LORD was put in the OT by men who had no right, its a title, YHVH is Gods personal name that he put in his bible because he wants it there. Where do you come up with that. Every bible scholar on Earth knows that is his personal name and not the title LORD.
Catholicism=2Thess 2:3) translating makes it look like Jesus is God
JeHoVaH is simply the all consonants YHVH with vowels added to make it an English word. The word is defined as The LORD. It is not the Father's name, but is a title for Him. He calls Himself this many times in Scripture, but just as we cannot see His face, we cannot know His name.
If Jesus said he was God he would have lied.
If Jesus lied, then He cannot be our savior. Yet we are told that He never sinned, and a lie would be a sin, so He never lied.
Yet He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." Who is "I AM"? Wasn't that God who called Himself that from the burning bush? Yes! Jesus is claiming to be God (John 8:58). He also claimed to be God
John 10:30: Jesus claimed that he and the Father are one
John 5:17-18: Jesus claimed to be equal with the Father
Matthew 10:40: Jesus claimed that he and God are one in the same
John 8:58: Jesus claimed that “before Abraham was born, I am!”
John 4:25–26: Jesus declared, “I, the one speaking to you—I am he”
Mark 2:23-28: Jesus claimed that he was Lord of the Sabbath
Matthew 11:27, John 14:1-7: Jesus said that the way to the Father is through him
John 14:9: Jesus claimed that whoever saw him saw the Father
John 2:19, 10:17-18: Jesus claimed to have the power to raise himself from the dead
John 2:19-21: Jesus claimed to be replacing the temple
John 17:5: Jesus claimed to share “glory” with God before the world existed
Matthew 25:31-46: Jesus claimed to have the authority to judge the nations, which only God has the authority to do
Jesus cannot be anything other than God, or He does not have the power or authority to be our savior and our faith in Him is in vain (1 Cor 15:14).
He is 100% clear at John 17:1-6,26--The one who sent him= Father is THE ONLY TRUE GOD-verse 6=YHVH(Jehovah) verse 26= YHVH(Jehovah)
The Father is the only God, and the Son is one with the Father, meaning that the Son is equally God just as the Father is God: the same God. If water is the "stuff of life", and ice is just very cold water, and steam is just very warm water, then ice and steam are also the stuff of life, just in a different form. Jesus is God, just as the Father is God, just as the Spirit is God.
Paul teaches the same-1Cor 8:6-There is ONE God to all the Father.
See John 17 comment above.
Your bibles are filled with Catholicism contradictions to fit false council teachings by satans will. Not only contradictions but the removal of Gods name, by satans will, in over 7000 spots is against Gods will. It misleads all who use those translations. Misleads that they will not enter Gods kingdom.
The catholic cult may have been in control of a lot of what was Christianity form many hundreds of years, but they are not now the only controllers of the original texts from which the Bible is translated. They may also have established many traditions that have been proven to be false. But the fact that Jesus is 100% equal to the Father in deity, glory, power, honor, and authority cannot be doubted. While He was on Earth, He emptied Himself of all of His glory, personal use of His power, and honor, but He did not lose His deity or authority.