Why I believe in Reformed Doctrine


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I affirm the sovereignty of God in salvation and embrace a Calvinistic worldview where the glory and supremacy of God are the end of all things. Seven fundamental realities compel me to embrace Calvinism, what C.H. Spurgeon referred to as a “nickname for biblical Christianity.”1

  1. Calvinism is rooted in Scripture. The sovereignty of God over all things, including the salvation of his elect is a pervasive theme in the Bible (Jonah 2:9; Isa. 46:9-10; Eph. 1:11).
  2. Calvinism upholds the dignity of mankind and his total inability in proper tension (Gen. 1:27; 6:5; Ps. 8:5).
  3. Calvinism upholds the sovereignty of God in all things (Ps. 115:3; Dan. 4:34-35).
  4. Calvinism upholds the responsibility of mankind and God’s sovereign control over all things.
  5. Calvinism upholds the joy of the Creator and the joy of the creature. This God-centered joy is captured in the popular acrostic, TULIP:
Total depravity is not just badness, but blindness to beauty and deadness to joy.
Unconditional electionis how God planned, before we existed, to complete our joy in Christ.
Limited atonement is the assurance that indestructible joy in God in infallibly secured for us by the blood of Jesus.
Irresistible grace is the sovereign commitment of God to make sure we hold on to superior delights instead of the false pleasures that will ultimately destroy us.
Perseverance of the saints is the almighty work of God, to keep us through all affliction and suffering, for an inheritance of pleasures at God’s right hand forever.2
  1. Calvinism underscores the five solas of the Reformation:
I believe that sinners are saved by God’s grace alone because apart from his grace we do not have the ability nor the desire to please him or earn his favor – Grace Alone(Eph. 2:1-5).

I believe that we are saved by faith in Jesus Christ alone apart from any human merit, works or ritual. Genuine faith produces Christ-glorifying fruit in the people of God for the glory of God – Faith Alone (Eph. 2:8-10).

I believe that we are saved by Christ alone, who is fully God and fully man. Christ was our substitute who died for our sins on the cross and was raised from the dead on the third day – Christ Alone (1 Cor. 15:3-4).

I believe the Bible is God’s absolute truth for all people, for all times; it is our final authority for discerning truth – Scripture Alone (2 Tim. 3:16).

I believe in the triune God who exists in three distinct Persons (Father, Son, and Spirit) who created, sustains and sovereignly rules over all things, and to whom belongs all the glory forever and ever – To the Glory of God Alone (Rom. 11:36).

Calvinism is God-centered. “A Calvinist is someone who has seen God in His majestic glory and has been overwhelmed.”3

The world may mock and the world may scorn. But the truth holds fast: I am a Calvinist. By David Steele

  1. I deny the notion of hyper-Calvinism which minimizes human responsibility, promotes passivity, and fails to proclaim the gospel to all peoples.
  2. John Piper, Cited in Tony Reinke, The Joy Project: The True Story of Inescapable Happiness (Minneapolis: Desiring God Ministries, 2015), 6.
  3. Ian Hamilton, What is Experiential Calvinsim (Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2015), Loc. 202.
I don't mean to offend you as everyone is entitled to their beliefs but I think Calvinism is a blank . I'm talking about Calvinism as a whole not you personally. I have many reasons many reasons for my beliefs about Calvinism. Cultlike behavior is always marked by an idolatrous desire to the blank itself. This is especially true in Calvinism. You will not find every Presbyterian or Reformed Baptist to be mired down in the cult-like behavior of Calvinism. There are many people who attend Calvinistic churches do so for reasons other than Calvinism and such members essentially place little emphasis on Calvinism itself. It is those people who have committed themselves to Calvinism that are caught up in this blank. These are those people who immerse themselves in five point Calvinism and perceive it to be "the" gospel.

First off, like all other blanks, Calvinists like to claim that all other theological systems are "false gospels." This is especially true when it comes to their concept of the doctrines of salvation.

Next, Calvinists have a belief very similar to the early Gnostics, the first cult-like group to preach heresy in the Christian church. Gnostics believed "the Elect" where those elite who comprehended the secret knowledge of God. Like the Gnostics, Calvinists also believe that the Elect are the only people who will accept and can comprehend Calvinism because only they are capable of understanding and accepting this knowledge.

