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Calvinists believe the “perseverance of the saints” (the P in TULIP) offers them eternal security, but in actuality, it brings them more insecurity than ever regarding their salvation. Here, the persevering is left up to the strength of the believer rather than resting on the promises of God that assure us eternal life is based on what He has already done, not what we do. It is our part to believe, repent, and put our trust in Him and His part to save and preserve us.I found this that shows your right. Thanks
Many Christians wrongly assume that the Calvinist theory of “the perseverance of the saints” [the “P” in T.U.L.I.P.] is synonymous with the doctrine of eternal security. The biblical doctrine of eternal security teaches that one who has been truly saved by God’s grace is kept eternally saved by God’s grace. God has not left our eternal destiny in our ability to persevere. For God to do that would result in a salvation by works.
Citing Augustine, John Calvin wrote, “[T]hose who do not persevere unto the end belong not to the calling of God.”2
Calvin also stated:
Even John Calvin himself did not possess assurance of salvation. Writing in his will shortly before his death in 1564, he declared:
John 3:36 says:
Calvin taught that he could not believe unless God first regenerated him and gave him faith to believe. It is not surprising, therefore, that Calvin or any Calvinist cannot have an assurance of salvation and, therefore, he must adhere to his perseverance of the saints theory.
No Calvinist can be sure of his salvation because he might be predestined just to think he is saved. After all, playing little head games with people would not be wrong for Calvin’s “God” since Calvin’s “God” is glorified by sending billions of people who had no choice to Hell for eternity.
Does Calvinism's "Perseverance" Really Offer Eternal Security? The Answer: No!
By Bob KirklandFrom the book Calvinism: None Dare Call It Heresy (Lighthouse Trails, 2018) The word perseverance is found only once in the Scriptures. Ephesians 6:18 commands the believer to be, “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the...www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com
None Dare Call It Heresy: Spotlight on the Life and Teachings of John Calvin