Peter made several mistakes in his early days.
That doesn't necessitate he did so here. In fact, all of the 120 prayed in Acts 1:24 ("they prayed").
None of my other 12 points were addressed.
Peter made several mistakes in his early days.
Presumptuous prayers are commonly seen with baby Christians..... "Its God's will!"That doesn't necessitate he did so here. In fact, all of the 120 prayed in Acts 1:24 ("they prayed").
None of my other 12 points were addressed.
Presumptuous prayers are commonly seen with baby Christians..... "Its God's will!"
Should Jesus have given Peter the keys to the kingdom since he opened the door of salvation to the Jews in Acts 2:38, the Samaritans in Acts 8 and the Gentiles in Acts 10?Does it say?
Peter was not commanded by the Lord to pick the replacement apostle.
He took it upon himself. He did not say that the Lord showed him it needed to be done.
Its the Holy Spirit that determines who gets which gift. 1 Corinthians 12:11
The Holy Spirit determined it was to be Paul.
Why does God allow for such mistakes to be recorded in the Word of God?
How many stupid things have we seen baby Christians do?
How many did you do as a baby Christian?
And, keep in mind. They were not even yet Christians when they drew straws for Matthias.
Not to mention, Peter was always the impulsive one of the twelve.
Yes... we are all human in need of transformation in our minds.
Only sound doctrine and the filling of the Spirit solves that problem.
Sound doctrine will be able to discern what Peter did.
Human speculation (sharing) will not.
God raising up Apostle Paul to become the 12th Apostle does not tell you anything. Does it?That's still for you to prove that it happened here.
Just saying so isn't proof.
God raising up Apostle Paul to become the 12th Apostle does not tell you anything. Does it?
You need to prove that Paul was the 12th apostle.
You keep making assertions as if they are proof.
David Peterson: It is important to observe that there are no further examples of such decision making in the NT. As those who were about to enjoy the benefits of the New Covenant, the apostles were using a practice that was sanctioned by God but belonged to the old era. It took place before Pentecost, when the Spirit was poured out in a way that signified a new kind of relationship between God and his people. From Luke's emphasis on the Spirit's role in giving wisdom, guidance, and direction, it would appear that the apostolic example on this occasion is not to be followed by Christians today. (106)
Footnote #106: There is no basis for the claim that the apostles were wrong to select Matthias and that they should have awaited God's choice of Paul to fill the vacancy. (Pillar New Testament Commentary, Acts, page 128-129).
True they were not born again until Pentecost which is why Jesus asked them to wait until then.Does it say?
Peter was not commanded by the Lord to pick the replacement apostle.
He took it upon himself. He did not say that the Lord showed him it needed to be done.
Its the Holy Spirit that determines who gets which gift. 1 Corinthians 12:11
The Holy Spirit determined it was to be Paul.
Why does God allow for such mistakes to be recorded in the Word of God?
How many stupid things have we seen baby Christians do?
How many did you do as a baby Christian?
And, keep in mind. They were not even yet Christians when they drew straws for Matthias.
Not to mention, Peter was always the impulsive one of the twelve.
Yes... we are all human in need of transformation in our minds.
Only sound doctrine and the filling of the Spirit solves that problem.
Sound doctrine will be able to discern what Peter did.
Human speculation (sharing) will not.
God raising up Apostle Paul to become the 12th Apostle does not tell you anything. Does it?
Was Paul and Apostle? Yes.
Did Peter endorse Paul as having deep wisdom? Yes.
Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him.He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction." 2 Peter 3:15-16
How many apostles were there in your estimation?
Its not a hill I would die on one way or the other but I lean towards Paul and I personally believe they jumped the gun since nowhere were they told by Jesus to replace judas. So there are assumptions made on both sides imho.You need to prove that Paul was the 12th apostle.
You keep making assertions as if they are proof.
David Peterson: It is important to observe that there are no further examples of such decision making in the NT. As those who were about to enjoy the benefits of the New Covenant, the apostles were using a practice that was sanctioned by God but belonged to the old era. It took place before Pentecost, when the Spirit was poured out in a way that signified a new kind of relationship between God and his people. From Luke's emphasis on the Spirit's role in giving wisdom, guidance, and direction, it would appear that the apostolic example on this occasion is not to be followed by Christians today. (106)
Footnote #106: There is no basis for the claim that the apostles were wrong to select Matthias and that they should have awaited God's choice of Paul to fill the vacancy. (Pillar New Testament Commentary, Acts, page 128-129).
