The 2 natures in Christ duh. He was man/human hence He was born, slept, ate, grew etc.......
You still do not know what you are not getting.
That Jesus also THOUGHT with his own mind. His Soul was not just an immaterial blob...
His Soul can think like you and I think.... But, without sin.
Yes, his second nature (Soul) is not God.
For when God enables His Soul with all the power of God that a Soul can possibly ever accept ?- Accept for all eternity?
His Soul becomes what? Making known...
For that reason his Soul is our contact point with the Father!
No one comes to the Father accept THROUGH Him - His Soul!
John 1:18 begins by telling us we can not perceive God.
We would be oblivious to God without some means to be made able to perceive God.
So, its the Son who is also being a Soul like we are souls?
He takes what His Soul alone is privy to by means of His unique union with God.
Making him able to know how to interpret God for us in ways and terms that our souls will comprehend and be able to perceive!
That is why it says in John 1:18 the following...
No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God
and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.
What does
"has made him known," mean when better understanding the Greek?
It means that Jesus must exegete God who is foreign to us. Interpret God by revealing and explaining
God to us in ways we can understand. In ways we will be made able to relate to as human beings!
Pastor Ralph G. Braun showed me an amazing factor back in the 90's.
He said the same Greek word commanded of pastors to exegete God's Word for their flocks
is the same Greek word used for what Jesus does for us in INTERPRETING the Father to us!
Jesus exegetes the Father who can not be seen to man!
That is why the Amplified Bible rendered its emphasis as follows of John 1:18.
No man has ever seen God at any time; the only unique Son, or the only begotten God,
Who is in the bosom [in the intimate presence] of the Father, He has declared Him
[He has revealed Him and brought Him out where He can be seen; He has interpreted
Him and He has made Him known].
Jesus is both a human mind (Soul) and the omniscience of God that is eternally existing in an unique union.
A union that provides our needed interpretation of God for our human minds to be able to intimately know
by having access to concepts and thoughts pertaining to truth about God that otherwise we could never be knowing.
That is why Jesus could say...
Not my will, but your will, to the Father!
The Soul of Jesus is a mind that thinks in human terms.
His Deity feeds His Soul with everything knowable about God that a Soul can know.
Jesus by means of his union of both Soul and Deity is the embodiment of all the God we can ever be able to know for all eternity, which is accomplished by means of His Soul exegeting and interpreting and REVEALING God to us in a manner, that we as humans will and do understand!
It was that same soul who grew in wisdom and favor with God when He came to earth to make himself
to function as THE PERFECT MAN OF GOD. Only to later return to Heaven and then fully manifest who
and what He is - this time in bodily form - as all the God all mankind could ever know of God!
Are you getting it now?
The Soul of Jesus expresses God (by means of the omniscience and power of God enabling his soul) in a manner
that souls like we are, can and will understand God, as God wants to be understood by man.
grace and peace.....
take your time.