So you're living in shadows and not the reality.
You have it backwards. The Flood was the shadow, baptism is the reality.
Where all those "under the flood" saved? You're not making any sense in this at all. You're just refusing to believe the clear message of baptism.
No, it was those within the Ark, who by faith were brought safely through the Flood. Those outside the Ark, who had no faith and refused to get in the Ark, were destroyed by the Flood. Remember, those who fall on the Rock will be broken, but those on whom the Rock falls will be crushed (Matt 21:44).
Again. You only baptize who you think qualifies. Which forces others THROUGH YOU. Which is the very definition of "man's hands".
Who gave the qualifications in Scripture? I didn't write it. I am not God. But He did author it, and so I MUST obey it.
You're living in shadows when the reality of Jesus Christ brings light. Christ has come. He set us free to know the Light. You're making my case for you.
If we apply what Peter wrote, then baptism is only a symbol/figure of redemption. Anyone can read it for themselves.
You have it wrong. The Flood was the shadow, and baptism is the reality.
Again. You were not told to baptize. YOU have no authority.
I do. If you don't think you do, then YOU don't. But I see the authority clearly given to me by God in Scripture. You don't have to see it for it to be true of me. I pray that your eyes are opened to see it too.
You weren't there in Acts 8:36. That wasn't for you. You're not Philip. You don't have the authority of Philip. He was appointed. He was named. You were not. Stop this nonsense of claiming you were. You're not. They were. Not you. You have no connect to them.
I do indeed have a connection to them. They were the first in a long line of followers of Christ who have brought the Church from the first Century down to us today. I am as much in Christ as Philip, Mary, Barnabas, Cornelius, and all the other saints mentioned in Scripture. I do not claim to be an Apostle (there were only ever 14), and I am not yet qualified to be an Elder (my children are not yet of an age to believe), but beside that I have all the authority that God gave anyone in His Church.
Besides, He was Philips and Isaiah's convert. Not your convert. You had no authority over this believer. You have no right to administer the ordnance of baptism.
To the Eunuch, no. I am not his teacher. But over those that I do teach, YES, I have all the authority needed to baptize them. All authority was given to Jesus, and on that authority He passed some on to all believers to add more believers to the Church.
Are you going to claim apostolic appointment or authority?
Absolutely not. As I said, there have only ever been 14 Apostles of Jesus, and they all died before the end of the first century.
You're drawing "arbitrary lines".
Nope, just recognizing the lines drawn by Jesus and the Apostles in Scripture.
Christ is the light. You're not light. I need Christ. You are optional.
100% correct.
Stop this "I'm chosen" nonsense.
Why? On what basis do you claim that I am not chosen of God? On what basis do you dispute my authority?
So Christ didn't have the Spirit before He was baptized?
Luke 3:21-22, 4:1 - You tell me? The Spirit came upon Him in the form of a dove when He was baptized, and only after that does it say that He was "filled with the Holy Spirit". Does that mean that the Spirit was not with Him before that? I don't know.
Please make this argument.....
If you can't establish this, then it is just another reason you're wrong. Line by line. Precept by precept.
No, this does not mean I am wrong.
Every "water baptismal regeneration" advocate I've ever meet rightfully recognizes exceptions to their "rule". Even Catholics do.
Are there exceptions to God's commands? Not according to the examples He has given in the OT. Is baptism absolute? Is there some possibility of a situation where He will accept someone who was not baptized? There may be, but I cannot teach on exceptions. I would not base my soul, or the soul of anyone I was teaching, on the possibility of an exception. I can, and will, only teach on what the Word of God says. It leaves no room for exceptions.
Jesus says that NO ONE will see the Kingdom of God except they be reborn of BOTH water AND the Spirit. (doesn't sound like much room for exception).