The Bible teaches that condemnation resides not in having sincere, honest doubts on the veracity of something that is preached to you.
Condemnation resides in rejecting the truth because it would imply to leave asides our bad habits, bad behaviors. Let's read the text:
"And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, "lest" his deeds should be exposed." (John 3:18-20)
This is one of my favorite Scriptures. But you left off an important part of the message Jesus was giving us in these Scriptures. Please allow me to include it for our examination and discussion.
21 But he that "doeth truth" cometh to the light, "that" his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
So as a sinner, who in times past "walked according to the course (including religions) of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in "the children of disobedience", I understand that I, like Paul, love darkness.
But I don't want to know God's Truth. And I believe God's Word is Truth and the Truth can be found written in scriptures that Paul said were trustworthy "for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works".
John 17: 17 Sanctify them through "thy" truth: "thy" word "is truth".
The Jesus "of the Bible", who I believe is the Light of the world, says to "Live by" Every Word of God, or as we have just shown, Every Word "of Truth". And it is this truth that sets men free from deception.
I do this for the very purpose of exposing my deeds, that they are no longer hidden from the Light, but are made manifest "For the very purpose" of finding out if they are wrought in God (His Truth) or Not.
In this way, my definition of Good, Holy, Clean, and Just, are the same as God's and His Sons and all the members of God's Church shown to us in Scriptures.
John 17: 21 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. 22 And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:
23 I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.
It is the prevalent thought in many sectarian businesses, that "light" means the correct creed and "darkness" the mistaken creed.
This is so convenient for their leaders, because they want people to remain in their particular sect on account on the false security of being "in the light" or "in the truth" that can only be offered by subscribing to the right, orthodox view. By doing that wicked leaders ensure access to their minds and pocket$ and keep competitors at bay. (Leaving the sect to adhere to a competitor church equals apostasy).
What I advocate, and I believe Paul did as well, is to separate ourselves from the entire religious system, or "course" of this world, including the "Creeds or Doctrines" they promote and use to compete with one another for contributing members. To "Come out of her" altogether and "yield ourselves" to God and HIS Word which is truth. Why would a man want to adopt the philosophies of a religion who transgresses God's Commandments, Judgments and statues, is favor of their own manmade doctrines, images of God in the likeness of man, their own traditions, high days, etc.
Whose tradition is it partake of this world's religious businesses "who profess to know God"? Where is it written in scriptures that a man must consider all the religious businesses and sects of this world, and then choose one to adopt, financially support, and promote to others?
This tradition is not promoted in the Holy scriptures, and yet it is adopted by so many?
But if we examine the passage, light and darkness are determined by the kind of life the person lives... the deeds.
But who defined Light and Darkness for Abraham, Jesus, for Paul, for Moses, for David? Do we submit to the Popes "definitions"? Perhaps Wesley, or Miller, or White, or Russell, or Smith, or Mírzá Husayn ʻAlí Núrí.
Shall a man choose to believe Jesus Words here, but not believe His Words spoken in another place?
So, one thing is to reject religion X on the basis of a critical review of their doctrines and practices (regardless of how accurate or successful that review ends up being).
Another thing is to reject religion X because we want to remain sleeping around with people who are not our spouses, and thinking only in making money, which the God presented by religion X demands us to quit.
And there is another "Thing" my friend Pancho. To reject every religious business or sect of this world whose philosophies and traditions cause those who adopt them to transgress the commandments of God. To "Yield oneself" to God's Definition, according to Holy Scriptures, of what is Holy, what is Clean, what is Good and what is Evil, as opposed to "yielding oneself" to "another voice" in the garden God placed us in.
Yes, it is a path less traveled. Yes, the religious businesses of this world would reject such a life, along with the merchants of the world who wax rich through their manmade high days and religious traditions of man, their manmade shrines of worship, their images of God in the likeness of men, etc.
Does it matter? How can I possibly know? And isn't this by design, that the Salvation of God is through Faith in Him? The kind of Faith that was in Christ Jesus?
And what would I say to Him if I followed this world's religious system and rejected His Judgments? I didn't know! I wasn't shown! I was ignorant!
But what is the Truth if I did this? The truth is I simply believed in this world's religious sects and businesses, and didn't believe God's Word.