They interpret 1 Corinthians 2:14 in this way thinking that anyone who does not ultimately accept Calvinism must be a non-elect and non-regenerate person and such people cannot see these mystery knowledge of Calvinism.

Last but not least, Calvinism is a cult because those who adhere to its doctrines idolize Calvinism. Now of course the Calvinist will not admit he is an idolator. How many idolators do you know who admit they are idolators? So why are Calvinists idolators?

If you observe a Calvinist carefully and watch him at work, you will see that he has little regard for the true and intended meaning of the Bible message. The only message he will allow himself to see is the message of Calvinism. All Biblical passages are first run through the Calvinist mill. Any passage which seems to run contrary to his doctrines are interpretively reworked to fit his system. Like all blanks, the Calvinist will not change his beliefs under any circumstances, including the message of Scripture. Rather than conforming his beliefs to the Bible, the Calvinist tries to conform the Bible to his beliefs. Instead of trying to understand what the Bible really says, he first asks himself how any given passage might impact Calvinism. Then, instead of honestly trying to understand the intended message of any given passage, he develops an interpretation that will suit Calvinism. Thus all interpretations are custom fit to suit Calvinism rather than investigated to comprehend the intended meaning.

Because a Calvinist does this he is an idolator. An idolator is one who serves his idol. The Calvinist serves the idol of Calvinism. He serves his belief system first and foremost and the Bible must be interpreted to conform to his belief system. All interpretations of the Bible are subject to the whims of his idol, his God, that is, Calvinism. He must first consult Calvinism before he does any interpreting since any interpretation ofa passage which does not meet the approval of his god, Calvinism, will never do.

For example, in the gospel of John, Calvinists interpret the word "world" in John 1:29 and John3:16 to mean "definitely the Elect" and only the Elect. Butat John 17:9, they interpret the word "world" to mean" definitely not the Elect." Therefore, they give the exact same word, "world (Grk kosmos), totally opposite meanings from one passage to the next. They must do this because their idol, Calvinism, would not be pleased if they defined the word "world" at John 1:29 and 3:16 the same way as they do at John 17:9. There are myriads of examples in Calvinism just like this one. You will see them in the articles on this site.

Those who are not caught up in such blanks have a fluid belief system. If a Bible passage comes up that impacts their present beliefs, most people will change their beliefs to conform to the Bible. Not so with the Calvinist. He approaches such things just like a Jehovah's Witness. Both the Calvinist and the Jehovah's Witness serve their belief system's first and foremost and no Biblical passage is going to change them. If a Bible passage comes up that seems to threaten his belief system, his idol, he lays awake endless nights devising an interpretation that can be made to fit Calvinism. In such cases, he never asks himself, "What does this passage really mean and does it prove that Calvinism or some point of Calvinism is wrong?" He never entertains such notions because he has committed himself to his idol rather than to God. Thus he cannot learn anything from many passages in the Bible because he never let sit speak to him apart from prior approval of his idol, his god -Calvinism.

The purpose of reading the Bible is to find out what it says and arrive at the intended meaning through understanding the context, grammar and following accepted objective interpretive principles. Most people read the Bible to discover the treasures therein. Not the Calvinist. He uses the Bible for nothing more than to please his idol. Although the Calvinist may claim he interprets any verse in its own context and follows accepted practices of interpretation, in reality his context is not the passage in question but the system of Calvinism itself and the onlyaccepted practice of interpretation is to develop an interpretation of any given passage which does not anger his god - Calvinism.

Like other blanks , Calvinist do not try to coherently piece the ideas in the Bible together to arrive at the big picture such that all pieces fit in their proper place. Rather, they hunt down passages which seem to suit them best and either ignore or rework all other passages which do not uplife Calvinism. thus they gather together a bunch of passages and build something for themselves - a belief system of their liking. In short, they create their own belief system rather than seeking out the belief system which the whole Bible intends to convey. In the end, they createtheir own god, an idol called Calvinism, their own creation.

Many people would say this language is too strong to describe Calvinism. At one time I would have said so myself. But having studied and observed Calvinists for 29 years, it is my solemn conclusion that Calvinism is a very dangerous and falls into the same categories as the Watchtower and Mormons. Do not let me or this post convince you. Do not let the fact that they accept the Trinity and the Deity of Christ fool you either. Observe them yourself and see for yourself if what is written here is the truth.

