What is the name of the son per Matt 28:19?

Jesus is definitely the correct answer
100% correct.
Essentially, we are asking God, the Father and God His Son (Jesus) and God, the Holy Sprit for his grace and power over all of our being when baptizing. It represents the Trinity where we acknowledge God's existence as three distinct persons, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
if all three are "DISTINCT" as your trinity states, why is the Son the SAME person as the Father. supportive scripture, Hebrews 1:3 "Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;"

here the terms "express image of his person" Express means exact, and Exact means, identical, the same. so the bible itself destroys any trinity of three persons.

Go for it. Sounds okay to me. I've never baptized anyone. I've done three memorial services and they were already saved. They're already with Jesus. Makes me think of that song I Can Only Imagine, I wonder if when we see Jesus face to face we'll even be able to speak.

Well, being baptized in the name of Jesus is being baptized in the titles Father, son and Holy Ghost. It’s easier to say that then say what I had mentioned. Peter knew that and he simplified it at Acts 2:38. God bless.
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