Who is Jesus?

God's name is still preserved in the Greek Text as κυριος (kyrios) which is properly translated to the English language as Lord. Ask any Greek Person what κυριος translates to and 100% will tell you it translates to Lord. The JW scare tactics, done by satan, only work on ignorant JW people. Only Cults, like JWs, will tell you lies like God is so weak that he cannot preserve his word.
I tried to help you. Not a wise place to be standing rejecting Jesus' Fathers name. You are being mislead to stand in opposition to it.
Fact-a REAL follower of Jesus, follows Jesus example to the best of their abilities-John 17:26--Jesus promised to keep on making his Father's name known, thus so does every true follower-without fail. Just like the apostles did. The darkness prevents you from following Jesus.
I tried to help you. Not a wise place to be standing rejecting Jesus' Fathers name. You are being mislead to stand in opposition to it.
Fact-a REAL follower of Jesus, follows Jesus example to the best of their abilities-John 17:26--Jesus promised to keep on making his Father's name known, thus so does every true follower-without fail. Just like the apostles did. The darkness prevents you from following Jesus.
Nobody is rejecting God's name. It's you that is standing in opposition to God's name which is still preserved in the Greek Text as κυριος (kyrios) and is properly translated to the English language as Lord. Ask any Greek Person what κυριος translates to and 100% will tell you it translates to Lord. The JW scare tactics, done by satan, only work on ignorant JW people. Only Cults, like JWs, will tell you lies like God is so weak that he cannot preserve his word.
No it doesn't

You just don't understand Trinitarianism teaches there is but one God.

Your theology teaches multiple Gods
Then Explain the 2nd line at John 1:1 -in simple English=And God(Word) was with God--explain that 1 God. But reality equals--A godlike one was with God.
You should not speak of the Holy Spirit as your religion believes he is nothing but an active force, but he hears, he speaks, he guides, and he can be insulted and blasphemed. None of that is true of an impersonal force
Prov 8:1--Does not wisdom( a non living thing) keep calling out-- same usage for the holy spirit.
Here is how the Watchtower corrupts scripture

Col 1:16
because by means of him all other things were created in the heavens and on the earth, the things visible and the things invisible,+ whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities. All other things have been created through him+ and for him. 17  Also, he is before all other things,+ and by means of him all other things were made to exist, 18 

They added the word other four times. It does not exist in the greek text of their kingdom interlinear

ὅτι becauseἐν inαὐτῷ himἐκτίσθη it was createdτὰ theπάντα all (things)ἐν inτοῖς theοὐρανοῖς heavensκαὶ andἐπὶ uponτῆς theγῆς, earth,τὰ the (things)ὁρατὰ visibleκαὶ andτὰ the (things)ἀόρατα, invisible,εἴτε whetherθρόνοι thronesεἴτε orκυριότητες lordshipsεἴτε orἀρχαὶ governmentsεἴτε orἐξουσίαι· authorities;τὰ theπάντα all (things)δι’ throughαὐτοῦ himκαὶ andεἰς intoαὐτὸν himἔκτισται· it has been created; 17 καὶ andαὐτὸς heἔστιν isπρὸ beforeπάντων all (things)καὶ andτὰ theπάντα all (things)ἐν inαὐτῷ himσυνέστηκεν,

and here

They kept on investigating what particular time or what season the spirit within them was indicating concerning Christ+ as it testified beforehand about the sufferings meant for Christ+ and about the glory that would follow. 12 

they removed Christ from the Spirit of Christ as their Greek interlinear shows

searchingεἰς intoτίνα whatἢ orποῖον what sort ofκαιρὸν appointed timeἐδήλου was making evidentτὸ theἐν inαὐτοῖς themπνεῦμα spiritΧριστοῦ of Christπρομαρτυρόμενον witnessing beforehand aboutτὰ theεἰς intoΧριστὸν Christπαθήματα sufferingsκαὶ andτὰς theμετὰ afterταῦτα these (things)δόξας·

and here

Now there is no mediator when just one person is involved, but God is only one.