I hope this post isn't too harsh and if it is and needs to be deleted I'm fine with that. But as you can tell I'm very passionate about this subject As I was once a Calvinist.
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Kokomo that could very well be your own personal experience but that is not my experience with Calvinists interacting with Arminians. While I believe in the doctrines of grace these do not depend on a persons salvation. It is how Calvinists believe we become saved giving God all the glory for our salvation. Arminians are no more saved then we are saved. If a person has the spirit of God on them they are saved. How they believe it happens is where the differences are in our theology. Calvinists are no more a cult than Arminians are a cult. That is an unjust and unfriendly accusation.
If a Bible passage comes up that impacts their present beliefs, most people will change their beliefs to conform to the Bible.

This is 100% false.

Almost everyone fits the Bible into their presuppositions, they just change their presuppositions, then think they changed based on the Bible.

I've rarely met such an honest person that instead of a pious talk of "just wanting to read the Bible," actually does it.

For example, I'm honest enough to admit Romans 9 really does sound Calvinistic.

Even though I don't accept it.
Kokomo that could very well be your own personal experience but that is not my experience with Calvinists interacting with Arminians. While I believe in the doctrines of grace these do not depend on a persons salvation. It is how Calvinists believe we become saved giving God all the glory for our salvation. Arminians are no more saved then we are saved. If a person has the spirit of God on them they are saved. How they believe it happens is where the differences are in our theology. Calvinists are no more a cult than Arminians are a cult. That is an unjust and unfriendly accusation.
I'm sure we're going to buttheads on this one and hopefully we'll do it in a friendly manner. I appreciate your input about Armenians but I wasn't aware they were part of the discussion.

So what about Calvinists and Determinism? That's much more interesting than Armenians.

Determinism...Calvinists argument of God’s ordaining evil and rendering it certain. That God does not cause evil actions but “determines them” by “divine with holding.” This high account of God’s sovereignty claims only the immediate cause of an evil act can be considered guilty of it. God caused it, but if you did it you own it. I believe this is bogus because it flies in the face of common sense and natural law.

Reality on the other hand says: “Ultimate responsibility … resides where the ultimate cause is.” You know where I'm going with this right?

You have to love how John Piper avoids the tortuous explanations Calvinists come up with and simply says he does not know how it is that God foreordains and renders certain sin and evil and yet sinners are responsible and God is not. He says this is ultimately a mystery that cannot be relieved by human reasoning. According to Piper the Bible simply says both: God foreordains evil and humans are responsible anyway. Like Burger King “have it your way”.

The real deal you to face is the question as to which side of this double-sided doctrine of God’s absolute, determining sovereignty and humans’ sole responsibility of evil to embrace. One cannot really embrace both without falling into contradiction. Appeal to mystery is not appropriate; contradiction is not mystery, it’s still Contradiction.

Even RC emphatically argues in Chosen by God. “for a Christian to embrace both poles of a blatant contradiction is to commit intellectual suicide. The dreadful error of hyper-Calvinism is that it involves God in coercing sin. This does radical violence to the integrity of God’s character”.

The primary biblical example that might tempt one toward hyper-Calvinism is the case of Pharaoh. Repeatedly we read in the Exodus account that God hardened Pharaoh’s heart. God told Moses ahead of time that he would do this:

You shall speak all that I command you. And Aaron your brother shall speak to Pharaoh, that he must send the children of Israel out of his land. And I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and multiply My signs and My wonders in the land of Egypt. But Pharaoh will not heed you, so that I may lay My hand on Egypt and bring My armies and My people, the children of Israel, out of the land of Egypt by great judgments. And the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord, when I stretch out My hand on Egypt and bring out the children of Israel from among them (Exodus 7:2-5).

The Bible clearly teaches that God did, in fact, harden Pharaoh’s heart. Now we know that God did this for his own glory and as a sign to both Israel and Egypt. We know that God’s purpose in all of this was a redemptive purpose. But we are still left with a nagging problem. God hardened Pharaoh’s heart and then judged Pharaoh for his sin. How can God hold Pharaoh or anyone else accountable for sin that flows out of a heart that God himself hardened? How's that work? It's a mystery right?
I'm sure we're going to buttheads on this one and hopefully we'll do it in a friendly manner. I appreciate your input about Armenians but I wasn't aware they were part of the discussion.

