The continued spread of the Arian Heresy (that Jesus is not God) in JW and Unitarian Churches.

The original Nicene Creed was first adopted at the First Council of Nicaea in 325. In 381, it was amended at the First Council of Constantinople to its present form. This amended form is also referred to as the Nicene Creed. In both cases, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are God either explicitly mentioned or by virtue of the fact that they're worshiped as God.

This is not 3 Gods because the word God refers to the divine nature which is one, just like human nature is 1. We all have the same one human nature.
Jesus knew 0 of God being a trinity.
Pure assumption with no supporting Bible verse.
Fact of true God worship history. From Moses on up until this very day, the Israelite religion, teach, serve and worship the Abrahamic God= a single being God named YHWH(Jehovah)--taught to Jesus and every bible writer.= undeniable fact.
Fact of true God worship history. From Moses on up until this very day, the Israelite religion, teach, serve and worship the Abrahamic God= a single being God named YHWH(Jehovah)--
You are free to join the Jewish religion that believes God is only one person. There should be a synagogue close to your home.
taught to Jesus and every bible writer.= undeniable fact.
As for Christianity, the undeniable fact is the appearances of the Preincarnate Word of God in the OT. That same Word of God was face to face with God (John 1:1) which proves multiple Divine Persons for the one God. With that in view, you are either a modalist (multiple faces for one being) or a trinitarian. Which is it?
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You are free to join the Jewish religion that believes God is only one person. There should be a synagogue close to your home.

As for Christianity, the undeniable fact is the appearances of the Preincarnate Word of God in the OT. That same Word of God was face to face with God (John 1:1) which proves multiple Divine Persons for the one God. With that in view, you are either a modalist (multiple faces for one being) or a trinitarian. Which is it?
If you look at the Greek lexicons the word is not called the same wording as the true God is in the 2nd line at John 1:1--clearly shows the difference-The true God=God- a god to the word.
If you look at the Greek lexicons the word is not called the same wording as the true God is in the 2nd line at John 1:1--clearly shows the difference-The true God=God- a god to the word.

Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament: Based on Semantic Domains: the distinctive features of theos are also fully applicable to another referent, namely, the logos or Christ; that is to say, it is legitimate to interpret Jn. 1.1 as ‘the Word was God’ (12.1, theos, page 137, J. P. Louw and Eugene Nida).
Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament: Based on Semantic Domains: the distinctive features of theos are also fully applicable to another referent, namely, the logos or Christ; that is to say, it is legitimate to interpret Jn. 1.1 as ‘the Word was God’ (12.1, theos, page 137, J. P. Louw and Eugene Nida).
Says a man who believes in a trinity. But facts speak for themselves-The word was not called what the true God was called in the 2nd line.
God called OEOV--The word called-OEOG-- Billions being mislead by an error.
Says a man who believes in a trinity. But facts speak for themselves-The word was not called what the true God was called in the 2nd line.

You are the one who first referred to the Greek lexicons!

Go ahead and cite any that you approve of.
Sad attempt to claim whatever you want without needing to prove any of it whatsoever.
LOL. I've created numerous threads that spell out avenues of totally destroying the IDOL of the trinity. The most obvious proof is that the trinity is missing from the Bible. Ooops!

Does logic apply to trinitarians? What is the rejection criteria for the trinity IDOL? Given there is no Scripture for it, that constitutes proof to reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypotheis.
H0. The inherently contradictory, anti-Scriptural doctrine of the trinity has no evidence in Scripture but accept it as true anyway.​
Ha. The trinity is false.​
That's not a Greek lexicon.
Further on in John a king is called the same word in Greek the word is called at John 1:1-god is the result-The same Greek word is given to satan at 2 Cor 4:4= god small g--its the same in every instance. Billions being mislead by a lie that trinity scholars have to know its a lie with 0 doubt. Reality isn't so funny is it?
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