They add person which does not appear in the Greek text

δὲ (but)μεσίτης (mediator)ἑνὸς (of one)οὐκ (not)(he is,)(the)δὲ (but)θεὸς (God)εἷς (one)ἐστίν.
The NWT is Gods real bible. He will show you either now or when its to late-you are making your stand. You will be one of these-Rev 16-mislead to stand in opposition on Gods day of anger. 99% will be mislead, they are now as well--FEW will find the road that leads off into life.
Nobody is rejecting God's name. It's you that is standing in opposition to God's name which is still preserved in the Greek Text as κυριος (kyrios) and is properly translated to the English language as Lord. Ask any Greek Person what κυριος translates to and 100% will tell you it translates to Lord. The JW scare tactics, done by satan, only work on ignorant JW people. Only Cults, like JWs, will tell you lies like God is so weak that he cannot preserve his word.
So sad for you synergy--you will not enter Gods kingdom, you are standing in opposition.
The NWT is Gods real bible. He will show you either now or when its to late-you are making your stand. You will be one of these-Rev 16-mislead to stand in opposition on Gods day of anger. 99% will be mislead, they are now as well--FEW will find the road that leads off into life.
So why are you not able to justify the corruption of the Greek text your bible employs

Here is how the Watchtower corrupts scripture

Col 1:16
because by means of him all other things were created in the heavens and on the earth, the things visible and the things invisible,+ whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities. All other things have been created through him+ and for him. 17  Also, he is before all other things,+ and by means of him all other things were made to exist, 18 

They added the word other four times. It does not exist in the greek text of their kingdom interlinear

ὅτι becauseἐν inαὐτῷ himἐκτίσθη it was createdτὰ theπάντα all (things)ἐν inτοῖς theοὐρανοῖς heavensκαὶ andἐπὶ uponτῆς theγῆς, earth,τὰ the (things)ὁρατὰ visibleκαὶ andτὰ the (things)ἀόρατα, invisible,εἴτε whetherθρόνοι thronesεἴτε orκυριότητες lordshipsεἴτε orἀρχαὶ governmentsεἴτε orἐξουσίαι· authorities;τὰ theπάντα all (things)δι’ throughαὐτοῦ himκαὶ andεἰς intoαὐτὸν himἔκτισται· it has been created; 17 καὶ andαὐτὸς heἔστιν isπρὸ beforeπάντων all (things)καὶ andτὰ theπάντα all (things)ἐν inαὐτῷ himσυνέστηκεν,

and here

They kept on investigating what particular time or what season the spirit within them was indicating concerning Christ+ as it testified beforehand about the sufferings meant for Christ+ and about the glory that would follow. 12 

they removed Christ from the Spirit of Christ as their Greek interlinear shows

searchingεἰς intoτίνα whatἢ orποῖον what sort ofκαιρὸν appointed timeἐδήλου was making evidentτὸ theἐν inαὐτοῖς themπνεῦμα spiritΧριστοῦ of Christπρομαρτυρόμενον witnessing beforehand aboutτὰ theεἰς intoΧριστὸν Christπαθήματα sufferingsκαὶ andτὰς theμετὰ afterταῦτα these (things)δόξας·

and here

Now there is no mediator when just one person is involved, but God is only one.

They add person which does not appear in the Greek text

δὲ (but)μεσίτης (mediator)ἑνὸς (of one)οὐκ (not)(he is,)(the)δὲ (but)θεὸς (God)εἷς (one)ἐστίν.

you address nothing
Prov 8:1--Does not wisdom( a non living thing) keep calling out-- same usage for the holy spirit.
Poor reply which fails to consider the genre of the passages

It most definitely is not the same Proverbs is not gospel literature
Then Explain the 2nd line at John 1:1 -in simple English=And God(Word) was with God--explain that 1 God. But reality equals--A godlike one was with God.
First the verse doers not say god like

In one case a person is meant (Ton Theon)

in the second case a class of being which is truly but one class is being refered to (Theos)

One person is not the other person but both are of the same essence (Theos)
So why are you not able to justify the corruption of the Greek text your bible employs

