Introducing the Spirit of our Father God: his power and presence in our lives


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Scripture clearly describes the Holy Spirit as the intrinsic/essence and inseparable part of our Father God. This diagram displays major attributes of his Spirit.

This thread is created to not only show and reveal the Spirit of God pictorially, to also provide a self-help Bible Study of it. To research the scripture that targets each bubble in the diagram above and then to connect them to reveal a new and profound picture of the Father's power and presence in out lives and in his creation.

Of course discussion of it is encourage along the way.

Blessings to all, whether one embarks of this trek of study or not...

Powerful pictorial. Well done. Did you create this yourself?

One of the more challenging aspects of summarizing vast data sets is to substantiate what is NOT contained. For instance, few would dispute that Adam was created on the 6th day. OTOH, the absence of text stating when Eve was created summarized in the negative, she was NOT created on the 6th day must be conceded as less definite or more ambiguous. So, it is with your "not" statements.

I'm sure we'll hear from our trinitarian friends objecting for objection sake.
Nice chart filled with many errors and a few that are true. The 2 most important functions of the Holy Spirit are missing. Those are number 1 and 2 on the list which are missing.
The 2 most important functions of the Holy Spirit are missing. Those are number 1 and 2 on the list which are missing.
Oh? Do you plan on keeping these 2 most important functions a secret?

It is interesting you word it this way as it is indicative of an attribute of a Being, such as the 2 most important functions of the lungs. A Being makes up more than merely functions.
Powerful pictorial. Well done. Did you create this yourself?

One of the more challenging aspects of summarizing vast data sets is to substantiate what is NOT contained. For instance, few would dispute that Adam was created on the 6th day. OTOH, the absence of text stating when Eve was created summarized in the negative, she was NOT created on the 6th day must be conceded as less definite or more ambiguous. So, it is with your "not" statements.

I'm sure we'll hear from our trinitarian friends objecting for objection sake.
Yep used MS VISIO....I do expect it..and thx for the comments you logical guy:D
Nice chart though I like the concept .
Thanks, I thought I would just come out and lay this subject out ,,,pun intended. I may do the same style of presentation for the Father and his Son as two other separate threads later.

One can learn a lot from facing and tackling a diagram such as this one, in this style, whether one is a seasoned or a novice in scripture. I also find areas that I miss and I become elated when I find these gems found underfoot...

I expect at least folks will ponder it for themselves at the very least...and this serves a purpose in itself, indeed.
Interesting that you do not know.
Not an answer to my question. Typical.

Sad that you have to resort to Gnosticism, keep your special knowledge a secret, then use this assertion as a way to put me down. It begs the question of why initiate such a hostile dynamic?
Maybe let your buddy @Matthias let the group know what his acronym SMURF means that he had been dangling on the forum for a week when he has been asked numerous times to share it. Double standards? Just asking :)
I did see those exchanges but with holding the meaning of SMURF is not my standard. It is you who are invoking 2 wrongs make a right mind set here.

@APAK asked how to improve his chart. Why not just answer it? Why punish me and him because of what @Matthias did not do?
Well we can target the bubble concerning its (HS) guidance to stay in the will of God, to present the truth to a believer and perform the will of the Father after Jesus' ascension.

John 16:13a However when it, the Spirit of Truth, is come, it will guide you into all truth.

The day of Pentecost arrived within 6 weeks(?) of Jesus' ascension.

Those that received this 'poured out' power and measures of the Spirit of God, each with different functions to perform of the Spirit, and some common, were now armed ready to do the will of the Father. They travelled far and wide to bring the truth, perform miracles and forgive sins to many peoples concerning the gospel and about the truth of the Son of God. Salvation was now available to all nations
A few posts were deleted and edited for discussing another member. Let’s stay on topic with the thread and respect @APAK thread. Your cooperation will be appreciated.
1- Holy Spirit indwells all born again believers

2- Holy Spirit glorifies only the Son

hope this helps !!!
Well of course the HS is within the believer via the spirit of Christ only. Without the spirit of Christ there is no influence of the HS with the human spirit. A genuine believer must know they have both the spirit of the Son and the Father by the Son's spirit.

Not just the Son, ultimately for the glory of Father. And yes of course, Christ is glorified that goes without question as stated in John 16:14, "He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you." and he of course not only, truly the Father, as each Spirit-filled person that speaks the truth of the gospel will automatically uplift both the Father and Son. Without the Father the Son could never ne glorified alone.

You cannot but glorify both the Son of God and his Father.
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Well of course the HS is within the believer via the spirit of Christ only. Without the spirit of Christ there is no influence of the HS with the human spirit. A genuine must know they have both the spirit of the Son and the Father by the Son's spirit.

Not just the Son, ultimately for the glory of Father. And yes of course, Christ is glorified that goes without question as stated in John 16:14, "He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you." and he of course not only, truly the Father, as each Spirit-filled person that speaks the truth of the gospel will automatically uplift both the Father and Son. Without the Father the Son could never ne glorified alone.

You cannot but glorify both the Son of God and his Father.
Do you have a verse where Jesus tells us the HS glorifies the Father and not Him ?
John 15:26
“When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me. 27 And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning.

John 16:7-9
But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. 8 When he comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment: 9 about sin, because people do not believe in me

John 16:13-14
But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 14 He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you.
Do you have a verse where Jesus tells us the HS glorifies the Father and not Him ?
Well I believe, could be wrong, by you question, you are not focusing on why the HS was sent in the first place as Christ was 'leaving.' It was not for the Father's benefit at all. It was for ours and his Son.

The Father, now at this point, wanted to show off his Son as our savior and our lord....Why would the Father add in scripture now for himself to be praised by sending his own spirit of truth? It is understood that he is the source, the master planner, the executioner of salvation, and has ALL the glory he needs via his Son's actions and role he is performing today, along with the growth of Kingdom - being matured.

Scripture focusing on the Father would be redundant and would shift focus for why and how we can be saved...through his Son. The Father stays in the background as in most affairs today.
Well I believe, could be wrong, by you question, you are not focusing on why the HS was sent in the first place as Christ was 'leaving.' It was not for the Father's benefit at all. It was for ours and his Son.

The Father, now at this point, wanted to show off his Son as our savior and our lord....Why would the Father add in scripture now for himself to be praised by sending his own spirit of truth? It is understood that he is the source, the master planner, the executioner of salvation, and has ALL the glory he needs via his Son's actions and role he is performing today, along with the growth of Kingdom - being matured.

Scripture focusing on the Father would be redundant and would shift focus for why and how we can be saved...through his Son. The Father stays in the background as in most affairs today.
I appreciate your transparency and the glory you attribute to the Son from the Holy Spirit and the Father even though we disagree on the Trinity.

If I did not know you were a unitarian I would read this and think you were a trinitarian:)
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