LOL, LOL, LOL, trying to warp reality? a. 101G is not a theoretical physicist, .... (smile),

YIKES! (he do dabble a little). and B. 101G
is a theoretical Christian, who reads God word DAILY and C, 101G is not trying to unite anything........ or as another say, "Split"..... lol, unite and split.... lol Oh Dear. where have you ever seen written by 101G of either? see this is how LIES get started,
by misquoting someone. and this is just what been going on concerning our Lord and Saviour, the Lord Jesus...... misquoting him. if one is going to misquote the Lord Jesus or 101G, just don't say nothing, keep it to yourself. because as the Lord Jesus states, "IT IS WRITTEN". just as the Lord Jesus Words are not changing, nor 101G's. now as with the Lord, or 101G, go back and find where 101G or in the Lord word said the Godhead is a united, or split one?
if one cannot accept the TRUTH, then don't try to
put word in the Lord Jesus mouth nor
101G's mouth. if you're going to quote the Lord or 101G, quote it right.
now, quote this. "God, who is the Holy Spirit, the LORD/Lord JESUS is the EQUAL "SHARE" of HIMSELF in Flesh, first human flesh, and Now GLORIFIED flesh... this is Called the "ECHAD or the "Diversity" of God in Amalgamation, that is to come fully.
so quote 101G on that ... ok.......

,,,,, (smile), 101G just LOVE the TRUTH, the Word of God, and all people, learned or not. for we all are God people.