Shema Israel and identifying Jesus as Jehovah/Yahweh

Um Abner Kneeland

Was a universalist for many years and taught the salvation of all.

He denied the virgin birth, the existence of demons and hell,

And for the record

in John 1:1, Kneeland rendered, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a God,

not a god
I know what he wrote. He put a god.
God will show you, you best pray to Jehovah to show you now while there is still time, its running out.
Sorry, you were given scripture which you just ignored.

The time is running out for you to believe God's word instead of the manmade organization whose mantras you spout.
I know what he wrote. He put a god.
Not according to this

When examining his translation, one cannot help but notice certain similarities between it and Benjamin Wilson’s Emphatic Diaglott. Although there is no English interlinear, it is an early attempt to provide the reader with a Greek text, as Wilson also did. Kneeland renders John 1:1c “and the Word was a God,”

In any case his position on universalism and a denial of a being named Satan would be unbiblical even by your standards
Yes, he is

He is called Yahweh and he does what only Yahweh can do.
It’s incredible how some are so blinded to this obvious truth taught throughout both testaments regarding the Son. There is only one reason why as Paul’s tells us in this passage. 2 Corinthians 4:3-5.
Sorry, you were given scripture which you just ignored.

The time is running out for you to believe God's word instead of the manmade organization whose mantras you spout.
I share 9 teachings from Jesus in every sight like this. They are in every translation on Earth, they prove 100% the JW,s have Jesus. I get kicked out of trinity sights for posting them because they expose the trinity religions as false. RELOOK.
Not according to this

When examining his translation, one cannot help but notice certain similarities between it and Benjamin Wilson’s Emphatic Diaglott. Although there is no English interlinear, it is an early attempt to provide the reader with a Greek text, as Wilson also did. Kneeland renders John 1:1c “and the Word was a God,”

In any case his position on universalism and a denial of a being named Satan would be unbiblical even by your standards
That person is lying. Its 100% proven fact-a god was put in by Abner Kneeland--its simple to look up for self.
That person is lying. Its 100% proven fact-a god was put in by Abner Kneeland--its simple to look up for self.
Abner kneeland was at best a third - rate theologian

The vast majority of translations are contrary to his and your view

BTW your translation makes you polytheists
I share 9 teachings from Jesus in every sight like this. They are in every translation on Earth, they prove 100% the JW,s have Jesus. I get kicked out of trinity sights for posting them because they expose the trinity religions as false. RELOOK.
You ignore much scripture and evidence contrary to your view.
You haven't even mastered English with your poor sentence structures and you're telling me that Greek is simple???? Next you'll tell me that Chinese and even Quantum Physics is simple to you. Stop with the obvious lies.
I said its simple to look up. And yes i rush sometimes, the point is what matters not sentence structure.
Abner kneeland was at best a third - rate theologian

The vast majority of translations are contrary to his and your view

BTW your translation makes you polytheists
He was a Greek scholar. We serve the true living God=the Abrahamic God= a single being God=YHVH(Jehovah)
I looked it up--a god is 100% correct.
You write in--which did Abner Kneeland put in his NT translation in 1822 a God or a god?=a god is the answer.
You did not look it up on internet archive

Are you being dishonnest?

He wrote a God and I copied/pasted the reference

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