So what about Calvinists and Determinism? That's much more interesting than Armenians.

Determinism...Calvinists argument of God’s ordaining evil and rendering it certain. That God does not cause evil actions but “determines them” by “divine with holding.” This high account of God’s sovereignty claims only the immediate cause of an evil act can be considered guilty of it. God caused it, but if you did it you own it. I believe this is bogus because it flies in the face of common sense and natural law.

Reality on the other hand says: “Ultimate responsibility … resides where the ultimate cause is.” You know where I'm going with this right?

You have to love how John Piper avoids the tortuous explanations Calvinists come up with and simply says he does not know how it is that God foreordains and renders certain sin and evil and yet sinners are responsible and God is not. He says this is ultimately a mystery that cannot be relieved by human reasoning. According to Piper the Bible simply says both: God foreordains evil and humans are responsible anyway. Like Burger King “have it your way”.

The real deal you to face is the question as to which side of this double-sided doctrine of God’s absolute, determining sovereignty and humans’ sole responsibility of evil to embrace. One cannot really embrace both without falling into contradiction. Appeal to mystery is not appropriate; contradiction is not mystery, it’s still Contradiction.

Even RC emphatically argues in Chosen by God. “for a Christian to embrace both poles of a blatant contradiction is to commit intellectual suicide. The dreadful error of hyper-Calvinism is that it involves God in coercing sin. This does radical violence to the integrity of God’s character”.

The primary biblical example that might tempt one toward hyper-Calvinism is the case of Pharaoh. Repeatedly we read in the Exodus account that God hardened Pharaoh’s heart. God told Moses ahead of time that he would do this:

You shall speak all that I command you. And Aaron your brother shall speak to Pharaoh, that he must send the children of Israel out of his land. And I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and multiply My signs and My wonders in the land of Egypt. But Pharaoh will not heed you, so that I may lay My hand on Egypt and bring My armies and My people, the children of Israel, out of the land of Egypt by great judgments. And the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord, when I stretch out My hand on Egypt and bring out the children of Israel from among them (Exodus 7:2-5).

The Bible clearly teaches that God did, in fact, harden Pharaoh’s heart. Now we know that God did this for his own glory and as a sign to both Israel and Egypt. We know that God’s purpose in all of this was a redemptive purpose. But we are still left with a nagging problem. God hardened Pharaoh’s heart and then judged Pharaoh for his sin. How can God hold Pharaoh or anyone else accountable for sin that flows out of a heart that God himself hardened? How's that work? It's a mystery right?
As many times as scripture says God hardened pharoahs heart it says he hardened his own heart. Other than that I agree with the above regarding DD ( divine determinism ). Not all calvinists believe it though just like not all calvinists believe in double predestination.
I affirm the sovereignty of God in salvation and embrace a Calvinistic worldview where the glory and supremacy of God are the end of all things. Seven fundamental realities compel me to embrace Calvinism, what C.H. Spurgeon referred to as a “nickname for biblical Christianity.”1

  1. Calvinism is rooted in Scripture. The sovereignty of God over all things, including the salvation of his elect is a pervasive theme in the Bible (Jonah 2:9; Isa. 46:9-10; Eph. 1:11).
  2. Calvinism upholds the dignity of mankind and his total inability in proper tension (Gen. 1:27; 6:5; Ps. 8:5).
  3. Calvinism upholds the sovereignty of God in all things (Ps. 115:3; Dan. 4:34-35).
  4. Calvinism upholds the responsibility of mankind and God’s sovereign control over all things.
  5. Calvinism upholds the joy of the Creator and the joy of the creature. This God-centered joy is captured in the popular acrostic, TULIP:
  6. Calvinism underscores the five solas of the Reformation:
I believe that sinners are saved by God’s grace alone because apart from his grace we do not have the ability nor the desire to please him or earn his favor – Grace Alone(Eph. 2:1-5).

I believe that we are saved by faith in Jesus Christ alone apart from any human merit, works or ritual. Genuine faith produces Christ-glorifying fruit in the people of God for the glory of God – Faith Alone (Eph. 2:8-10).

