Moses and Jesus taught free will

You're reasoning is a bit backward. If all of us have fallen short of the glory of God, God would still be righteous and just if He didn't save anyone. God has MERCY on some. So it's a matter of justice and mercy. You want it to be a matter of justice and love, and that's the source of your confusion.
Before there existed mercy and justice there was love. Love is the diamond from which all other facets of Gods attributes are reflected. :)

hope this helps !!!
You're reasoning is a bit backward. If all of us have fallen short of the glory of God, God would still be righteous and just if He didn't save anyone. God has MERCY on some. So it's a matter of justice and mercy. You want it to be a matter of justice and love, and that's the source of your confusion.
Can you really divorce Mercy from LOVE suggesting they're separate entities? So if you had a rescue boat and there was a lot of people out there drowning.......and you showed mercy to some and not others.....would you truly be looked upon as a merciful person? God wants you to be a merciful person and help all in

need correct? Isn't that what the parable of the Good Samaritan is all about? Who is my neighbor? The answer to that is anyone about you who needs help. The Samaritan was a shining star when it came to being merciful......but God is not willing to do the same? You might want to consider that's the problem you have with Calvinism.
Can you really divorce Mercy from LOVE suggesting they're separate entities? So if you had a rescue boat and there was a lot of people out there drowning.......and you showed mercy to some and not others.....would you truly be looked upon as a merciful person? God wants you to be a merciful person and help all in

need correct? Isn't that what the parable of the Good Samaritan is all about? Who is my neighbor? The answer to that is anyone about you who needs help. The Samaritan was a shining star when it came to being merciful......but God is not willing to do the same? You might want to consider that's the problem you have with Calvinism.
Can you really divorce Mercy from LOVE suggesting they're separate entities? So if you had a rescue boat and there was a lot of people out there drowning.......and you showed mercy to some and not others.....would you truly be looked upon as a merciful person? God wants you to be a merciful person and help all in

need correct? Isn't that what the parable of the Good Samaritan is all about? Who is my neighbor? The answer to that is anyone about you who needs help. The Samaritan was a shining star when it came to being merciful......but God is not willing to do the same? You might want to consider that's the problem you have with Calvinism.

Your analogy is flawed. Say all the people drowning are pedophile rapists and murderers and that would be a more proper analogy. They all deserve to die. Saving any one of them would be an act of mercy, not love.
Your analogy is flawed. Say all the people drowning are pedophile rapists and murderers and that would be a more proper analogy. They all deserve to die. Saving any one of them would be an act of mercy, not love.
Yes. So all are in need of mercy and because they are God's neighbor he would be compelled to want to help them. You've said no to this. You're saying he would save some neighbors showing mercy and changing their natures but not all. Another reason to leave Calvinism.
Yes. So all are in need of mercy and because they are God's neighbor he would be compelled to want to help them. You've said no to this. You're saying he would save some neighbors showing mercy and changing their natures but not all. Another reason to leave Calvinism.

In short, you don't like what God says he does, so you believe something else.
Sorry but that's reverse. You are. He has said he is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. Your Calvinistic philosophy rejects that.
Calvinism is he is willing that all will perish and none repent except a few elect ones
Calvinism is he is willing that all will perish and none repent except a few elect ones
Why is context only important when refuting Calvinism?
You are content to swallow camels of "out of context" when @Rockson is reproving a Calvinist.

[I don't bother to correct him, he wouldn't understand context if it bit him, but YOU should be able to understand.]

2 Peter 3:9 "The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not willing for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance."
What is the CONTEXT? Who is he speaking to? [remember the discussion of John 6?]
Sorry but that's reverse. You are. He has said he is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. Your Calvinistic philosophy rejects that.

Not even a sparrow falls to the ground apart from God. All your hairs are numbered. So if your interpretation of "God is not willing that any perish", is correct, then why do the majority perish? Are you saying man's free will trump's God's will? I thought God loved everyone. Why would He allow men to override His will?
You're reasoning is a bit backward. If all of us have fallen short of the glory of God, God would still be righteous and just if He didn't save anyone. God has MERCY on some. So it's a matter of justice and mercy. You want it to be a matter of justice and love, and that's the source of your confusion.

Mercy is never absent LOVE. God's Mercy is predicated upon His Love.

If you would take civic's advice to study the Holy Trinity, you would already know this.
Your analogy is flawed. Say all the people drowning are pedophile rapists and murderers and that would be a more proper analogy. They all deserve to die. Saving any one of them would be an act of mercy, not love.

Did God save you because He loved you? or was it an act of mercy?

I bet I know the answer you'll give. You are so disconnected that you can't answer that question for yourself.... BEFORE you give an answer for anyone else.
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Not even a sparrow falls to the ground apart from God. All your hairs are numbered. So if your interpretation of "God is not willing that any perish", is correct, then why do the majority perish? Are you saying man's free will trump's God's will? I thought God loved everyone. Why would He allow men to override His will?

You keep coming back to this...... Is this your verse of "last resort"?

Funny how you reference the death of a bird in comparison to predestined eternal damnation. What a comparison....

Funny how you reference the hairs on someone's head to predestined eternal damnation....

Do these "sparrows" that die suffer throughout all eternity according to the predeterminate will of God?
Not even a sparrow falls to the ground apart from God.
What? A part from God what? Birds die of age....animals may have been used as sacrifice for sins...we know he cares for us a great deal more than the sparrows. What's your point?
All your hairs are numbered.
So what's your point?
So if your interpretation of "God is not willing that any perish", is correct, then why do the majority perish?
It's a sad thing where God has clearly stated, he not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance and you even think it needs interpreted.
Are you saying man's free will trump's God's will?
Yes and no. Yes MAN can reject LIFE after hearing the gospel. No he's can't by his will decide what the consequences of his choices will be.

I thought God loved everyone.
Why would He allow men to override His will?
Why does a person not force a romantic relationship on someone who doesn't want it? It may have been the will of one to have it. That's not the only thing that counts.
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