Yup I still have that book. Quite a few Charismatics took it seriously, and some of 'em lost money, and property because of it. And then there was Harold Camping proclaiming the "end" on May 21/2011. But when THAT didn't happen he Changed it to Oct 21/2011.
He had one in 1994 too.
I pissed off the local radio station mgr because I asked him why he had him on the air.
Harold Camping's prediction that the world will end Saturday, May 21, 2011, is not his first such prediction. In 1992, the evangelist published a book called 1994?, which proclaimed that sometime in...
The lesson i learned from that one...
don't challenge radio station mgrs, and then offer to volunteer at their stations later.
I'd forgotten about it. A brother introduced me and when he said my name, the entire tenor of the conversation changed
But when THAT didn't happen he apologized, said he wouldn't do "Date setting" any more, and then he died. His billboard in Red Oak, TX stayed up for a while, and then disappeared.
Personally, I'll just "occupy until HE comes" (Luke 19:13).
Watchman Nee had a different "take" - he believed that your personal reaction to the "Trumpet" determines what happens when the rapture happens: If your first thought was: "Oh NO!! I'm gonna miss out on stuff that I wanted to do" - then you got to stay and go through the tribulation. If your first thought was "OH GOOD!!! LET'S GET OUTTA HERE!!!" then you got to go with Him in the rapture. HEY!! that works for me, except that it's just another "theological opinion" among many.
Over the past decade or so I've found myself wondering what would happen if I heard it.
What would my reaction be?
Time to time, I'd be doing something and the thought would come to me- now! It generally caught me off guard and as a surprise... which is exactly what Jesus says in Luke 21:35. It'll come as a snare to all who dwell on the surface of the earth.
As i considered it i began to realize that i was in that boat of... are you really ready? If he came at this instant, what would your reaction be?
so, nowadays I take Luke 21:34-36 more seriously and pray regularly ...
lord, please account my wife and I worthy to escape what's coming on the earth and to stand before the Son of Man.
But since I'm 81, and in LOUSY health, could be I'll simply DIE, and watch it all from the Other Side of the grass.
I just turned 64 yesterday.
I appear to be doing fairly well.
The men in my dad's family (parents, etc...) appear to live into their late 80's and early 90's, (my grandfather died 2 weeks before his 91st, my dad just turned 89 a few months ago. My mom died from lung cancer not long after she turned 63.
I'm thinking that if I get to 85, I'm going to be good with that.
My wife thinks she'll be gone by her late 60's to mid 70's.
However it goes...
Maranatha! Come quickly Lord Jesus!