Doug Brents
Well-known member
Fred, Mark 16:16 is not the whole and sum total of all that Scripture says about baptism being required to receive salvation. It may be that it was added at a later date. And it may be that it was removed or excluded from some manuscripts. We don't know.Says a whole lot that you have to depend upon uninspired writings to support your heresy.
But what we do know is that:
Matt 28:19 says that baptism is an act that man must do, and that all who believe in Jesus will be baptized.
Acts 2:38 says that repentance and baptism are both done in order to receive forgiveness of sins.
1 Pet 3:21 says that baptism, in water like the Flood, now saves us.
Col 2:11-14 says that during baptism the Holy Spirit cuts our sins from us and unites us with Jesus resurrection.
Rom 6:1-7 says that in baptism we die to sin and are made new creations.
John 3:5 says that we can only enter the Kingdom of God by being born of water and the Spirit.
Eph 5:25-26 says that we are made pure, holy, and blameless by being washed in water with the Word.