What is the difference between eternal security, once saved always saved, and perseverance of the saints?

I found this that shows your right. Thanks:love:


Many Christians wrongly assume that the Calvinist theory of “the perseverance of the saints” [the “P” in T.U.L.I.P.] is synonymous with the doctrine of eternal security. The biblical doctrine of eternal security teaches that one who has been truly saved by God’s grace is kept eternally saved by God’s grace. God has not left our eternal destiny in our ability to persevere. For God to do that would result in a salvation by works.

Citing Augustine, John Calvin wrote, “[T]hose who do not persevere unto the end belong not to the calling of God.”2

Calvin also stated:


Even John Calvin himself did not possess assurance of salvation. Writing in his will shortly before his death in 1564, he declared:

John 3:36 says:

Calvin taught that he could not believe unless God first regenerated him and gave him faith to believe. It is not surprising, therefore, that Calvin or any Calvinist cannot have an assurance of salvation and, therefore, he must adhere to his perseverance of the saints theory.

No Calvinist can be sure of his salvation because he might be predestined just to think he is saved. After all, playing little head games with people would not be wrong for Calvin’s “God” since Calvin’s “God” is glorified by sending billions of people who had no choice to Hell for eternity.

Calvinists believe the “perseverance of the saints” (the P in TULIP) offers them eternal security, but in actuality, it brings them more insecurity than ever regarding their salvation. Here, the persevering is left up to the strength of the believer rather than resting on the promises of God that assure us eternal life is based on what He has already done, not what we do. It is our part to believe, repent, and put our trust in Him and His part to save and preserve us.

None Dare Call It Heresy: Spotlight on the Life and Teachings of John Calvin
Logically, every single form of OSAS is all the same.

Anyone that is a Christian cannot stop being one, period, so it's all logically the same.

What people argue concerning POTS or Lordship OSAS is "how to determine if you are OSAS'ed or not."

Basically it's "how to detect OSAS."

But all OSAS is deception anyway.
As per Genesis 1:27? God said LET US CREATE MAN IN OUR IMAGE.
GOD does not create sinners. Period.

If a doctrine claims anyone is a sinner or estranged from GOD (ie, liable to death which is the wage for sin, not just a consequence of life), because of their creation or how they were created or where they were created, then I reject it.

I only recognize those theologies that contend that sin only accrues to a person when they make a free will decision to sin from a state of innocence.

What does this mean?
That man is allowed to sin??
Of course everyone is allowed to sin if they want to...that is proven to me by sin being an actual thing and evil people being alive. GOD cannot create eviul so for sin to exist HE had to allow HIS creatiokn to create it.

Light cannot create darkness:
Some interpretations means that light CAN create darkness....that there is a power from GOD that when employed can stand in opposition to GOD! GOD is not a house divided, GOD is light and light cannot create darkness which is created only if something else blocks the light. This is akin to believing that there is a match or source of darkness which when employed shoots our darkness and fills the room with dark!!

A good tree cannot put forth rotten fruit.
Berean Literal Bible
Matt 7:18 A good tree is not able to bear bad fruits...the theology that we are created fallen says a good, even perfect, tree CAN produce bad fruit.

A stream of life giving water cannot put forth salt or brackish water.
Berean Standard Bible
My brothers, can a fig tree grow olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water. Most theologies says a fig tree CAN grow olives, that a grapevine CAN bear figs and that a salt spring CAN produce fresh water!

GOODNESS cannot bring forth evil.
Inherent evil cannot have been a part of our creation. We must have been created as perfectly able to choose by our free will to enter HIS righteous perfection or to repudiate HIS righteousness and become HIS eternal enemy.

It is far easier for me to believe that everyone created in HIS image, ie, able to become a proper bride for HIM, was created with a free will and an equal ability and opportunity to choose by their free will to either put their faith, an unproven hope, in HIM as our GOD and Saviour and so become HIS elect,
to chose to put their faith, their unproven hope, in the idea HE was lying about HIS divinity and being our only saviour from sin and, as a liar HE was the first sinner in creation and therefore to be rebuked as a false god lying about the legal and natural consequences of making this choice.

All sin, all evil is a result of the free will choices of HIS creation, not from creating us as sinful or evil by any means at all.

That means that in contrast to those fok who out their faith in GOD in their innocence with sincere intentions to stay holy in HIS sight, others put their faith in HIM and accepted the Son as their only saviour from condemnation to hell with a full intent to go their own way into sin after they were safe from condemnation, ie, after they became one of HIS elect, albeit, sinfully inclined.

