Reformed Belgic Confession and the inconsistent Calvinist.


Well-known member
Article 24

Man’s Sanctification and Good Works

We believe that this true faith, being wrought in man by the hearing of the Word of God and the operation of the Holy Ghost, doth regenerate and make him a new man, causing him to live a new life, and freeing him from the bondage of sin. Therefore it is so far from being true, that this justifying faith makes men remiss in a pious and holy life, that on the contrary without it they would never do anything out of love to God, but only out of self-love or fear of damnation. Therefore it is impossible that this holy faith can be unfruitful in man; for we do not speak of a vain faith, but of such a faith as is called in Scripture a faith that worketh by love, which excites man to the practice of those works which God has commanded in His Word. Which works, as they proceed from the good root of faith, are good and acceptable in the sight of God, forasmuch as they are all sanctified by His grace; howbeit they are of no account towards our justification. For it is by faith in Christ that we are justified, even before we do good works; otherwise they could not be good works, any more than the fruit of a tree can be good before the tree itself is good.

The Belgic Confession is a "Reformed" confession of the sixteenth century. Notice how these first Calvinists and Reformers did not put regeneration prior to faith.

hope this helps !!!
Again, I don't post threads on tulip. Sorry, PY, but you're on ignore.
Okay. You should realize that much of your posts requires acceptance of TULIP. You're not spending the time necessary to establishing the foundation of your position. As such, you're denying the predicates for your arguments. I prefer to deal with these aspects of your arguments. You are starting at the end and working your way backwards. This never works in establishing an argument.
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