I believe that we are saved by Christ alone, who is fully God and fully man. Christ was our substitute who died for our sins on the cross and was raised from the dead on the third day – Christ Alone (1 Cor. 15:3-4).

I believe the Bible is God’s absolute truth for all people, for all times; it is our final authority for discerning truth – Scripture Alone (2 Tim. 3:16).

I believe in the triune God who exists in three distinct Persons (Father, Son, and Spirit) who created, sustains and sovereignly rules over all things, and to whom belongs all the glory forever and ever – To the Glory of God Alone (Rom. 11:36).

Calvinism is God-centered. “A Calvinist is someone who has seen God in His majestic glory and has been overwhelmed.”3

The world may mock and the world may scorn. But the truth holds fast: I am a Calvinist. By David Steele

  1. I deny the notion of hyper-Calvinism which minimizes human responsibility, promotes passivity, and fails to proclaim the gospel to all peoples.
  2. John Piper, Cited in Tony Reinke, The Joy Project: The True Story of Inescapable Happiness (Minneapolis: Desiring God Ministries, 2015), 6.
  3. Ian Hamilton, What is Experiential Calvinsim (Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2015), Loc. 202.

Are you David Steele? If so, I will be glad to deal with what you've claimed above.

However, if you are not, can you confirm you will defend his position just as he has stated? In my experience, those who quote such people as evidence very seldom will defend their positions. I don't know the time I've debated others to only have them claim they didn't believe what they said they believe.
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Are you David Steele? If so, I will be glad to deal with what you've claimed above.

However, if you are not, can you confirm you will defend his position just as he has stated? In my experience, those who quote such people as evidence very seldom will defend their positions. I don't know the time I've debated others to only have them claim they didn't believe what they said they believe.
He is not David and I know David myself. He referenced him in his post. I PM him and asked.
This is 100% false.

Almost everyone fits the Bible into their presuppositions, they just change their presuppositions, then think they changed based on the Bible.

I've rarely met such an honest person that instead of a pious talk of "just wanting to read the Bible," actually does it.

For example, I'm honest enough to admit Romans 9 really does sound Calvinistic.

Even though I don't accept it.

Romans 9 does not support the false claims of "Calvinists" concerning election. As stated in the OP quote, I do expect Calvinists to be "proud" of their false claims. After all..... their view of election promotes THEM at the expense of their brothers in Adam. Which, ironically, they "claim" they are just like.

Romans 9 deals with God's choice between Jacob and Esau. Calvinism tries to exclude the entire narrative from the discussion. The story of Jacob and Esau is a parallel between life of Adam and the Second Adam (Jesus Christ).

Notice when Jacob was born.

Gen 25:26 And after that came his brother out, and his hand took hold on Esau's heel; and his name was called Jacob: and Isaac was threescore years old when she bare them.

Which is an appeal to .

Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Esau was rejected. Yet Christ was bruised in partaking of the humanity of Esau/Adam.

Election is all about Christ.

Php 2:9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:
Eph 1:21 Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:
Eph 1:22 And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church,
Eph 1:23 Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.

Eph 3:14 For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Eph 3:15 Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named,

The real deal you to face is the question as to which side of this double-sided doctrine of God’s absolute, determining sovereignty and humans’ sole responsibility of evil to embrace. One cannot really embrace both without falling into contradiction. Appeal to mystery is not appropriate; contradiction is not mystery, it’s still Contradiction.
Very true. When I've seen Calvinists default to the mystery theme, that is on this particular subject I conclude nothing they say (again on this particular subject) is worth listening too. To me its like they're saying I'm going to try to pull a fast one on you and expect you to accept it. Nope. I won't. And I don't think anybody else should either.
The Bible clearly teaches that God did, in fact, harden Pharaoh’s heart. Now we know that God did this for his own glory and as a sign to both Israel and Egypt. We know that God’s purpose in all of this was a redemptive purpose. But we are still left with a nagging problem. God hardened Pharaoh’s heart and then judged Pharaoh for his sin. How can God hold Pharaoh or anyone else accountable for sin that flows out of a heart that God himself hardened? How's that work? It's a mystery right?
To me not so much. I just feel a great many have got away or they never understood from the start the simple thing God was saying. In my opinion it's more of a simple thing then people think. We don't say today We Harden Someone's Heart. But what we do say is what I say is going to tick them off. Or what we say is what I say is going to make another party mad. Do we long to and want to make another mad? Nope. Not necessarily .

