The Hypostatic Union- the 2 Natures in Christ

Jesus had no human soul prior to being conceived in Mary’s womb, that’s where His human soul was created.


Then how could nothing that was created, be created unless it was through Him?
To create His own soul?

If His Soul was created?
By needing His soul to be present to create? :mad:

His soul is eternal.
Not created!

Colossians 1:16​
For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth,
visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities;
all things have been created through him and for him.
John 1:2-3​
He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made;
without him nothing was made that has been made.

If He was "with" God? And, if He was only being God with one nature?

Why would that be said, about being with Himself??????? :rolleyes:

That is a non sequitur.


Where does the Bible say Adam repented I would love to read about what the Bible actually says , got Scripture?

In that case? I guess Jesus never urinated then...

For where in Scripture does it tell us he did?

I would love to read about what the Bible actually says , got Scripture?

In essence....
According to your requirements before you can believe something?

Jesus never urinated.
I think you need a bigger bookshelf…🤪


And by these, my son, be further warned: There is no end to the making of many books,
and much study wearies the body. Ecclesiastes 12:12​
Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies. And if anyone thinks that he knows anything,
he knows nothing yet as he ought to know. 1 Corinthians 8:1b-2​

When God-given insight is thrust onto the scene, its when those who only thought they knew something,
learn that what they thought they know, is nothing yet as it ought to be known.

Some find that angering.... Like Jesus and Paul angered the religious ones.

We need more Nicodemus types in the body of Christ to come forward....

In that case? I guess Jesus never urinated then...

For where in Scripture does it tell us he did?

I would love to read about what the Bible actually says , got Scripture?

In essence....
According to your requirements before you can believe something?

Jesus never urinated.
Disgraceful and disgusting
False. We keep telling you that Jesus' Personhood was, is, and always will be the Uncreated Word of God. You're not listening to what we keep telling you.
Define "uncreated word of God". I say He is the union of Deity and Soul in One Person, eternally begotten of the Father, Immutable, Saviour of the World especially to those who believe.
GINOLJC, to all.
been reading the post of many. just hearing different beliefs, and thoughts from different posters. here is something in the OT that might clear up some of the confusion. Psalms 132:11 "The LORD hath sworn in truth unto David; he will not turn from it; Of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne."

two points. A. when did the "LORD", all caps. became the fruit/offspring of David body?

B. when did or will the "LORD", all caps. sit/set upon David Throne? and remember the "LORD" is a Spirit, per John 4:24a..

if one can answer these questions by the scriptures, one will have the Lord God nature answered.


P.S. the term set in Psalms 132:11 is Old English for "sit", see the Noah Webster's 1828 Dictionary of American English.. for set is synonyms with "SIT" when used as a verb, "To arrange or place something in a certain spot or position" or click here
I know He is the uncreated word of God, what you keep missing is that Person is unchanging
That's what I said. Jesus' Personhood is unchanging We keep telling you that Jesus' Personhood was, is, and always will be the Uncreated Word of God.
which must necessarily mean He has always been Divine and human otherwise you have the Person of God the Son changing at a point in time.
Are you saying that Jesus has always been two persons: a Divine Person and a human person? If so, that's Nestorianism.

The only thing I'm missing is Nestorianism.
Disgraceful and disgusting

So and more also do God unto the enemies of David, if I leave of all that
pertain to him by the morning light any that pisseth against the wall.
1Sam. 25:22 King James Version​

Jesus did not get disgusted, nor blushed, when he designed and created the human bladder system.

The act of urination is the work of Divine Genius Design!
Define "uncreated word of God". I say He is the union of Deity and Soul in One Person, eternally begotten of the Father, Immutable, Saviour of the World especially to those who believe.
You mentioned one more thing about the Word of God:
He has always been Divine and human
That can only mean one thing: you're saying that Jesus is two persons: a Divine Person and a human person. If so, that's Nestorianism. Locally, we call that Dual Personality Schizophrenic Syndrome. Do you seriously want to go with that?
That's what I said. Jesus' Personhood is unchanging We keep telling you that Jesus' Personhood was, is, and always will be the Uncreated Word of God.

Are you saying that Jesus has always been two persons: a Divine Person and a human person? If so, that's Nestorianism.

The only thing I'm missing is Nestorianism.
Why are you making this so hard? Not two persons, one person two natures. If you add another nature at a point in time you have changed His person from having one nature to two natures. You have changed His person by adding another nature. He has always been two natures in one person.

You mentioned one more thing about the Word of God:

That can only mean one thing: you're saying that Jesus is two persons: a Divine Person and a human person. If so, that's Nestorianism. Locally, we call that Dual Personality Schizophrenic Syndrome. Do you seriously want to go with that?
When will you understand I am NOT saying a Divine person and a human person. I am saying two natures eternally joined in one person. What are those two natures if not God and man, Divine and human, Deity and soul.

Do you seriously want to try and hear what I'm actually saying because I'm certainly not going with your constant misunderstanding and misrepresentation.
Define "uncreated word of God". I say He is the union of Deity and Soul in One Person, eternally begotten of the Father, Immutable, Saviour of the World especially to those who believe.

Not created...

Because? For something to be 'created' it had to have a beginning.
Without time? Nothing can have a beginning.

The Soul of God was with God before time began...
For it was through the Soul of Jesus that time was created by inventing it.

Since there was no time until "THROUGH the Son" all things were created?

He was essentially ..."always existing." He had no beginning....

Its only his human body that was created, and had a beginning....
When will you understand I am NOT saying a Divine person and a human person. I am saying two natures eternally joined in one person. What are those two natures if not God and man, Divine and human, Deity and soul.

Do you seriously want to try and hear what I'm actually saying because I'm certainly not going with your constant misunderstanding and misrepresentation.
Then explain how Jesus can be human and not possess a human body (pre-Incarnate), in light of your statement below:
He has always been Divine and human
How many disembodied humans do you know of?
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us


All the Christology you need.
Yes. Jesus is the Uncreated Word of God who took on human nature (human soul and body). That taking on of human nature did not and could not negate Jesus' Personhood and Divinity as He continued to be the Uncreated Word of God, forever and ever.
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