What is easy believism?

Keep believing in your mythological definitions for how the Greek words of the New Testament are properly defined.
Remember, not just one or two Greek-English lexicons refute your misunderstanding.

You seem to think that your make-believe ideas are the correct meanings to the Greek words of the New Testament.

Time for you to depart from your fairy tales.
I have never engaged in "fairy tales" in this forum. You seem to think that you can take one event and define all other Scripture's statements off of that one event. Rather than taking the explicit statements of Scripture and using them to define what occurred in the event. If your interpretation is correct, then multiple other Scriptures would be lies.

You believe what you want to believe. I have presented the truth to you, and you reject it; I can do no more. So I will bow out of this discussion with you, and leave you to your own falsehoods.
I have never engaged in "fairy tales" in this forum

Yes, you have - by denying what the Greek words of the NT mean.

If your interpretation is correct, then multiple other Scriptures would be lies.

That's your confusion. Not mine.


Hopefully, your days of trusting in your own grandiose opinion of what the words of the Bible really mean will soon come to an end before it is too late.
2 Peter 3:16.
as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures.

For those who deny what the Greek words mean it is interesting to see what Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament has for the meaning of "twist" in 2 Peter 3:16:

"of one who wrests or tortures language to a false sense, 2 Pet. 3:16." (strebloō, page 590, the boldface is mine)
2 Peter 3:16.
as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures.

For those who deny what the Greek words mean it is interesting to see what Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament has for the meaning of "twist" in 2 Peter 3:16:

"of one who wrests or tortures language to a false sense, 2 Pet. 3:16." (strebloō, page 590, the boldface is mine)
I would guess that this is aimed at me? Well, I am neither untaught nor unstable, nor am I "twisting" Scripture in any way. The fact that you see salvation in an event that does not contain it is the twisting of Scripture. But as said before, you are welcome to believe the lie that you can be saved through intellectual assent to the truth of the Gospel: nothing could be further from the truth, but you are welcome to believe it. I, on the other hand, choose to believe the direct commandment of Jesus and His Apostles who said that repentance, confession of Jesus' as Lord, and baptism in water are required before forgiveness of sin occurs.
I would guess that this is aimed at me? Well, I am neither untaught nor unstable, nor am I "twisting" Scripture in any way.

Yes, you do.

The Greek words used in the NT demonstrate these Gentiles were saved before their water baptism by their reception of the Holy Spirit.

You deny this. Your false teaching has it that they were not yet saved.

So, yes, you do twist the Scripture.
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But if you notice the difference between Acts 2:3-4 and Acts 10:44, you will see that on Pentecost the they were "filled with the Spirit", but the Spirit "fell on" Cornelius; he was not "filled with the Spirit".

The above is also proven wrong in that when those in Acts 2:4 were said to be "filled with the Holy Spirit," points back to what Jesus said to them in Acts 1:5. They were told by Him that they would soon be "baptized with the Holy Spirit."

Thus, when one is baptized with the Holy Spirit, he/she is filled with the Holy Spirit.

According to Acts 11:16, Cornelius and the other Gentiles with him were baptized with the Holy Spirit. Since they were baptized with the Holy Spirit means they were filled with the Holy Spirit (cf. Acts 1:5; 2:4).
Yes, you do.

The Greek words used in the NT demonstrate these Gentiles were saved before their water baptism by their reception of the Holy Spirit.

You deny this. Your false teaching has it that they were not yet saved.

So, yes, you do twist the Scripture.
Your interpretation of the event has them saved, but Scripture does not say that. In fact, it says the exact opposite.
The above is also proven wrong in that when those in Acts 2:4 were said to be "filled with the Holy Spirit," points back to what Jesus said to them in Acts 1:5. They were told by Him that they would soon be "baptized with the Holy Spirit."

Thus, when one is baptized with the Holy Spirit, he/she is filled with the Holy Spirit.

According to Acts 11:16, Cornelius and the other Gentiles with him were baptized with the Holy Spirit. Since they were baptized with the Holy Spirit means they were filled with the Holy Spirit (cf. Acts 1:5; 2:4).
We have already established that they received the Holy Spirit. That is not in debate. What you fail to accept is that receiving the Holy Spirit does not automatically save. It is Biblical fact that many have received the Holy Spirit in miraculous power but not been saved by that fact. Everyone in the OT who received the Holy Spirit did not have the indwelling of the Spirit, because the indwelling was a new manifestation of the Spirit in the NT. Cornelius did not receive the indwelling until after he was baptized in water just as Acts 2:38 says.
Easy believism is a somewhat derogatory term used by opponents of the view that one needs only to believe in Jesus in order to be saved.
Of course the PROBLEM IS that "Believing" (giving intellectual assent) doesn't mean SPIT spiritually. The devils "believe".

What does the trick is HAVING FAITH (the result of being convicted of SIN) in the SIN OFFERING of Jesus on the Cross (Isa 53:10), surrendering, repenting and crying out to God for salvation. THEN one is indwelled by the Holy Spirit, and CHANGED.
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