But we at times won't back down for at times somethings need to be said. So what was the horrible things God said to Pharaoh to tick him off or to harden his heart? Basically, "Let my people go!" So mean God right? Nope. Not mean at all. Pharaoh didn't have to allow himself to get ticked off (meaning become hardened) So guess what did that and the ONLY thing that did that. Pharaohs PRIDE and ARROGANCY. He was accustomed to strutting himself around this Earth thinking of himself as God.....

The true and living God however was going to give him a reality check. He could have learned this the easy way or the hard way. Pharaoh, chose the hard way. Was God wrong to do that? NOPE. So Pharaoh every minute and every day of the process could have locked into humility but nope he choose to rather die then to do that. So God did not, in the way that a Calvinist thinks harden Pharaoh heart. He did so but only in a way that I described. He ticked Pharaoh off. Men still do that today. The gospel teaches that we're to surrender to the Lordship of Christ....making Jesus Lord of their lives. A great many won't do that though. What do THEY do? THEY get ticked off. THEY not God, harden their hearts. They become stubborn against him. Not a good way to go. .
Romans 9 does not support the false claims of "Calvinists" concerning election. As stated in the OP quote, I do expect Calvinists to be "proud" of their false claims. After all..... their view of election promotes THEM at the expense of their brothers in Adam. Which, ironically, they "claim" they are just like.

Romans 9 deals with God's choice between Jacob and Esau. Calvinism tries to exclude the entire narrative from the discussion. The story of Jacob and Esau is a parallel between life of Adam and the Second Adam (Jesus Christ).

Notice when Jacob was born.

Gen 25:26 And after that came his brother out, and his hand took hold on Esau's heel; and his name was called Jacob: and Isaac was threescore years old when she bare them.

Which is an appeal to .

Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Esau was rejected. Yet Christ was bruised in partaking of the humanity of Esau/Adam.

Election is all about Christ.

Php 2:9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:
Eph 1:21 Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:
Eph 1:22 And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church,
Eph 1:23 Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.

Eph 3:14 For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Eph 3:15 Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named,
And I believe like the OT passage quoted by Paul they represent nations not individuals.
And I believe like the OT passage quoted by Paul they represent nations not individuals.

Gen 25:23 And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.

nations = kingdoms. Jacob loved. Esau hated. The great battle of all Eternity.

Luke 1:33 And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.

2Co 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

Joh 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Also, holy nation from Peter.

1Pe 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:
I don't mean to offend you as everyone is entitled to their beliefs but I think Calvinism is a blank . I'm talking about Calvinism as a whole not you personally. I have many reasons many reasons for my beliefs about Calvinism. Cultlike behavior is always marked by an idolatrous desire to the blank itself. This is especially true in Calvinism. You will not find every Presbyterian or Reformed Baptist to be mired down in the cult-like behavior of Calvinism. There are many people who attend Calvinistic churches do so for reasons other than Calvinism and such members essentially place little emphasis on Calvinism itself. It is those people who have committed themselves to Calvinism that are caught up in this blank. These are those people who immerse themselves in five point Calvinism and perceive it to be "the" gospel.

First off, like all other blanks, Calvinists like to claim that all other theological systems are "false gospels." This is especially true when it comes to their concept of the doctrines of salvation.

Next, Calvinists have a belief very similar to the early Gnostics, the first cult-like group to preach heresy in the Christian church. Gnostics believed "the Elect" where those elite who comprehended the secret knowledge of God. Like the Gnostics, Calvinists also believe that the Elect are the only people who will accept and can comprehend Calvinism because only they are capable of understanding and accepting this knowledge.

They interpret 1 Corinthians 2:14 in this way thinking that anyone who does not ultimately accept Calvinism must be a non-elect and non-regenerate person and such people cannot see these mystery knowledge of Calvinism.

Last but not least, Calvinism is a cult because those who adhere to its doctrines idolize Calvinism. Now of course the Calvinist will not admit he is an idolator. How many idolators do you know who admit they are idolators? So why are Calvinists idolators?

