Just as you realized that Jesus is who He is, regardless of whether people know it, understand it, or confess it, you will someday realize that Jesus achieved what he achieved, regardless people know it, understand it, or confess it.
It would better for you to move to a Christian Universalist position. I have talked with several of them.
If you want to say all are saved by the merits of Christ alone and his suffering the penalty of sin, at least you are moving in the right direction.
I believe a Univeralist can possibly be saved—barely—if they cling very deeply to the acknowledgment God must pay for their sins in Christ.
If Jesus went ALL THE WAY to be arrested, tortured, mocked, exhibited naked in front of the crowd, crucified... do you really think He will refuse to be the Mediator of a sinner who comes to God with a contrite heart, and does not know, confess or understand PSA?
Yeah, I do, because the Bible tells me that, and I'm not God, he makes the rules.
It is not being lost because of a case of being "too sinful," you need to understand that, that's not the position here.
But you have a God with no enemy and no original sin, Satan is blinding the whole world through deception.
If one does not personally trust in Christ to be the sacrifice of their sins, and commit to follow Christ's Word, they cannot be saved in this dispensation. Scripture does not give us this option. The Holy Spirit will not allow it and constantly strive for those rejecting it.
Please consider 100 persons taken randomly from your congregation... 100 frequent churchgoers. How many of them could EXPLAIN what penal substitutionary blood atonement is? How many of them could hold a decent defense in this Forum of such doctrine? Furthermore, how many would even be INTERESTED in studying about the topic? Are they all damned?
It's not about knowing the technical term, that's a straw man. Someone can describe the position with no technical knowledge.
Have you placed all of your trust and hope in the fact that Christ Jesus suffered the penalty of your sins on the Cross and rose again after three days, to grant us by grace the gift we could never deserve of eternal life to worship him in heaven?
And because the atonement is SO strong even a person full of devils and error and sin can be saved if they completely trust personally in Christ.
But you have to DO it. It's not automatic.
I understood penal substitutionary atonement when I was 14, as a Seventh Day Aventist... but teenagers of my congregation were far from understanding it... or showing any interest in understanding it... they could all repeat if asked: "Jesus died for my sins" but this didn't mean much. When they made something wrong, they asked forgiveness to God and to the person they have hurt... as billions of humans have done through ages.
SDA, huh. Yes, they are full of confusion and legalism, I know some personally and have studied their doctrines.
They still often respect substitutionary atonement, and if they do, that power can save them.
So, I can deeply respect that you and my Christian brothers believe that PSA, as a fact, changed everything.
But I am deeply convinced that PSA, as a doctrine, does not change anything.
PSA is literally the Gospel.
You can be confused and stupid and it will still save you if you trust in Christ suffering for your sins and attempt to follow him.
But PSA literally is the Gospel.