HE knew their intent of course but since they gave HIM the right to go against their sinful wills and so save them by putting their faith in HIM as their saviour, HE accepted them anyway, planning their redemption on earth. The father did not expel the prodigal son even once he knew what was happening; He just waited for the son to return from sin city.
GOD does not create sinners. Period.
Agreed. Did I say this?
If a doctrine claims anyone is a sinner or estranged from GOD (ie, liable to death which is the wage for sin, not just a consequence of life), because of their creation or how they were created or where they were created, then I reject it.
You reject that man was stained with the sin of Adam?
It states this in
Romans 5:12
12 Therefore , just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned

Sin entered into the world.
This would be the stain of OS.
All men now die physically because of this OS.

It could also mean spiritual death.
Paul doesn't make a proper distinction here so it's difficult to know exactly what he meant.

I only recognize those theologies that contend that sin only accrues to a person when they make a free will decision to sin from a state of innocence.
I believe that all Christians believe what you've stated. Sin only accrues to the person that commits it.
It might be the STATE OF INNOCENCE that throws some off.

If you're saying that man is born innocent, then I agree.
If a baby dies he doesn't go to hell because he has not committed any sin yet.

Of course everyone is allowed to sin if they want to...that is proven to me by sin being an actual thing and evil people being alive. GOD cannot create eviul so for sin to exist HE had to allow HIS creatiokn to create it.
Where sin comes from initially could be debated forever and I'm not going to ask anything about how sin got its start.
Of course Calvinists have their answer: God created sin. But we know this cannot be supported by scripture.

Let me ask you this then:
If everyone is allowed to sin if they want to....
WHY do they want to?
A stained soul would not be a good reason for you?
Light cannot create darkness:
Some interpretations means that light CAN create darkness....that there is a power from GOD that when employed can stand in opposition to GOD! GOD is not a house divided, GOD is light and light cannot create darkness which is created only if something else blocks the light.
This is akin to believing that there is a match or source of darkness which when employed shoots our darkness and fills the room with dark!!
But there IS a source of darkness, right?

A good tree cannot put forth rotten fruit.
Berean Literal Bible
Matt 7:18 A good tree is not able to bear bad fruits...the theology that we are created fallen says a good, even perfect, tree CAN produce bad fruit.
What scripture makes you believe we are NOT born fallen?
IOW,,,fallen in the sense that we have lost our ORIGINAL relationship with God.
This is all fallen means.
A stream of life giving water cannot put forth salt or brackish water.
Berean Standard Bible
My brothers, can a fig tree grow olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water. Most theologies says a fig tree CAN grow olives, that a grapevine CAN bear figs and that a salt spring CAN produce fresh water!
GOODNESS cannot bring forth evil.
Inherent evil cannot have been a part of our creation. We must have been created as perfectly able to choose by our free will to enter HIS righteous perfection or to repudiate HIS righteousness and become HIS eternal enemy.
OK. But, again, what causes man to choose evil?
Somehow evil is in our creation.
Romans 8 states that even nature is awaiting redemption.
If you're saying that man is perfectly good then what makes man sin?
Something that is perfectly good will not sin.

It is far easier for me to believe that everyone created in HIS image, ie, able to become a proper bride for HIM, was created with a free will and an equal ability and opportunity to choose by their free will to either put their faith, an unproven hope, in HIM as our GOD and Saviour and so become HIS elect,
to chose to put their faith, their unproven hope, in the idea HE was lying about HIS divinity and being our only saviour from sin and, as a liar HE was the first sinner in creation and therefore to be rebuked as a false god lying about the legal and natural consequences of making this choice.
Couldn't agree more.
All sin, all evil is a result of the free will choices of HIS creation, not from creating us as sinful or evil by any means at all.
That means that in contrast to those fok who out their faith in GOD in their innocence with sincere intentions to stay holy in HIS sight, others put their faith in HIM and accepted the Son as their only saviour from condemnation to hell with a full intent to go their own way into sin after they were safe from condemnation, ie, after they became one of HIS elect, albeit, sinfully inclined.
Sorry. I don't understand the above...could you explain it a different way?
Here's what you said:

That means that in contrast to those fok who out their faith in GOD in their innocence with sincere intentions to stay holy in HIS sight, others put their faith in HIM and accepted the Son as their only saviour from condemnation to hell with a full intent to go their own way into sin after they were safe from condemnation, ie, after they became one of HIS elect, albeit, sinfully inclined.
HE knew their intent of course but since they gave HIM the right to go against their sinful wills and so save them by putting their faith in HIM as their saviour, HE accepted them anyway, planning their redemption on earth. The father did not expel the prodigal son even once he knew what was happening; He just waited for the son to return from sin city.
I think I agree...don't understand the firs part.

HE knew their intent of course but since they gave HIM the right to go against their sinful wills and so save them by putting their faith in HIM as their saviour, HE accepted them anyway, planning their redemption on earth. The father did not expel the prodigal son even once he knew what was happening; He just waited for the son to return from sin city.
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