Pancho Frijoles
Well-known member
@Pancho Frijoles
Thats regeneration, a new creation, everyone Christ redeems is created new, then they repent and believe. However prior to that, man is totally depraved and cant repent, cant believe, his old nature wont allow that.
How do you explain that Jesus put a child in the midst and ask people to be like that child, if such child is "totally depraved"?
Jesus did more than that. Jesus declared them to be heirs of the Kingdom of God, and to live daily in the presence of God (he used the metaphor of "their angels", as it was believed that each person had an angel that connected the person with the divinity).
I'm not saying that children can redeem themselves. I am saying they need no redemption. Otherwise Jesus would have called them to repent.
(They need God to survive, of course, just as animals and plant need God)
As true as the fact that they will lean to sin as they grow, is the fact that they will also reach out to God, somehow, to find Him.
So, let's take the example of a 5-years-old girl in ancient Athens.
She was a a citizen of the Kingdom of God. Then, as she grew, she started realizing she did wrong choices. She started to feel bad about those choices and look for a way out. The spiritual need of redemption was there, in her heart, implanted by God.
Paul told the pagan people from Athens:
And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also His offspring.’
Please note how, by saying "we", "us" Paul counts himself among the Pagan Athenians who search for God. Paul counts himself among those who are the offspring from God and not too distant from God. He emphasizes that we all come from "one blood". Paul does not look humanity in terms of "the elect" vs "the non-elect". Paul is preaching to all those Pagans, making them realize all humans have the same origin, need, and call.
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