How is a Christian Different from Others?

Yes I have been changing some of my positions as I study Messianic and Christian theologians and Adonai's Word. Sadly, I see some Jewish Rabbis not marry a Jew and a Gentile in their synagogues, because they don't want to see Jewish blood diluted in their Congregations. My mother was a Gentile and my wife is a Gentile. I doubt seriously that with all the inter marrying among Gentiles that there is no pure Jewish blood anymore. But the good news with belief in Yeshua it doesn't matter in more in the New Covenant.
Shalom Aleichem
I took notice of something , a certain word and a certain name by which that word applied itself too .
THAT got a fat like from me .
You might be wondering what it was i seen that got me joyed up .
It came in your last sentence . I will captilize both the word and the name .
But the good news with BELIEF in YESHUA .
THAT RIGHT THERE IS ALL THAT MATTERS . whether one be a hebrew born or gentile born .
whether one be a woman or a man . whether one be a king or a peasant .
AND I PERSONALLY think its time the church goes back to THAT and starts preaching that again
with all THINGS HE DID Teach as well as the apostles .
IN other words , WE GETTING THE heck decieved out of us church . We gots men trying to say
other religoins serve the same GOD we do .
we got men trying to imply JESUS is the minstir of sin .
I am Messianic Jew, but I realize that non Jewish Christians are equal in Yeshua with me. That is the main purpose of the New Covenant and John 3:16.
Same with me my friend . And why is that . cause by the GRACE of GOD i have come to a real
simple answer and solutoin .
That the SAME GOD that created the gentile called abraham out of that people , and from thence began the hebrew line .
And that same GOD has determined long before
THAT ONE SAVOIR would come who would save both .
And that both must believe IN HIM . And that now IN SPIRIT there is no jew or gentile in that sense
unto WHOM they BELIEVE IN . In other words , i truly believe that whether a man was of the lineage of abraham by the flesh
or was of another lineage , THAT ALL MEN FALL FAR SHORT OF THE GLORY of GOD
that all men do evil and have sinned and that all MEN DO NEED JESUS THE CHRIST .
My flesh did not save me . GOD DID . And i suggest its high time for some folks
to stop trusting so darn much in a lineage and rather in HE WHO CREATED ALL MEN and IN HIS CHRIST .
I took notice of something , a certain word and a certain name by which that word applied itself too .
THAT got a fat like from me .
You might be wondering what it was i seen that got me joyed up .
It came in your last sentence . I will captilize both the word and the name .
But the good news with BELIEF in YESHUA .
THAT RIGHT THERE IS ALL THAT MATTERS . whether one be a hebrew born or gentile born .
whether one be a woman or a man . whether one be a king or a peasant .
AND I PERSONALLY think its time the church goes back to THAT and starts preaching that again
with all THINGS HE DID Teach as well as the apostles .
IN other words , WE GETTING THE heck decieved out of us church . We gots men trying to say
other religoins serve the same GOD we do .
we got men trying to imply JESUS is the minstir of sin .
Keep preaching!
Keep preaching!
IF pointing to THE CHRIST OF GOD , CHRIST JESUS be wrong then may i never been seen as right to this generation .
IF giving no flesh any credit but rather giving GOD ALL GLORY seemth wrong to folks then we got us a problem .
I came not to boast in me or in any man or tribe . I came to POINT TO CHRIST to GLORIFY GOD and to help as many as i can .
Keep preaching!
When you look in the mirror i hope you see what i see looking back at you .
That image you see , take a good long look at it .
Then take a good long look at anyone else you might know or see .
When i look in the mirror , I DO NOT see that one as having saved itself , or ever was deserving to be saved .
I see a man that GOD took mercy upon .
I dont see me or any man as having BEEN GOOD or IS GOOD
WHen i look at me , I SEE a man whose only GOODNESS , WHOSE NEW DESIRES to Even DO GOOD
and to flee evil , CAME FROM GOD , BY HIS SPIRIT which i was sealed with UPON FAITH IN CHRIST .
I dont see the gentile as any better than the hebrew or the hebrew as any better than the gentile .
SO i came to preach THAT NAME . not me , not my lineage , not any other lineage
for ALL FALL SHORT . Rather its time to PREACH HE WHO CREATED ALL and give them the people
the ONLY NAME whereby they can be saved . ITS really that simple for me . BUT even that knowledge