Peter did not want to wait and he was being his usual impulsive self.True they were not born again until Pentecost which is why Jesus asked them to wait until then.
Something I never denied.
He wasn't the 12th apostle in that he replaced Judas.
Matthias was the 12th apostle.
Does that necessitate the other apostles didn't have wisdom?
The twelve - according to the criteria in Acts 1:21-22 - could not include Paul.
The Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible: The qualifications for inclusion among the Twelve are laid down in Acts 1:21-22. It was necessary to be with Jesus from the time of John's baptism until the ascension and to be a witness of the resurrection...While it was necessary to have been present during all that period, particular stress is laid upon being a witness of the resurrection (Acts 2:32; 3:15; 13:31). Paul could not be numbered among the Twelve, for he had not fulfilled all the conditions laid down. However, he had been a witness of the resurrection (Acts 26:16-18; 1 Cor. 9:1; 15:8)...(1:255, Apostle, R.E. Nixon).
God's Word says there are only Twelve Apostles.
There were three gates on the east, three on the north, three on the south
and three on the west. The wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on
them were the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb." ..Rev 21:13-14....
Sorry.. There was no 13th foundation to be found for Matthias.
Peter was in the flesh. He leaned on his own understanding in the vanity of his mind."Let another man take his office" (Acts 1:20; cf. Psalm 109:8).
The disciples were commanded to go back to Jerusalem and WAIT until they be endued with power from on high. Peter didn't wait. He was disobedient. To teach one sits down. To officiate one stands up and Peter STOOD up when Jesus commanded the disciples to SEAT DOWN and wait:An assertion without proof.
Anyone except me.None of the evidence I supplied that Matthias was the correct choice has been refuted by anyone.
Yes. As I showed above.I'll repost what I wrote since no one has addressed the points I made:
Matthias is the correct choice.
1. God never condemned his apostleship.
Pete was in error. Tell me, who replaced James after Herod killed him in Acts 12?2. Peter took his stand with him and the other apostles in the proclamation of the gospel (Acts 2:14).
That's because they assumed this was a good thing. They didn't know the command of Jesus in Luke 24:49 to go back to Jerusalem and WAIT, nor did they know as we do know now how an apostle in made apostle (by God) and the teachings of the Doctrines of Christ which are the doctrines of the Spirit. It was an early church and as Jewish Christians they had to learn a New Covenant and that didn't come over night.3. He, and the other apostles, were addressed by the Jews after Peter's proclamation of the gospel (Acts 2:37).
The apostles doctrine was what Jesus taught the twelve, now eleven minus Judas. Matthias was not among them.4. Those who became believers "continued steadfastly" to his, and the other apostles, doctrine and fellowship (Acts 2:42).
Sure. I can do that too. Any believer with their doctrine in the right places can. God does not reward disobedience.5. He, and the other apostles, were able to perform wonders and signs (Acts 2:43).
Means nothing. Jail by association.6. He, and the other apostles, were put in prison by the high priest and Sadducees (Acts 5:18).
So have I.7. He, and the other apostles, were beaten for their faith by these officials (Acts 5:40).
It doesn't mention Matthias. You're adding to the bible.8. He, and the other apostles, summoned the disciples to resolve the complaint by the Hellenistic believers (Acts 6:2).
Matthias wasn't mentioned. The Holy Spirit authorized the twelve (minus Judas), not Matthias. He was a man's choice.9. He, and the other apostles, laid hands on the men that were put in charge of this task (Acts 6:6).
Again no mention of Matthias.10. He, and the other apostles, sent Peter and John to Samaria (Acts 8:14).
Another guess. No mention of Matthias.11. He, and the other apostles, were there when Barnabas introduced Paul to them (Acts 9:27).
Another guess. No mention of Matthias.12. He, and the other apostles, made the authoritative decision at the Jerusalem Council (Acts 15:6, 22, 23; 16:4).
And let me also assist you in this: the office of apostle is a spiritual office but Peter gives a natural qualification of merely being physically present from the time of Jesus' baptism to His resurrection. Matthias could have been among the mentioned 120.Still waiting...
Peter was in the flesh. He leaned on his own understanding in the vanity of his mind.
The disciples were commanded to go back to Jerusalem and WAIT until they be endued with power from on high.
This is the Biblical way to discern God's will in doctrine and practice.
