Since I haven't been here for a while, a joke I heard today. A Jewish father goes to his rabbi and says, You're not going to believe this. My son has left home and become a Christian. The rabbi looks at the man and says, well you're not going to believe this. My son also left home, and he also became a Christian. The man says, what are we going to do? The rabbi says pray to God. That's always the answer. So they pray to God and God says, Hey, you're not going to believe this...
The point I would make with that joke is that it speaks to Jesus as God's Son. As God's Son, that would, if kept separate, make Him God Jr. A second God. That, to me, completely defeats the purpose of being unitarian, and believing in Jesus. The word son isn't necessarily a biological term. It can also mean (if I remember correctly) the image of, or of the same substance. (Something like that.) So as the Son of God, He is also God, or a God. I believe God is One BEING, made up of three co-existing, co-eternal PERSONS. So no contradiction in terms. (Please correct my understanding if it is too far off.)