came by the grace of GOD . TRULY i cannot boast in me one bit . ANYTHING and EVERYTHING GOOD
that i learned or know , OR DO , cometh of the SPIRIT of GOD within me .
THE only thing i can say about me is
DEAR oh dear DID I SURE earn and deserve , perhaps more than most , THE LAKE OF FIRE .
Now excuse me for a while , WHILE I GO PRAISE THE ONE WHO SAVED ME . HE DID . HE DID .
IF pointing to THE CHRIST OF GOD , CHRIST JESUS be wrong then may i never been seen as right to this generation .
IF giving no flesh any credit but rather giving GOD ALL GLORY seemth wrong to folks then we got us a problem .
I came not to boast in me or in any man or tribe . I came to POINT TO CHRIST to GLORIFY GOD and to help as many as i can .
That has been my purpose as well. I still believe the Jewish ✡️ people have a special place in Adonai's plan for the future. I also believe that Christians have a unique purpose in that plan being carried out. I try to study my Bible to learn more about the God who has changed my life and what He expects from me. As a Jew ✡️ I am called to be a blessing to others and to all the nations.
As a Jew I will do a Mitzvot (a good deed) every now and then. I will help a friend that is truly in need or I will donate and help animal shelters and etc. I purchased new hearing aids for a poor elderly Gentile Christian woman. I also purchased new furniture for a man that was going through a divorce and lost everything. I purchased quality animal food for the animal shelters around me.
I try in my small way make my part of the world a better place.
Yes I have been changing some of my positions as I study Messianic and Christian theologians and Adonai's Word. Sadly, I see some Jewish Rabbis not marry a Jew and a Gentile in their synagogues, because they don't want to see Jewish blood diluted in their Congregations. My mother was a Gentile and my wife is a Gentile. I doubt seriously that with all the inter marrying among Gentiles that there is no pure Jewish blood anymore. But the good news with belief in Yeshua it doesn't matter in more in the New Covenant.
Shalom Aleichem
The Mosaic law only prevented marriage with someone from certain nations. Intermarriage was allowed when capturing enemies in battle. It was only after the return from the Babylon exile that Nehemiah prohibited marrying the foreigners. It seems that the concern was due to the vulnerability of those returning from exile to dilution of their heritage at that time.
Well you have been warned. You will now be on ignore, so I don't have to see your racism against Christians. Christians are not 2nd class citizens of the Kingdom. They are full heirs in Yeshua as I am.
You make claims about me personally that are incorrect and inflated but also use that to not address the questions I posed to you.
When one cannot 'beat' an argument the last refuge of a scoundrel is to make personal attacks (and lie) to divert from the truth that the personal has indeed lost the argument.
One such instance is that Jesus said "Scripture cannot be broken" meaning changed or added to after the fact, and the fact is that Scripture is closed and written down, and besides the other fact that the Ten Commandments written on stone would "break the stone" (Scripture with the finger of God) if attempts were made to scratch changes to the stone with a chisel-like tool or implement.
Go ahead and "ignore" me. But you can't ignore the truth for too long. If it is sound the Lord will establish it.
That has been my purpose as well. I still believe the Jewish ✡️ people have a special place in Adonai's plan for the future. I also believe that Christians have a unique purpose in that plan being carried out. I try to study my Bible to learn more about the God who has changed my life and what He expects from me. As a Jew ✡️ I am called to be a blessing to others and to all the nations.
As a Jew I will do a Mitzvot (a good deed) every now and then. I will help a friend that is truly in need or I will donate and help animal shelters and etc. I purchased new hearing aids for a poor elderly Gentile Christian woman. I also purchased new furniture for a man that was going through a divorce and lost everything. I purchased quality animal food for the animal shelters around me.
I try in my small way make my part of the world a better place.
1 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.
2 Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
3 But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth:
4 That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.
Mt 6:1–4.

