The continued spread of the Arian Heresy (that Jesus is not God) in JW and Unitarian Churches.

According to Jude 4 the only Master (despotēs) that applies to each Christian is the Lord Jesus (Jude 4).

Do you agree?
Here is a great example of Agency. In our form of government we have lords over different regions. Some are called mayors. Some governors. Some presidents.

Who gave Jesus his authority over heaven and Earth? This one is Jesus' God - the only true God of the Bible. And his eternal name is YHWH. He (singular) raised Jesus from the dead.
When and to whom were these words addressed?
When: Just after the famous "feeding of 5000" and "walking on water".
To whom: Jews from Capernaum, Nazareth and Tiberius (in Capernaum) ... those that doubted and "grumbled", anyway.

Immediate context:
So then the Jews were complaining about Him because He said, “I am the bread that came down out of heaven.” And they were saying, “Is this not Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How does He now say, ‘I have come down out of heaven’?” Jesus answered and said to them, “Stop complaining among yourselves. No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day.
According to Jude 4 the only Master (despotēs) that applies to each Christian is the Lord Jesus (Jude 4).

Do you agree?
No, Jesus set the example by serving his Father over himself. And at Matt 7:21 it assures only those living now to do Jesus' Fathers will get to enter his kingdom.
And Prov 18:10-- Jehovahs name is a strong tower, into it the righteous run.
Those who fail to go through Jesus to get to his Father will lose.
It says-only owner and Lord--Not our God. Those who stop at Jesus fail both him and God.
You just called Jude 4 a lie.
There is a whole bible that must be applied to Gods truth. Many x single teachings are just a partial truth. Like Acts16 :30-31--Believe on Jesus and you will get saved. Yet at Matt 7:22-23-these are supposed christians who believe on Jesus but will hear these words as judgement--GET AWAY FROM ME you who work iniquity, i must confess i never even knew you. Proof Acts 16:30-31 is a partial truth. Many teachings are partial truth. There is a whole bible.
It's really frustrating that the Arian heresy (that Jesus is not God) is alive and spreading in many churches today. Arianism was exterminated many years ago. Saint Athanasius of Alexandria spearheaded the anti-Arian cause. In fact, most of the Church was Arian leaning at that time. It's only by the Grace of God, through warriors like Saint Athanasius and ratified by Church Councils, that the Church was not totally overcome by Arianism. Again, it's really frustrating that people do not consult history but instead are content to reopen viral-laden blasphemous old heresies like Arianism. If anyone is interested in this topic please tell me and I can forward more information on Saint Athanasius' victory against the Arians.
Here is an interesting presentation of the life of Saint Athanasius. He was also called Against the World (Contra Mundum) because he almost singlehandedly, with the Grace of God of course, saved the World from Arianism. In today's world it would be like a roomful of JWs, Unitarians, and Muslims along with the authorities all against the Christian faith. And he triumphed at the end - against almost the whole world leaning towards Arianism. May God raise up more people like Saint Athanasius!

Here is an interesting presentation of the life of Saint Athanasius. He was also called Against the World (Contra Mundum) because he almost singlehandedly, with the Grace of God of course, saved the World from Arianism. In today's world it would be like a roomful of JWs, Unitarians, and Muslims along with the authorities all against the Christian faith. And he triumphed at the end - against almost the whole world leaning towards Arianism. May God raise up more people like Saint Athanasius!

The God of Israel is and was a single being God-YHWH(Jehovah) = 100% fact of life.
No trinity was taught at the council of Nicea-325ce. From what i understand, not that long ago they altered it.
The original Nicene Creed was first adopted at the First Council of Nicaea in 325. In 381, it was amended at the First Council of Constantinople to its present form. This amended form is also referred to as the Nicene Creed. In both cases, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are God either explicitly mentioned or by virtue of the fact that they're worshiped as God.

This is not 3 Gods because the word God refers to the divine nature which is one, just like human nature is 1. We all have the same one human nature.
Here's a informative and cordial talk between an Unitarian and an Orthodox Christian, hosted by Jay Dyer:

No trinity was taught at the council of Nicea-325ce. From what i understand, not that long ago they altered it.
There was a bigger council sometime later that had many more attendees than Nicea that rejected the man-is-god thesis. This article explains the whole point of the Council of Nicea was in response to the widespread belief at the time that Jesus was NOT God. Evidence to support this is the fact that most Christian bishops were NOT invited.

Such subterfuge is common in Byzantine Rome but hardly a legitimate proclamation for it is a fraudulent Appeal to Majority. The trinitarians are the ones who compiled the Bible, which is a never ending source embarassment since the Apostle writers never record the concept of the trinity, never indicate that our lord taught the trinity, that the trinity - the word nor the concept - is certinaly not in the Bible.

It is embarassing because trinitarians invariably resort to manipulation by telling the uninformed things like, the Bible or Jesus is "clear" in claiming he was God but then when asked to produce such a verse, it is anything but clear.

It was only later, after using the Imperial power of a Roman dictator who exiled, took property, beat and killed Arians, - in short, purged Christianity of Unitarians - did later councils involve greater numbers of bishops.
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There was a bigger council sometime later that had many more attendees than Nicea that rejected the man-is-god thesis. This article explains the whole point of the Council of Nicea was in response to the widespread belief at the time that Jesus was NOT God. Evidence to support this is the fact that most Christian bishops were NOT invited.

Such subterfuge is common in Byzantine Rome but hardly a legitimate proclamation for it is a fraudulent Appeal to Majority. The trinitarians are the ones who compiled the Bible, which is a never ending source embarassment since the Apostle writers never record the concept of the trinity, never indicate that our lord taught the trinity, that the trinity - the word nor the concept - is certinaly not in the Bible.
Before the Council started, the Arians had the majority. That's why Saint Athanasius was called "Against the World", because the vast majority of Bishops were Arian leaning. So an Appeal to Majority would have banished us all into forever being Arians. It's only after the council discussions did many Bishops realize that "Jesus (Word of God) is God" is a true statement.

Many years after, Muhammed came across an Arian believer who convinced him of Arian beliefs. Arian beliefs then became a core and integral part of Islam that swept across vast tracts of Christian lands and destroyed countless lives. Islam was the engine of the slave trade of North Africa. Thank you very much Mr. Arius for your vital contribution to this cause.
It is embarassing because trinitarians invariably resort to manipulation by telling the uninformed things like, the Bible or Jesus is "clear" in claiming he was God but then when asked to produce such a verse, it is anything but clear.
Actually it is clear when Jesus declared himself the "I Am" of the OT who existed before Abraham was alive. Those verses are extremely embarrassing to Arians.
It was only later, after using the Imperial power of a Roman dictator who exiled, took property, beat and killed Arians, - in short, purged Christianity of Unitarians - did later councils involve greater numbers of bishops.
Actually, the Arian heresy continued to exist even after the Nicene Creed was ratified. Today there are over 1.5 billion Arians in the world: Muslims, JWs, Unitarians, etc... 1.5 billion people is not actually a "purge".
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