If you observe a Calvinist carefully and watch him at work, you will see that he has little regard for the true and intended meaning of the Bible message. The only message he will allow himself to see is the message of Calvinism. All Biblical passages are first run through the Calvinist mill. Any passage which seems to run contrary to his doctrines are interpretively reworked to fit his system. Like all blanks, the Calvinist will not change his beliefs under any circumstances, including the message of Scripture. Rather than conforming his beliefs to the Bible, the Calvinist tries to conform the Bible to his beliefs. Instead of trying to understand what the Bible really says, he first asks himself how any given passage might impact Calvinism. Then, instead of honestly trying to understand the intended message of any given passage, he develops an interpretation that will suit Calvinism. Thus all interpretations are custom fit to suit Calvinism rather than investigated to comprehend the intended meaning.

Because a Calvinist does this he is an idolator. An idolator is one who serves his idol. The Calvinist serves the idol of Calvinism. He serves his belief system first and foremost and the Bible must be interpreted to conform to his belief system. All interpretations of the Bible are subject to the whims of his idol, his God, that is, Calvinism. He must first consult Calvinism before he does any interpreting since any interpretation ofa passage which does not meet the approval of his god, Calvinism, will never do.

For example, in the gospel of John, Calvinists interpret the word "world" in John 1:29 and John3:16 to mean "definitely the Elect" and only the Elect. Butat John 17:9, they interpret the word "world" to mean" definitely not the Elect." Therefore, they give the exact same word, "world (Grk kosmos), totally opposite meanings from one passage to the next. They must do this because their idol, Calvinism, would not be pleased if they defined the word "world" at John 1:29 and 3:16 the same way as they do at John 17:9. There are myriads of examples in Calvinism just like this one. You will see them in the articles on this site.

Those who are not caught up in such blanks have a fluid belief system. If a Bible passage comes up that impacts their present beliefs, most people will change their beliefs to conform to the Bible. Not so with the Calvinist. He approaches such things just like a Jehovah's Witness. Both the Calvinist and the Jehovah's Witness serve their belief system's first and foremost and no Biblical passage is going to change them. If a Bible passage comes up that seems to threaten his belief system, his idol, he lays awake endless nights devising an interpretation that can be made to fit Calvinism. In such cases, he never asks himself, "What does this passage really mean and does it prove that Calvinism or some point of Calvinism is wrong?" He never entertains such notions because he has committed himself to his idol rather than to God. Thus he cannot learn anything from many passages in the Bible because he never let sit speak to him apart from prior approval of his idol, his god -Calvinism.

The purpose of reading the Bible is to find out what it says and arrive at the intended meaning through understanding the context, grammar and following accepted objective interpretive principles. Most people read the Bible to discover the treasures therein. Not the Calvinist. He uses the Bible for nothing more than to please his idol. Although the Calvinist may claim he interprets any verse in its own context and follows accepted practices of interpretation, in reality his context is not the passage in question but the system of Calvinism itself and the onlyaccepted practice of interpretation is to develop an interpretation of any given passage which does not anger his god - Calvinism.

Like other blanks , Calvinist do not try to coherently piece the ideas in the Bible together to arrive at the big picture such that all pieces fit in their proper place. Rather, they hunt down passages which seem to suit them best and either ignore or rework all other passages which do not uplife Calvinism. thus they gather together a bunch of passages and build something for themselves - a belief system of their liking. In short, they create their own belief system rather than seeking out the belief system which the whole Bible intends to convey. In the end, they createtheir own god, an idol called Calvinism, their own creation.

Many people would say this language is too strong to describe Calvinism. At one time I would have said so myself. But having studied and observed Calvinists for 29 years, it is my solemn conclusion that Calvinism is a very dangerous and falls into the same categories as the Watchtower and Mormons. Do not let me or this post convince you. Do not let the fact that they accept the Trinity and the Deity of Christ fool you either. Observe them yourself and see for yourself if what is written here is the truth.

I hope this post isn't too harsh and if it is and needs to be deleted I'm fine with that. But as you can tell I'm very passionate about this subject As I was once a Calvinist.
You were never a Calvinist,why edit? This was a dumb post from start to finish.
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