Clap, clap, clap, clap.

There. You've been rewarded twice. Once by "BEALLGLORY" and now me.
You about to learn a real good thing my friend . so pray and ponder about these next words .
The scripture came NOT FROM the hebrew , but rather TO THEM . Its not hebrew scripture .
ITS GOD INSPIRED SCRIPTURE that was first given to the hebrew . the sooner we realize the flesh profits nothing
the better off we gonna have been for doing so .
This is not to condemn you , its simply for your good .
I understand all that. Yeah, we can get too heavenly minded that we're no earthly good as you're doing, but the fact remains although God spoke His Word to His prophets - and He spoke to the Hebrews personally once - the fact remains you can't diminish the Hebrew people He spoke to through His prophets, priests, and kings, and shepherd, etc., He gave His Word to the Hebrew people so that they would know how to worship Him, how to relate to Him, how to live for Him, how to live among themselves as twelve tribes of this great nation of people, everything the Hebrew people were expected to know of their History, God's history dealing with them, everything.

There's nothing wrong "looking to man." Man is an important component to what God is doing with His creation. And there is distinction between the people He's ordained and predestined to salvation and those He's not. And if the flesh profits nothing then I suppose Christ's sufferings in His body profits us nothing also by your measurement.
The thing I expect from others who claim to know my Savior is to be honest with Scripture. Don't add, don't change, don't subtract, don't change, don't abolish, and don't mutilate God's Word because that's MY WORD given to me, and I join God hating people who lie and twist or otherwise just don't know Scripture of which as a so-called "Christian" believer you are COMMANDED TO KNOW. I hate fakes and I hate liars, and I hate the stupid people who exalt their pet theories and traditions over the Word of God.

I'm sick of these people. There are sincere people who don't know Scripture and through me God teaches them something new. He is in control of their edumacation, not me.
I understand all that. Yeah, we can get too heavenly minded that we're no earthly good as you're doing, but the fact remains although God spoke His Word to His prophets - and He spoke to the Hebrews personally once - the fact remains you can't diminish the Hebrew people He spoke to through His prophets, priests, and kings, and shepherd, etc., He gave His Word to the Hebrew people so that they would know how to worship Him, how to relate to Him, how to live for Him, how to live among themselves as twelve tribes of this great nation of people, everything the Hebrew people were expected to know of their History, God's history dealing with them, everything.

There's nothing wrong "looking to man." Man is an important component to what God is doing with His creation. And there is distinction between the people He's ordained and predestined to salvation and those He's not. And if the flesh profits nothing then I suppose Christ's sufferings in His body profits us nothing also by your measurement.
The thing I expect from others who claim to know my Savior is to be honest with Scripture. Don't add, don't change, don't subtract, don't change, don't abolish, and don't mutilate God's Word because that's MY WORD given to me, and I join God hating people who lie and twist or otherwise just don't know Scripture of which as a so-called "Christian" believer you are COMMANDED TO KNOW. I hate fakes and I hate liars, and I hate the stupid people who exalt their pet theories and traditions over the Word of God.