Another thing is the word translated as "numbered" in Acts 1:17 and verse 26/. Two different words that go directly to understanding what Peter did and the Holy Spirit's response. Oh, yes, the Holy Spirit did finally respond to Peter's and the disciples' prayers but not in the way expected.
vs. 17 - Strong's [G#2674] "numbered" katarithmeō
from <G2596> (kata) and <G705> (arithmeo); to reckon among.
We get our English word "arithmetic" from this Greek word.
vs. 26 - Strong's [G#4785] "numbered" synkatapsēphizomai (compound word) from [G#4862] (sun) and a compound of [G#2596] (kata) and [G#5585] (psephizo); to count down in company with, i.e. enroll among.
In both Matthew 10:30 and Luke 12:7 is the word "arithmeo"
30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Mt 10:30.
What does this mean? It means that Judas was numbered "among" the twelve but Matthias with the eleven.
"Arithmeo" is the counting of your hairs in your head among the other hairs [Judas]
while for Matthias it is taking a strand of hair from one head and placing it with the hairs of another head. That is Matthias.
26 And they gave forth their lots; and the lot fell upon Matthias; and he was numbered with the eleven apostles. Acts 1:26.
The Holy Spirit's choice of words is His declaration that Judas was chosen by Jesus to be among the twelve and Matthias chosen by man to be with the eleven. God did not sanction this method nor the choice resulting from this method. Matthias was rejected as apostle by the Holy Spirit. The "hair" came from another body and not the body of Christ.
Anyone except me.
Yes. As I showed above.
Pete was in error. Tell me, who replaced James after Herod killed him in Acts 12?
That's because they assumed this was a good thing. They didn't know the command of Jesus in Luke 24:49 to go back to Jerusalem and WAIT, nor did they know as we do know now how an apostle in made apostle (by God) and the teachings of the Doctrines of Christ which are the doctrines of the Spirit. It was an early church and as Jewish Christians they had to learn a New Covenant and that didn't come over night.
The apostles doctrine was what Jesus taught the twelve, now eleven minus Judas. Matthias was not among them.
Sure. I can do that too. Any believer with their doctrine in the right places can. God does not reward disobedience.
Means nothing. Jail by association.
So have I.
It doesn't mention Matthias. You're adding to the bible.
Matthias wasn't mentioned. The Holy Spirit authorized the twelve (minus Judas), not Matthias. He was a man's choice.
Again no mention of Matthias.
Another guess. No mention of Matthias.
Another guess. No mention of Matthias.
No need to be sorry, because no one has refuted the evidence I supplied concerning Matthias.
What about Paul? If Matthias was one of the twelve, where does that leave Paul? Good question.
When Israel came out of Egypt, how many tribes were there? When the Exodus came about from Egypt, there was a slight rearranging of these tribes in that Levi became a distinct and separate priestly tribe given over to the service of God, and the tribe of Joseph was split into Mannasseh and Ephraim, his two sons. But the foundational structure of there being twelve sources through which each Israelite could trace their Jewish origins remained. Just as technically there were thirteen tribes in the time of Joseph, with his two sons taking his place, that is what we find in the New Testament. Judas is replaced with Matthias and then Paul is added.
You're right. Paul was the Tribe of Benjamin. No good. Not a tribe.
I looked at the evidence.
Its overwhelming in favor of Mathias.
For Matthias wrote:
Nope, nor did Thomas and many others of the Twelve.
Post 309 was dodged.
Paul WENT to the land of the Gentiles where the twelve tribes were scattered to reach out to Jewish Christians in those churches in Asia Minor.A ridiculous assertion of yours.
And they did.
No, you didn't.
Nothing in the Greek words even hint at it was a wrong decision.
Lexical support for your assertion, please.
Barton Johnson: The lot fell on Matthias. Some have held that the choice of Matthias was unauthorized and that he was never accepted as an apostle. The reasons for this view are that he is not named again, and Paul was finally chosen as an apostle. To this it may be replied: (1) Neither are more than half the other names in the apostolic band again mentioned, Thomas, Thaddeus and Bartholomew, for example. (2) Paul was not an apostle to the Jews, but to the Gentiles, and hence, not one of the Twelve. (3) There is no hint anywhere in Acts, or elsewhere, that the selection of Matthias was not recognized. (4) In Acts 6:2, "the twelve" are spoken of, and he must have been one of "the twelve," for Paul was not yet converted. These facts show that such speculations as those referred to above are without foundation. (People's New Testament)