true followers believe Jesus


Well-known member
A single teaching from Jesus shows all of creation who is who and who listens to him.=
Matthew 6:33--Keep on seeking-FIRST- the kingdom and his( YHVH(Jehovah) righteousness and all these things will be added( sustenance, covering, spirituality)

A super important truth from Jesus because he said-FIRST= in ones daily life-over-family, job, etc.

The false religions that do not listen to Jesus teach to seek Jesus' righteousness first=blind guides--RUN FROM THEM.
Who do you believe?
Who do you believe?

Not the Jehovah's Witnesses.

Since the title of this thread has to do with true followers, it's worth pointing out the following:
Awake!: The tools employed by Christ and his followers in their ministry were reason and persuasion. (Matthew 22:41-46; Acts 17:2; 19:8) And they prayed for their enemies and persecutors.—Matthew 5:44; Acts 7:59-60. (Do You Discuss Religion?, February 22, 1999, page 4, the boldface is mine)

I am glad to see that the JW's cite 'Acts 7:59' for it is indeed a prayer -> a prayer to the Lord Jesus.
So even though the JW's teach the Lord Jesus is not to be prayed to, they just contradicted themselves by their assertion above. See below as well.

The Watchtower: The prayer offered by Stephen when he was being martyred is recorded at Acts 7:59, 60 (Questions From Readers, February 1, 1959, page 96, the boldface is mine).
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Not the Jehovah's Witnesses.

Since the title of this thread has to do with true followers, it's worth pointing out the following:
Awake!: The tools employed by Christ and his followers in their ministry were reason and persuasion. (Matthew 22:41-46; Acts 17:2; 19:8) And they prayed for their enemies and persecutors.—Matthew 5:44; Acts 7:59-60. (Do You Discuss Religion?, February 22, 1999, page 4, the boldface is mine)

I am glad to see that the JW's cite 'Acts 7:59' for it is indeed a prayer -> a prayer to the Lord Jesus.
So even though the JW's teach the Lord Jesus is not to be prayed to, they just contradicted themselves by their assertion above. See below as well.

The Watchtower: The prayer offered by Stephen when he was being martyred is recorded at Acts 7:59, 60 (Questions From Readers, February 1, 1959, page 96, the boldface is mine).
This thread is about Matt 6:33--Not your twistings ty.
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