I'm sick of these people. There are sincere people who don't know Scripture and through me God teaches them something new. He is in control of their edumacation, not me.
reread your first line . we can get too heavenly minded that we are no earthly good .
Got bad news that line came fromthe false . I dont heed such things my friend
and for your own good Neither should you .
That has been my purpose as well. I still believe the Jewish ✡️ people have a special place in Adonai's plan for the future. I also believe that Christians have a unique purpose in that plan being carried out. I try to study my Bible to learn more about the God who has changed my life and what He expects from me. As a Jew ✡️ I am called to be a blessing to others and to all the nations.
As a Jew I will do a Mitzvot (a good deed) every now and then. I will help a friend that is truly in need or I will donate and help animal shelters and etc. I purchased new hearing aids for a poor elderly Gentile Christian woman. I also purchased new furniture for a man that was going through a divorce and lost everything. I purchased quality animal food for the animal shelters around me.
I try in my small way make my part of the world a better place.
as a jew , the only jew that can ever be a blessing to the nations is the one that preaches JESUS THE CHRIST . as i am sure you do agree with that .
Not all who are jewish born are truly a jew . even the hebrew paul once said that .
As you know my friend , the flesh of man profits not a man . What profits a man is believing In HE , which means in HIS CHRIST ,
who created all flesh . In the end paul , john , peter , james , and they had been hebrew born
KNEW that as many gentiles who denied JESUS , that the jew who denied him would all face a fierce damnation .
THEY never gave hope in anything BUT IN JESUS THE CHRIST . whether a hebrew or a gentile .
GOD who created all , Is above all , and has CHOSEN and long ago determined JUST HOW HE WOULD SAVE .
and the saving cometh OF CHRIST and to be saved , ONE HAD BETTER BELEIVE IN HIM .
Just a real friendly reminder to this generation . Now lift those hands up , and begin the praises and thanksgivings unto
the GLORIOUS GOD and FATHER OF OUR LORD and SAVOIR CHRIST JESUS . Just dance round that house
like king david danced the streets when the ark was being brought back to JERSUALEM .
And dance with even greater joy for we have THE NEW COVENANT . Dance a jig of praise unto the Lord .
What I post can ALWAYS be verified.
Or else I am a liar like you.
Oh it can be verified all right . but that sure dont make it always true my friend .
I seen errors . We better watch out and take heed that is not men who have been leading us astray
and twisting doctrines to fit their own beliefs . Just a real friendly , but needful , reminder .
Keep preaching!
Till the last breath ebbs out these lungs . THE CHRIST of GOD shall be pointed to and HE alone on this lambs watch .
And as you already know that means ALL things HE did teach , as well as the prophets , the apostels
and all biblical lovely pure and holy truth . Its a war my friend .
And a trogan horse of peace has come within christendom to seduce this people from within .
and as men slept the decievers arose and came from within said horse of peace
and have taken a strong hold upon the doors of every church it has entered into .
Stay DUG in the bible my friend .
All Jews whether or not they are believers in Yeshua are expected to be a blessing to others and the nations of the world.
We see that in the 24% of all Noble Prize winners since 1900 were Jewish ✡️, but the Jewish race only makes up only .2% of the world population. Oppenheimer, Einstein, Zuckerberg (Facebook) and Jonas Salk the creator of the polio vaccine to name a few.
All Jews whether or not they are believers in Yeshua are expected to be a blessing to others and the nations of the world.
We see that in the 24% of all Noble Prize winners since 1900 were Jewish ✡️, but the Jewish race only makes up only .2% of the world population. Oppenheimer, Einstein, Zuckerberg (Facebook) and Jonas Salk the creator of the polio vaccine to name a few.
Zuckerberg likely took credit for someone else's design and work. Einstein also seems to have been propped up as a celebrity figure while also being represented as this top scientist. Though, he probably still was a good scientist. My point is that things are not always as they seem. The essential idea is that the praise of men is tenuous. There also have been things apparently revealed about Mother Teresa to show she was not doing a good work. So we have to avoid making heroes of any one.
Zuckerberg likely took credit for someone else's design and work. Einstein also seems to have been propped up as a celebrity figure while also being represented as this top scientist. Though, he probably still was a good scientist. My point is that things are not always as they seem. The essential idea is that the praise of men is tenuous. There also have been things apparently revealed about Mother Teresa to show she was not doing a good work. So we have to avoid making heroes of any one.
I'm not making heroes out of anyone. I am stating history which can not be denied. I could have listed more names but you get the point.
I'm not making heroes out of anyone. I am stating history which can not be denied. I could have listed more names but you get the point.
Sure. you can be an advocate. It's nice you are doing your part to bless the world
Funny. I see this thread is in the Evangelism section. I don't know if it was moved or if I just started the thread here.

Purple text is added later
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You about to learn a real good thing my friend . so pray and ponder about these next words .
The scripture came NOT FROM the hebrew , but rather TO THEM . Its not hebrew scripture .
ITS GOD INSPIRED SCRIPTURE that was first given to the hebrew . the sooner we realize the flesh profits nothing
the better off we gonna have been for doing so .
This is not to condemn you , its simply for your good .
I know the Hebrew Scripture is Authored by the Spirit of God.
I know that the Spirit of God spoke His Word to be given to the Hebrew people and ONLY the Hebrew people.
Circumstances like God addressing Abimelech, king of Gerar, in a dream about his taking Abe's wife, Sarah, after being told she was his sister notwithstanding.
The possession of God's Word is given to the Hebrew people (children of Israel) for their safekeeping and to be obeyed. Were they always faithful? No. But God is the One who is faithful and will bring His plan for this chosen people to completion and the end result of creation is to and for that goal. God has no covenant with non-Hebrews. Therefore, He is not obligated in any way to save non-Hebrews. They are His enemy through and through. And in the end non-Hebrews will be destroyed.
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