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Briefly:who do you think satan is?
In a nutshell. Lucifer after his fall from God.... along with "his" followers.
Fallen angels follow Satan instead of God. These fallen angels, along with Satan chose to rebel against God. As they look to Satan as their leader, they do everything in the power to thwart God’s plan and hinder His people (Daniel 10:13). Prior to the fall, he was an angel of light. How did he fall and become Satan?
Satan was once named Lucifer, meaning “day star.” The story of his fall is described in two key Old Testament chapters – Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14. He was an angel who was powerful and full of wisdom. He was perhaps the most beautiful and splendid angel ever created by God and of the highest order, but his pride caused his downfall and God caste him from heaven. So where did the breakdown happen? Why did he rebel?
In Ezekiel 28: 15, it says that he remained perfect in his ways until iniquity was found in him. We discover what this iniquity was in verse 17 which reads, “Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor.” It appears that Lucifer became so impressed with his own beauty, intelligence, power and position that he began to desire the high honor and glory that belonged to God. This sin corrupted him and was resulted from self-generated pride. This represented the actual beginning of sin in the universe, even before the fall of Adam and original sin.
As a result of Lucifer’s sin, he was rightfully judged by God. In Ezekiel 28:18 we learn that he was thrown to the earth. Satan was then completely cast out of God’s heavenly government and authority. He wanted to be like God and he discovered the consequences.
Following his monstrous sin against God, Lucifer was banished from living in heaven which we are told about in Isaiah 14:12. After this, he became corrupt. He changed his name from Lucifer, meaning “day star” or “morning star” to Satan, meaning “adversary.”