The Soteriology of Ignorance: Why to Preach?

Thanks for your candid post.
It may surprise you that Muslims worship the same God that you and I worship.
The Only Creator and Sustainer of the Universe. The one you and I pray every day. The one in which we live, move and have our existence.
The Only and True God, that Jesus said to be The Father. The One Jesus called "My God" five times in the Bible. The one he prostrated towards, with his face on the ground, more or less like Muslims do.

So, a good Muslim has no God other than God. That's the first and most important tenet of their faith.

But going back to the topic, if that Muslim lady were having as god other god, say, popularity, money, pleasures, fashion, etc. she wouldn't be bearing the fruits of the spirit.
So, by showing the fruits of the Spirit, this Muslim lady proves that she has no god other than God.

Remember: According to Jesus, whose words you treasure, you should judge the tree by its fruits, not by its creed. Satan can confess a perfect creed, and that doesn't save him.
You are mistaken.

The Quran is a selective copy and paste job of the OT with fundamental changes, it's how you create a new religion, create a holy book and voila. They even borrowed Jesus from Christianity but made Him null and void, no single word of Him is in the Quran.

John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

There is no other way.
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