Here is how the Watchtower corrupts scripture

Col 1:16
because by means of him all other things were created in the heavens and on the earth, the things visible and the things invisible,+ whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities. All other things have been created through him+ and for him. 17  Also, he is before all other things,+ and by means of him all other things were made to exist, 18 

They added the word other four times. It does not exist in the greek text of their kingdom interlinear

ὅτι becauseἐν inαὐτῷ himἐκτίσθη it was createdτὰ theπάντα all (things)ἐν inτοῖς theοὐρανοῖς heavensκαὶ andἐπὶ uponτῆς theγῆς, earth,τὰ the (things)ὁρατὰ visibleκαὶ andτὰ the (things)ἀόρατα, invisible,εἴτε whetherθρόνοι thronesεἴτε orκυριότητες lordshipsεἴτε orἀρχαὶ governmentsεἴτε orἐξουσίαι· authorities;τὰ theπάντα all (things)δι’ throughαὐτοῦ himκαὶ andεἰς intoαὐτὸν himἔκτισται· it has been created; 17 καὶ andαὐτὸς heἔστιν isπρὸ beforeπάντων all (things)καὶ andτὰ theπάντα all (things)ἐν inαὐτῷ himσυνέστηκεν,

and here

They kept on investigating what particular time or what season the spirit within them was indicating concerning Christ+ as it testified beforehand about the sufferings meant for Christ+ and about the glory that would follow. 12 

they removed Christ from the Spirit of Christ as their Greek interlinear shows

searchingεἰς intoτίνα whatἢ orποῖον what sort ofκαιρὸν appointed timeἐδήλου was making evidentτὸ theἐν inαὐτοῖς themπνεῦμα spiritΧριστοῦ of Christπρομαρτυρόμενον witnessing beforehand aboutτὰ theεἰς intoΧριστὸν Christπαθήματα sufferingsκαὶ andτὰς theμετὰ afterταῦτα these (things)δόξας·

and here

Now there is no mediator when just one person is involved, but God is only one.

They add person which does not appear in the Greek text

δὲ (but)μεσίτης (mediator)ἑνὸς (of one)οὐκ (not)(he is,)(the)δὲ (but)θεὸς (God)εἷς (one)ἐστίν.

you address nothing
You only think its corrupted because satan beat ones like you centuries ago when by his will text was corrupted through Catholicism( 2 Thess 2:3)
Poor reply which fails to consider the genre of the passages

It most definitely is not the same Proverbs is not gospel literature
Catholicisms own encyclopedia even says--In most instances the holy spirit is not spoken of as a living being.
Catholicisms own encyclopedia even says--In most instances the holy spirit is not spoken of as a living being.
LOL I am not Catholic and neither are you.

So why do you quote them and why should I care?

BTW you provided no reference

Get a real argument
You only think its corrupted because satan beat ones like you centuries ago when by his will text was corrupted through Catholicism( 2 Thess 2:3)
You failed to deal with the corruption of your NWT

So why are you not able to justify the corruption of the Greek text your bible employs

Here is how the Watchtower corrupts scripture

Col 1:16
because by means of him all other things were created in the heavens and on the earth, the things visible and the things invisible,+ whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities. All other things have been created through him+ and for him. 17  Also, he is before all other things,+ and by means of him all other things were made to exist, 18 

They added the word other four times. It does not exist in the greek text of their kingdom interlinear

ὅτι becauseἐν inαὐτῷ himἐκτίσθη it was createdτὰ theπάντα all (things)ἐν inτοῖς theοὐρανοῖς heavensκαὶ andἐπὶ uponτῆς theγῆς, earth,τὰ the (things)ὁρατὰ visibleκαὶ andτὰ the (things)ἀόρατα, invisible,εἴτε whetherθρόνοι thronesεἴτε orκυριότητες lordshipsεἴτε orἀρχαὶ governmentsεἴτε orἐξουσίαι· authorities;τὰ theπάντα all (things)δι’ throughαὐτοῦ himκαὶ andεἰς intoαὐτὸν himἔκτισται· it has been created; 17 καὶ andαὐτὸς heἔστιν isπρὸ beforeπάντων all (things)καὶ andτὰ theπάντα all (things)ἐν inαὐτῷ himσυνέστηκεν,

