He that believes and is not water baptised is saved

My salvation is built on what Jesus did on the cross god's plan of salvation. You are the one that's in the works with your brain function and your tongue flapping.
If you were speaking to me face-to-face, you would be in the process of working. We would be arguing face-to-face. You wouldn’t have to flap your hands or anything. Your brain would be telling your mouth what to say. That is a work in progress. That’s exactly what you did to save yourself. You saved yourself by a spirit led work.
If you do not say the name of Jesus during water baptism, you do not obey Acts 2:38. Question, do you actually say “I baptize you in the name of Jesus Christ”?

If you do, excellent. Edit by admin
That's legalism. God looks at the heart.
Colossians 3:17 says: "Whatever you do in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, ..."
So Truther, when you get up, do you actually say, "I now get up in the name of Jesus Christ"? "I now brush my teeth in the name of Jesus Christ." "Now I make some eggs in the name of Jesus Christ" "I now will breathe in the name of Jesus Christ."

That is sheer ignorance and legalism, just like your statement above is. Is a person loves Jesus and obeys Him, then everything they do is actually done in His name, including baptism.
That's a lie from the Pit of Hell.
Paul was not speaking of the old testament works when he said we are not saved by works? Was he also saying we’re not saved by thinking and confessing? Or did he tell us we can only think and confess as a work?
That's legalism. God looks at the heart.
Colossians 3:17 says: "Whatever you do in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, ..."
So Truther, when you get up, do you actually say, "I now get up in the name of Jesus Christ"? "I now brush my teeth in the name of Jesus Christ." "Now I make some eggs in the name of Jesus Christ" "I now will breathe in the name of Jesus Christ."

That is sheer ignorance and legalism, just like your statement above is. Is a person loves Jesus and obeys Him, then everything they do is actually done in His name, including baptism.
I say, in the name of Jesus all day long. I like to. I consider myself one of the people of the name of Jesus.
Now, to summarize what we’re talking about. Let’s say it again. When Paul said we are not saved by works, he was talking about the old Testament. He was not talking about spirit led works. Every thing you’ve ever learned just went out the door.
No, that's false. Yes, he was speaking of works of the law, but also every other work that we could depend on that we think might earn us our salvation - such as baptism or even confessing Jesus as Lord - those are good works and commanded by God, but they won't save us.
No, that's false. Yes, he was speaking of works of the law, but also every other work that we could depend on that we think might earn us our salvation - such as baptism or even confessing Jesus as Lord - those are good works and commanded by God, but they won't save us.
At what point is thinking and speaking going from a non-work to a work? Is it depending on the decibel level of your voice?
My son in Boise Idaho sits at a computer and thinks and speaks to his customers without waving his hands or flailing. He gets paid over 100 grand a year to do this. Am I going to have to tell his boss that he’s not working at all?
When you confess and believe that is not a work? Sounds like thinking and speaking to me. I’m gonna have to call your boss.
When your brain shows activity and functions into a thought and your mouth speaks, that thought that is work in progress. How could you guys not realize that?
If thinking is a work, then Romans 4:1-5 is meaningless. By that reasoning, breathing is a work, our hearts pumping is a work. You've taken this to another level - called the bondage and enslavement of legalism, just like the Pharisees did.
If thinking is a work, then Romans 4:1-5 is meaningless. By that reasoning, breathing is a work, our hearts pumping is a work. You've taken this to another level - called the bondage and enslavement of legalism, just like the Pharisees did.
Now we’re getting somewhere. When Paul spoke of salvation by works, he was directly speaking about the Pharisees and the Lawyers trying to save themselves by the Old Testament law. We are not saved by the works of the Old Testament law. We are saved by Spirit led works, this would include obeying Acts 2:38 and walking in the Spirit.
  • "Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified".

You are in extreme bondage. Jesus Himself did everything in the name of His Father. But did He go around saying, "I now walk in the name of My Father - I now will preach in the name of My Father - I now eat in the name of My Father - I now think in the name of My Father? Of course not, He was not legalistic, like you are.

As we said before, Acts 2:38 is your savior - not Jesus. Jesus delivered us from the law, not Acts 2:38.
You are in extreme bondage. Jesus Himself did everything in the name of His Father. But did He go around saying, "I now walk in the name of My Father - I now will preach in the name of My Father - I now eat in the name of My Father - I now think in the name of My Father? Of course not, He was not legalistic, like you are.

As we said before, Acts 2:38 is your savior - not Jesus. Jesus delivered us from the law, not Acts 2:38.
Acts 2:38 directly connects us to Jesus....

Jesus died, we repent.

Jesus was buried, we are baptized(buried) in his name.

Jesus rose from the dead, we receive the Holy Ghost.

We are delivered from the Law this way.

This is exactly how we "follow Christ".

If you do not obey Acts 2:38, you are following fallable man, not Christ.

We follow Christ though his death, burial and resurrection(Acts 2:38).

Not via "confession". You can't confess your way through the death, burial and resurrection process.
Faith is not works. To be sure, a “faith” wrongly understood to be something it isn’t might be “works.” But so long as one means what the Bible means by faith, the Bible itself is the basis for this absolute distinction.

Then salvation by faith is not salvation by works. One may deny salvation by faith on some other grounds, if he wishes. Like his view of depravity, for example, or his view of election, but the very thing he cannot do is deny it by equating it with salvation by works.

Scripture prevents that equation. The very places we learn that salvation is not by works are the places we learn that it is by faith.

And salvation by faith is in perfect harmony with salvation by grace. Once again, it is the Scripture that teaches us this; indeed, salvation is by faith in order that it may be according to grace.
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