But then that would lead us to ask the question on what basis was eternal life given? Did not the unbeliever have to make a quality decision to follow the Lord, and make him just that....the Lord of his life? Did he not have to consider the teaching of Jesus which says continue in him and remain in him....and if not what does it say? It says .
If anyone does not remain in Me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers. Such branches are gathered up, thrown into the fire, and burned. John 15:7
If something was given and taken back....does that make God unjust? Or is it rather the one who choose to walk away that they were the unjust one? And why should one walking away be the recipient of the salvation blessing when those outside of the Lord don't get any where near that blessing. Wouldn't that be God being a respecter of persons? Then we read this,
If indeed (wouldn't indeed mean for sure they did) If indeed they have escaped the corruption of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, only to be entangled and overcome by it again, their final condition is worse than it was at first. 21It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than to have known it and then to turn away from the holy commandment passed on to them. 2 Pt 2:20
I just can't see any other way then to accept that if they escaped the corruption that would mean they would have had to been saved. And to be now put in a position that it would be better if they had not known the way of righteousness. having turned away from it.....to me at least that translates into one was genuinely saved and then they're not. (to clarify by no means does that mean someone having an occasionally struggle or failing into sin but rather someone who has no chose to go a lot further than that)