and here

They kept on investigating what particular time or what season the spirit within them was indicating concerning Christ+ as it testified beforehand about the sufferings meant for Christ+ and about the glory that would follow. 12 

they removed Christ from the Spirit of Christ as their Greek interlinear shows

searchingεἰς intoτίνα whatἢ orποῖον what sort ofκαιρὸν appointed timeἐδήλου was making evidentτὸ theἐν inαὐτοῖς themπνεῦμα spiritΧριστοῦ of Christπρομαρτυρόμενον witnessing beforehand aboutτὰ theεἰς intoΧριστὸν Christπαθήματα sufferingsκαὶ andτὰς theμετὰ afterταῦτα these (things)δόξας·

and here

Now there is no mediator when just one person is involved, but God is only one.

They add person which does not appear in the Greek text

δὲ (but)μεσίτης (mediator)ἑνὸς (of one)οὐκ (not)(he is,)(the)δὲ (but)θεὸς (God)εἷς (one)ἐστίν.

you address nothing
You failed to deal with the corruption of your NWT

So why are you not able to justify the corruption of the Greek text your bible employs

Here is how the Watchtower corrupts scripture

Col 1:16
because by means of him all other things were created in the heavens and on the earth, the things visible and the things invisible,+ whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities. All other things have been created through him+ and for him. 17  Also, he is before all other things,+ and by means of him all other things were made to exist, 18 

They added the word other four times. It does not exist in the greek text of their kingdom interlinear

ὅτι becauseἐν inαὐτῷ himἐκτίσθη it was createdτὰ theπάντα all (things)ἐν inτοῖς theοὐρανοῖς heavensκαὶ andἐπὶ uponτῆς theγῆς, earth,τὰ the (things)ὁρατὰ visibleκαὶ andτὰ the (things)ἀόρατα, invisible,εἴτε whetherθρόνοι thronesεἴτε orκυριότητες lordshipsεἴτε orἀρχαὶ governmentsεἴτε orἐξουσίαι· authorities;τὰ theπάντα all (things)δι’ throughαὐτοῦ himκαὶ andεἰς intoαὐτὸν himἔκτισται· it has been created; 17 καὶ andαὐτὸς heἔστιν isπρὸ beforeπάντων all (things)καὶ andτὰ theπάντα all (things)ἐν inαὐτῷ himσυνέστηκεν,

and here

They kept on investigating what particular time or what season the spirit within them was indicating concerning Christ+ as it testified beforehand about the sufferings meant for Christ+ and about the glory that would follow. 12 

they removed Christ from the Spirit of Christ as their Greek interlinear shows

searchingεἰς intoτίνα whatἢ orποῖον what sort ofκαιρὸν appointed timeἐδήλου was making evidentτὸ theἐν inαὐτοῖς themπνεῦμα spiritΧριστοῦ of Christπρομαρτυρόμενον witnessing beforehand aboutτὰ theεἰς intoΧριστὸν Christπαθήματα sufferingsκαὶ andτὰς theμετὰ afterταῦτα these (things)δόξας·

and here

Now there is no mediator when just one person is involved, but God is only one.

They add person which does not appear in the Greek text

δὲ (but)μεσίτης (mediator)ἑνὸς (of one)οὐκ (not)(he is,)(the)δὲ (but)θεὸς (God)εἷς (one)ἐστίν.

you address nothing
They simplified things to be understood better. Most used the KJV--thee, thou and the such
Um no You follow the Watchtower society
Jesus commanded ones to listen to his appointed teachers just the same as if it were listening to him and God. Luke 10:16--So yes you are correct i listen to Matt 24:45 the ones Jesus appointed. Thanks for noticing.
Jesus commanded ones to listen to his appointed teachers just the same as if it were listening to him and God. Luke 10:16--So yes you are correct i listen to Matt 24:45 the ones Jesus appointed. Thanks for noticing.
Jesus never spoke of the Watchtower society. They simply assumed that position for themselves and then went about making a corrupt translation to support their doctrine
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