christians and there are "nominal" or pseudo-Christians. There are genuine believers and there are make believers and it's not hard to find them mixed together on various Christian forum sites.
yes its not much different than with our local churches.
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